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I'm unsure what you mean; what doesn't make sense? The chronology goes like this:


  • The War Doctor steals the Moment, intending to destroy Time Lords and Daleks alike and seal the entire Time War in a time lock.
  • Rassilon learns of this and, having grown mad with power, devises a plan involving the Master and a White-Point Star to create a way out of the (non-existent) time lock. This plan is stopped by the Tenth Doctor, and the Time Lords are sent back to the Time War.
  • The Moment shows the War Doctor what he will become, and the Doctors, aided by Clara, devise a plan to save Gallifrey by moving it to another dimension. The plan succeeds and the Daleks end up destroying themselves in the crossfire, but due to the Doctor crossing his own timeline, he is unable to remember the events of the crossover until he has caught up with all three versions, thus believing himself to have committed double genocide until then. The Time Lords know the Doctors saved them, hence them calling out to him to help them return.


Just to add to the above... Unless I am mistaken the Doctor was talking to the military leaders of galifrey in the day of the doctor and even they made a comment that the high council had their own plans (Rassilon - linking to the events of that ep) and I think they made a comment stating they didn't agree with it. The military just wanted to save the planet.


Rassilon had his own agenda for acceding time lords to a greater being or something didn't he?


So the events in End of Time was the high council 'acting alone' if that makes sense being lead by Rassilon. More like an evil leader.

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I'm unsure what you mean; what doesn't make sense? The chronology goes like this:


  • The War Doctor steals the Moment, intending to destroy Time Lords and Daleks alike and seal the entire Time War in a time lock.
  • Rassilon learns of this and, having grown mad with power, devises a plan involving the Master and a White-Point Star to create a way out of the (non-existent) time lock. This plan is stopped by the Tenth Doctor, and the Time Lords are sent back to the Time War.
  • The Moment shows the War Doctor what he will become, and the Doctors, aided by Clara, devise a plan to save Gallifrey by moving it to another dimension. The plan succeeds and the Daleks end up destroying themselves in the crossfire, but due to the Doctor crossing his own timeline, he is unable to remember the events of the crossover until he has caught up with all three versions, thus believing himself to have committed double genocide until then. The Time Lords know the Doctors saved them, hence them calling out to him to help them return.


Ok this is where I muddled up not seperating Rassilon with the rest of the time lords.


How do people think having a much older Doctor will affect the marketability of the show to kids? It's obviously largely been a younger hipper show since it's revival. Good thing or bad thing?

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Ok this is where I muddled up not seperating Rassilon with the rest of the time lords.


How do people think having a much older Doctor will affect the marketability of the show to kids? It's obviously largely been a younger hipper show since it's revival. Good thing or bad thing?

Thing about Peter Capaldi is that, even though he's in his 50s, he's very energetic so very little will actually change. When people think older, they think more sedate due to their age, but that won't be the case. The Doctor has been older much more than he has been younger and kids had no issues with it then.


Should all be good

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Thing about Peter Capaldi is that, even though he's in his 50s, he's very energetic so very little will actually change. When people think older, they think more sedate due to their age, but that won't be the case. The Doctor has been older much more than he has been younger and kids had no issues with it then.


Should all be good


I do agree with you in many respects. Peter Capaldi's weird stumble run around the TARDIS did show that very energetic older man. I used to love these strange other worldy older men of Classic Who and still do love it....watching Patrick Troughton episodes right now. Does the younger action focused Who change that though? It's something The War Doctor hinted at when he pointed out the others pointing their sonic screwdriver like a gun. I just wonder. I do think Matt Smith did a great job of being a younger man but still feeling older.

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I'm a little disappointed that the Day of the Doctor Blu ray doesn't also include either the Fiveish Doctors or An Adventures in Space and Time. Also the more I think about it the more I think Night of the Doctor should have been part of the actual episode. However I can see why it wasn't if the episode had started with that it would have confused the masses who didn't watch pre reboot days.

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I'm a little disappointed that the Day of the Doctor Blu ray doesn't also include either the Fiveish Doctors or An Adventures in Space and Time. Also the more I think about it the more I think Night of the Doctor should have been part of the actual episode. However I can see why it wasn't if the episode had started with that it would have confused the masses who didn't watch pre reboot days.


