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I kinda agree with Bardy here. Guitar Hero is like every other rythm game, but the "romance" (for want of a better word) surrounding the guitar gives it extra sales. Most people playing know it's nothing like a real guitar. I'm terrible with a real guitar, yet can outplay my cousin who plays at a near proffessional level.


But that doesn't make it a bad game.


Being good at Dance Dance Revolution doesn't make you a good dancer. Being good at Donkey Konga doesn't make you good at drumming.




But I'm wondering, has anything been said about the Xplorer guitar being useable for Rock Band? I have no doubt RB will be better than GH3, but I ain't spending another £70 for another guitar for essentially a new song set, especially if I can't multiplayer with it. I'd rather just buy the game and use the Xplorer.

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Harmonix have said the GH2 guitar will work with Rock band. The other 5 buttons are used during whatever roack bands star power equivilant will be. Instead of the main 5 buttons. But as they're the same colours you would assume the system will ralise you have the Explorer and adjust itself accordingly.

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Well I got a promo copy of Dirt for £20 and I am enjoying it but I still think some of the cars are way too floaty. sometimes it feels like you're driving a fish across a lake of ice, the car just swings left and right as if it's trying to throw you out of it. And the braking time of 60-0 in one second is very silly!


It is good they left out actual multi-player races over xbox live as it would be more like bumper cars.


I think Rallisport 2 on xbox is better than this game you know.

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Ohh pretty.

Guitar for Rock Band. What is that game, someone elses attempt at a Guitar Hero or the next GH?


Harmonix (the developers who made Guitar Hero) are now doing Rock Band whilst Activision bought the Guitar Hero name from Red Octane and are now making Guitar Hero 3 (and calling Rock Band a GH ripoff ;) )

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Guest Stefkov
Harmonix (the developers who made Guitar Hero) are now doing Rock Band whilst Activision bought the Guitar Hero name from Red Octane and are now making Guitar Hero 3 (and calling Rock Band a GH ripoff ;) )

Thankyou, that's all I wanted to know.

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Guest Jordan

Guitar Hero 3 looks like shit. They're fucked around with the timing, the multiplayer, the combo meter. Everything and now it looks daft.


Then theres Rock Band, where basically, they're milking us dry for accessories and probably insane lag on the online play.


Either way, we're fucked.

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I have just finished playing the Overlord demo and im pretty impressed with it. Its like an evil version of Pikmin, with a visual style that mixes Oblivion and Kameo. Shame I have many games to play and The Darkness on the way or I would have picked this up.


Also, I downloaded the Transformers The Game intro from marketplace (US one havent checked if its on the Euro one) and I really cant wait for that game, or the movie!

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Guitar Hero 3 looks like shit. They're fucked around with the timing, the multiplayer, the combo meter. Everything and now it looks daft.


Then theres Rock Band, where basically, they're milking us dry for accessories and probably insane lag on the online play.


Either way, we're fucked.


Not if we don't buy them we're not.


Is there a chance of Encore : Rock the 80's coming to 360?


Probably as DLC for GH2.

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Guest Stefkov

Why in gods name do I have a 7 on the end of my gamerscore. That will never go will it? Unless I somehow manage to get 3 points.

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