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Haha, that's awesome.


Haha, crazy people. Just found out that one of the achievements is to complete it on EXTREME mode!!! Reading some of the stories on various websites and it seems impossible.

Dont know what he's talking about in the post above, iv never used my wireless controler with a wire.


Well if you're controller runs out when you're playing you need to plug in the play and charge kit, which means its wired again.

Anybody got Madden 07? Thinking of picking it up tomorrow, to quench my current NFL thirst.


Superstar mode is a fantastic, really addictive single player mode. If you intend in playing more multiplayer, I'd get the Wii version (if you have one). The minigames in the Wii version, especially 2 vs 2, make up for the downfalls.

Gah the last boss on Gears of War contradicts the rest of the game. Its been easy up until now.


Lol, I found the last boss quite hard. Took me about 5-6 attempts.


Papaerboy was one of my most played games as a kid back on the Sega Master System. Can't wait to re-live it again AND EARN ACHIEVEMENTS!!!.

Gah the last boss on Gears of War contradicts the rest of the game. Its been easy up until now.


I got lucky with the final boss, he ended up getting stuck against a crate and couldn't move, so all i had to do was blast away at him at my leisure!

Guest Stefkov
Well annoyed. I've been playing PES6 on live, I got hammered first two games (5-2 then 5-0), the next two I lost 1-0. So I get a fifth game, I was 2-0 up, the **** start pissing about. Then the game froze, so now I have a 0:5 win:loss ratio.

Just keep trying you'll eventually come up against someone whos never played before, and beat them.

My copy of Table Tennis just arrived ( £14.99 gameplay ) Hopefully it will be as good as everyone said, saying that for that price I cant complain.

If you want to give me a game at some point let me know. I haven't played it in a while and never played it online much but it'd be good for us two to :smile:

Got back into Dead Rising and now that i've progressed further from where I was stuck i'm enjoying it again.

Anyone know how many points Worms is going to cost to download?


Can someone explain how to chainsaw in Gears of War! I can do it easily in single player but I've only managed to pull it off twice online...is it different or is it just me!? (Iwouldn't be suprised if it was me!)


Anyone have any other tip for online cos I'm pretty turd!


Is there any way to copy music from an external HardDrive to the 360 cos at the mo I'm just playing it straight of the HD!?


Hold down B, preferably when the target is either unaware of you, or has just jammed their gun. If you get shot while revving it, you stop revving it, but this problem can be overcome by repeatedly pressing RT to rev it faster-the gun wont drop even if you get shot.


Picked up Madden today, started a Franchise game (Go Pats!), played a pre-season game to familurise myself with the controls and beat Atalana 27 - 14. So I sim'd it to the First week, at home to Buffalo Bills. in the 4th quarter I was winning 35-7, but I somehow let it slip to 35 - 28, but with the last second on the clock I made an interception and ran pretty much the length of the pitch and converted the field goal to make the scoreline a bit more respectable.

Can someone explain how to chainsaw in Gears of War! I can do it easily in single player but I've only managed to pull it off twice online...is it different or is it just me!? (Iwouldn't be suprised if it was me!)


Anyone have any other tip for online cos I'm pretty turd!


Is there any way to copy music from an external HardDrive to the 360 cos at the mo I'm just playing it straight of the HD!?


My tip is to play against me, I'm rubbish. Anyone up for a Live game Saturday? Can't wait to see Gears on my shiny new TV.


Also Daft, I've just noticed you've got PGR3, I'm up for a couple of online races some time this week if you want.

Hold down B, preferably when the target is either unaware of you, or has just jammed their gun. If you get shot while revving it, you stop revving it, but this problem can be overcome by repeatedly pressing RT to rev it faster-the gun wont drop even if you get shot.


Ahhh! I see! Will try it out! Thanks!: peace:

Guest Stefkov
Picked up Madden today, started a Franchise game (Go Pats!), played a pre-season game to familurise myself with the controls and beat Atalana 27 - 14. So I sim'd it to the First week, at home to Buffalo Bills. in the 4th quarter I was winning 35-7, but I somehow let it slip to 35 - 28, but with the last second on the clock I made an interception and ran pretty much the length of the pitch and converted the field goal to make the scoreline a bit more respectable.

I really wanted to get Madden, but then thought theres one every year why would this be that much different. Have you tried online at all? I'm curious as to what stuff they have for it if any.

My tip is to play against me, I'm rubbish. Anyone up for a Live game Saturday? Can't wait to see Gears on my shiny new TV.


Also Daft, I've just noticed you've got PGR3, I'm up for a couple of online races some time this week if you want.

I'd like to play on Saturday.

I really wanted to get Madden, but then thought theres one every year why would this be that much different. Have you tried online at all? I'm curious as to what stuff they have for it if any.


Havent worked up the courage to play it online yet. And I dont think I will for a couple of weeks, I can envisage me getting utterly spanked online until i've got the hang of it more.


I only bought it because I watched the playoffs last weekend and it put me in the mood for some NFL. So I went into town at lunchtime today and told myself if it was less than £30 I would buy it. Game had a preowned version for £25 (I only buy preowned EA games because I hate them as a business, so im not making them any richer buy getting a preowned copy) and I had a fiver on my Game card which made it £20. But so far its as enjoyable as every Madden Game ever, Didnt play 2006 but theres a fair few new things compared to 2005 which I played on the PS2.


Edit: Worth a go if you can get it for less then full price I would say.


Totally off topic but I just read you like the Pats, for shame. Hope Manning gives you a tanning next week but due to his seasonal playoff jitters its very unlikely. Im hoping Saints go all the way...DESTINY!


Played a bit of Table Tennis today, started getting the hang of the controls. Methinks this is a game I will dip in and out of.

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