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SO that 3 episode finale to Season 3.... AMAZING


The last 5 eps of season 3 really kicked things up a notch in comparison to the eps that came before.


Martha even got loads better... even though it was at the end :heh:


Loved seeing Captain Jack return too, thought it was odd The Doctor just abandoned him after Rose revived him... also damned at that "Face of Boe" implication :D I had wondered why Boe refered to the Doctor as "Old Friend" as if he met him a lot longer than the 3 times we saw them meet. :D


The Master too was just awesome! :D

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Onto ep 7 of Season 4 now (The Doctors Daughter)


Really enjoying the season 4, definately better than the first half of Season 3.


The first ep with Kylie Monogue was cool, shame Kylie didn't get to stay around as a full time companion.


When Donna returned in next ep and I realised she was gonna be the next companion I was a little disappointed at first cause I didn't think much of her in her one and only ep i season 3 but she has been very good and better than Martha, wasn't expecting that haha.


The ep in Pompey was great (though it felt weird seeing ancient Rome characters not using words like fuck, cock, arse and cunt.... I enjoyed watching Spartacus :wink: haha). Though Donna had a great moment when she was pleading with The Doctor to save even one person from the Volcano. And surprised that she convinced him, got a feeling Martha wouldn't have been able to get him to turn back... Rose might have though :)


Just finished the double ep with the Sontarans, those guys were cool, like Klingons but small haha.

Loved the reference to the double ep from season one with the Gas Mask kid when The Doctor put on a gas mask and asked the General "Are you My Mommy?" (Incidently that was one of my fav eps in season 1 too).


The Ood ep I enjoyed too... though was hoping The Devil would be involved again cause that was one of my fav eps in season 2 haha.


Oh and what is with the quick Billie Piper cameos, surprised as hell when she appeared at end of ep2 here, then she just vanished. Spotted a quick glimpse of her then in ep6 on the TARDIS screen. Obviously this will prolly be a running thing for awhile till the finale I guess. Can't wait to see Rose return even if it is just for a few eps :D




Ok just finished the ep "The Doctors Daughter"... glad to see she regenerated (sans face change, yay, she be HOT)... though I just went to IMDB to see what else the actress has been in as I thought she looked familiar and spoted she's not credited for any other Doctor Who eps (not counting some animated TV mini-series where she voiced a difference character).... how has she not reappeared in the 5 years since this ep :mad:


ah well

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Well, David Tennant did marry her.




Lol, that is weird from a viewers point of view alright.


Plus there's like 13 years of an age gap, big age gaps like that always weird me out... I always think "so when he was 20 she was 7" :heh:


But hey fair play to them both :D



Anyway watched two more eps last night when the baby woke up and wouldn't sleep so I took the oppurtunity to watch in bed on my Gamepad. Was another double ep, the one with The Library. Excellent eps (even though I near enough figured out about the girl right wat) and that new character of River Song....



hhmmm just realise I haven't been using spoiler tags? Should I?


I'll start now just in case


.....very interesting introducing another time traveller who in "her past" knows the Doctor very well but the first time he meets her is the last time she meets him...damn that must be a mind frak for the doctor when next they meet, looking forward to seeing her reappear hopefully won't be too long. Should be good.


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Lol, that is weird from a viewers point of view alright.


Well, The Doctor's daughter, who is played by The Doctor's daughter, is now married to The Doctor, which means that The Doctor is now The Doctor's father-in-law.

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Wow, all the eps after the Library double ep were just fantastic.


"Midnight" like a psycological horror. Just thrilling. The end when it looked like The Doctor was gonna get tossed out of the bus was just so tense. You could feel the fear and panic in the other characters.


"Turn Left", wow just wow.

Donna carried that ep so well. From not liking her much in her first appearance to getting worried when she became a proper companion she ended up become just fantastic as a companion. And of course the return of Rose was WOOT... though a little sad she didn't get to reunite with The Doctor....but funny how she seemed to become "Doctor-like" herself in how she didn't tell anyone her name and how she knew stuff.



Then the double ep finale, which at first I didn't know was the finale as the Netflix listing had 4 more eps after that. Did think at the end "oh that felt like a season finale" then watched the next ep and realised it was a Xmas special which normally Netflix has as the first ep of a season. Took to Wikipedia to check an episode listing and found out about the one year break in 2009 where they just aired a few "specials" instead.


But my gods were those two eps just AWESOME and then at the end :cry:



Can't believe they brought back everyone wasn't expecting that, even when Rose reappeared I still never expected to see Mickey and Jackie, though I hoped they might appear for a cameo at the end but awesome to see them both appear near enough at the start of Journeys End. Oh and the Regeneration that wasn't. Very interesting, thought this would be when Matt Smith would take over but then The Doctor does his trick with his severed hand, haha :D


Was feeling sorry for Rose when he started to regenerate, she'd finally gotten back to him only to in a sense lose him near right away. Happy he was able to stay who he was.

Oh and speaking of which, the scene at the end of Stolen Earth when The Doctor and Rose first see each other and start running to each other *happy tears* :cry:


Then up to the end and the Doctor-Clone and then Doctor-Donna.... BRILLIANT. Man I was so looking forward to seeing more eps with Donna like that, then I realised she wouldn't be able to stay like that for long. I thought at first she was actually gonna die and The Doctor was saying sorry cuase he couldn't save her. Then I realised he was planning something and thought he was just gonna revert her back to normal and they'd continue on... then I realised about the total memory wipe :cry:


So sad, that was worse than how Rose was left at the end of season 2 I thought. At least Rose had the memories of her adventures and what she's experienced. Poor Donna had everything taken away :(


Oh and of course Rose and Doctor-Clone. Nice way to give proper closure to Rose' story and have her be happy. Though still a bit sad that the original Doctor had to leave her go again, but I guess at least he knows she's in safe hands?


