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Revolution Name revealed? (Nintendo Bluewave!)


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Plus what's with 'blu'. Spell it right for godsake.

We dont know if the name is real yet, so go tell that to those who invented Blu ray.


EDIT: I now believe this name is fake, every were i've looked theres no reporting about Nintendo power giving out the revolutions final name by mistake. Im only hearing it on this forum only.

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I think it's fake now aswell since I now know anyone can change Wikipedia.



It's such a dumb system, you mean I cold go and be really sad, and edit the ps3 section to say it includes a function to grill meat? I suprissed the whole thing isn't just full of made up crap.

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It's such a dumb system, you mean I cold go and be really sad, and edit the ps3 section to say it includes a function to grill meat? I suprissed the whole thing isn't just full of made up crap.

The hardcore fans would change the informaition so it's right,though they might not change that you can grill meat :P

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Unless you log in it leaves you ip on show...not something to do from a home computer...(maybe school)-lol, I am so tempted to go and add loads of randomness to stuff, but I won't; The system wouldn't work if everyone was just stupid about it.

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thought it was crap right from the start. inserting any colour into the name of a system is stupid. especially with nintendo enjoying the release of different coloured consoles/controllers.

(lets play the BlueWave... my one happens to be red...)


and ANYTHING which has wikipedia related to it is bad to believe. Shino had hit the nail on the head with his first couple of posts, and Wikis unreliablility.

my advice to everyone, is be sceptical of everything, and just wait for official announcements! i mean, i know you all enjoy getting all excited about rumours and stuff... but patience is a virtue! it will be a lot more exciting waiting for Shigeru Miyamoto to get up on the stage at E3, dressed up as a blue wave...

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It's not going to be real. The Nintendo GO is currently far more real sounding than this, because of the whole being 5 in Japanese thing and suggests movement. Bluewave has nothing to do with the motion sensors or anything, unless you want to suggest wave means waving your arm and blue means the blue ocean strategy but I doubt they'd do that.

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ooo i brought this name up when people was saying it was called nintendo redwave on that tape thing on the internet, it was talking about red steel. I was making up that it meant nintendo bluewave..........and now this! lol if you dont beleive me go to the thread about the first revo screenshots.

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:bouncy: Did you manage to unlock her? If you did i would want to ram her :p

Of course I did! Wikipedia never lies. They just removed it from Wikipedia because they didn't want people knowing of the character's existence in the game is all.

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