Maybe one day Tate might reprise the role of Donna and she'll get her happy ending and her memories back.... I can hope can't I? :(



Watched the Xmas special "The Next Doctor" just now too, very good. Thought from the title it would be Matt Smiths first appearance, was confused then when Walking Deads Governor appeared haha. Was weird seeing him play a good guy, kept waiting for him to be revealed as The Master (or some other similar bad Time Lord) whose lost his memory again haha.

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Mokong you are going to absolutely love the upcoming 'specials' SO much!! :D


They just get better and better!! :)


Well as said previously I fully enjoyed the special "The Next Doctor" loved that one, and nice to have a Christmas special in a different setting even though it was still London enjoyed it took place in the past rather than "present".


Today watched "Planet of the Dead", to be honest found that one a bit average, supporting cast weren't great and the desert location felt a bit dull :(


BUT just finished "The Water on Mars", WOW, that was awesome. Loved The Doctor struggling with his instinct to stay and experience what is going on with his morality of not interfering with major historical events. Then towards the end when he has that realisation and slight character change... equal parts shocking, scary and yet still awesome.


That moment also felt like it really showed why The Doctor needs a companion, someone to help anchor him down so he won't get power drunk.


The end then when he'd realised what he'd done, just a great performance too from Tennant, wonderfull.


Tempted to watch the double ep "The End of Time" but gotta be up earlyish in morning..... hhhmmm

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Was about to watch it then battery on my Gamepad went low. (watching on gamepad in bed)Guess I forgot to charge it today usually get a good 4-5 eps off full charge.


Must be a sign to leave it till tomorrow so. I could use my phone but Netflix is shit on my phone. Video and Audio keep goin out of sync so not gonna use that. Best go to sleep then I guess.

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Just finished "The End of Time"


WOW, just WOW



The whole episode(s) had me gripped, the mystery, the revival of The Master, the Master changing everyone on the planet... Donna almost nearly going into meltdown, for a moment I thought she might remember and become a kind of "Bad Wolf" like Rose and save the day, shame she remains oblivious :(


Then the revelation of the Time Lords... didn't expect that... also didn't expect them to be genocidal maniacs wanting to bring about the end of everything for their own personal gain. Always thought they would be like the "Ancients" from Stargate... turns out they wanted to become like the "Ori" I guess, haha.


Also really good to find out about what the drums were The Master kept hearing.


And then what a performance from Tennant, especially towards the end.


The realisation of the "Knock 4 times" when it turned out to not be what we thought it was, just a heartbreaking moment.

The Doctors big speech about how he could have left Will there but you knew he was not that kind of man. The pure emotion coming through his face, while the actor may have been ready to leave the show (I read it was Tennants choice to leave, that right yeah?), fully believed the character wanted to hold on forever.


Moving forward then to The Doctor saying goodbye to all his companions, so sad :(

More so it felt like not only was The Doctor saying goodbye but the characters were also being given a chance to say goodbye too.

Provide me a minor spoiler... do any of them turn up during Mat Smiths tenure as the Doctor? Be sad to think he might have forgotten about them all... even if would just reference them to show he remembers would be nice?


And really awesome to see Rose too, I was thinking maybe we wouldn't see her, but The Doctor going back to a time just before he met her was awesome.


But man was that a REALLY REALLY long Regeneration? The previous two (including the one in Journeys End that didn't change him) happened right away...how come this one took so long?


Matt Smiths first bit was good too, trying to figure out who he was, counting his limbs, then getting confused by the long hair "Am I a girl?" (wonder does that mean it is possible for a Regeneration to also change genders... female Doctor at some future point maybe?) A little mention of "still not ginger", haha, you'd think they who hire a ginger actor someday... oh maybe a ginger female Doctor :heh:



Oh and who was the woman? I'm guess was she The Doctors mother maybe? That was the sense I kinda got? Was the other guy covering his face anyone significant then too? Also what was with the covering of faces... there was mention of the Weeping Angels too? Is that to say a Weeping Angel is actually a former Time Lord?



Righty just season 5 left on Netflix now, fingers cross they add 6 and 7 in the next few days (prolly unlikely) or I'll have to find them elsewhere

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David Tennant's regeneration took so long because of the nature of his death, he was slowly killed by radiation poisoning or something right, getting weaker and weaker, given him the time to go and say goodbye to everyone.


"... I don't want to go." :cry:


Nope, you won't see any of those companions or their families crop up during Matt Smiths time.


You will see a certain character reappear however.

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Oh and who was the woman?


You know in Human Nature/Family of Blood where The Doctor puts his memories into a pocket watch and lives as a human? The Doctor falls in love with a woman in those episodes. The woman he sees is her great-granddaughter.

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@Mokong search for Hola Unblocker - it's a plugin for Chrome and Firefox that let's you change regions. Canadian Netflix has up to Series 7 :)


Hhmm.. is that so... wonder if I can find DNS numbers to give me Canadian Netflix so... (I tend to watch Netflix on my WiiU... my laptop has the same annoyance as my phone, video and audio go out of sync, it bloody horrid to watch like that)


Will look into it when nearing end of season 5, cheers


Nope, you won't see any of those companions or their families crop up during Matt Smiths time.




So sad :(

Does he even remember them :(


You know in Human Nature/Family of Blood where The Doctor puts his memories into a pocket watch and lives as a human? The Doctor falls in love with a woman in those episodes. The woman he sees is her great-granddaughter.


Oh I knew who she was, haha


I meant the woman Time Lord that Will kept seeing and who looked at the Doctor at the end and he worked out to shoot he diamond white star thing.

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