Is The Night Of The Doctor included on the disc?

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A bit annoyed that there doesn't appear to be a boxset for these two specials


Instead, they're doing a boxset, only way to get Time of the Doctor, with all past Matt Smith Christmas episodes...which I already own.


Now that is dumb....I was expecting a nice 50th anniversary box set with everything under the sun on it.


I think I may end up acquiring and burning to disc An Adventure in Time and Space and the Fiveish Doctors in case they never appear and become harder to find.

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Now that is dumb....I was expecting a nice 50th anniversary box set with everything under the sun on it.


I think I may end up acquiring and burning to disc An Adventure in Time and Space and the Fiveish Doctors in case they never appear and become harder to find.

Saw someone suggest this on Gallifrey Base as a 50th anniversary boxset. I would buy it in a heartbeat



The Night Of The Doctor

The Last Day

The Day Of The Doctor

+ Behind the scenes

+ Doctor Who Explained

+ San Diego Comic-Con trailer

+ 50th anniversary trailer

+ Trailers & TV spots



The Time Of The Doctor

Farewell To Matt Smith

+ Behind the scenes

+ Tales From The TARDIS

+ Trailers & TV spots

+ Strax's Field Reports [complete collection]



An Adventure In Space And Time

William Hartnell: The Original

+ Making Of

+ Reconstructions



The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot

The Science Of Doctor Who

Me, You And Doctor Who

The Ultimate Guide

12 Again

+ Video messages from The Afterparty

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Saw someone suggest this on Gallifrey Base as a 50th anniversary boxset. I would buy it in a heartbeat



The Night Of The Doctor

The Last Day

The Day Of The Doctor

+ Behind the scenes

+ Doctor Who Explained

+ San Diego Comic-Con trailer

+ 50th anniversary trailer

+ Trailers & TV spots



The Time Of The Doctor

Farewell To Matt Smith

+ Behind the scenes

+ Tales From The TARDIS

+ Trailers & TV spots

+ Strax's Field Reports [complete collection]



An Adventure In Space And Time

William Hartnell: The Original

+ Making Of

+ Reconstructions



The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot

The Science Of Doctor Who

Me, You And Doctor Who

The Ultimate Guide

12 Again

+ Video messages from The Afterparty


Exactly....what a fitting send off to Matt and celebration of the series.

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Is it just me, or does that makeup and hair make Clara look old?


You're right it does, definitely a good thing within the context of the show, also really liking the look of Peter Capaldi there as the Doctor. :)

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Righty confession time.


I ....*deep breath*.... have never .... *anotehr breath*.... watched Doctor Who *runs and hides* *instant loss of nerd points*


*shouts from behind cover*




*hopefully nerd points restored :D*



Haha, yeah so only started watching the good Doctor recently on Netflix. It was always something I knew I would enjoy but just never got round to watching (similar to Firefly, only watched that for first time last year). Never saw any of "Classic" Doctor Who as a kid and when the 2005 revival came about I had planned to watch it but don't know what happened, just missed it and never got round to catching up.



I still was somewhat familiar with teh Doctor even without having watched it though, prolly of course due to the interwebs, I had a general idea of what the show was about, I knew the Doctor wasn't human (only recently found out bout the two hearts though), I knew what the TARDIS was, regeneration and knew about some of his enemies, Daleks and Cybermen of course. But I still kept putting off getting round to it.


But with the whole 50th Anniversary happening end of last year, hearing/reading bout people watching the anniversary ep was unavoidable, piqued my interest once again.


Then after New Years, last week (or couple weeks ago) I was flipping through channels on Sky and spotted Watch TV were doing a load of Doctor Who specials. There were eps that each looked back at each Doctor so I watched those, they started at the very first Doctor and worked their way up. I watched everyone to get a quick idea of all the different doctors up to and including the 8th Doctor and stopped, cause I knew when teh show restarted in 2005, Christopher Eccleston was the 9th Doctor in that.


I always intended when I did finally get round to watching I'd start with the 2005 revival even though all the "classic" seasons are on Netflix too, but that would take me just AGES to get through :heh:


Anyway, started watching it a while ago and have been HOOKED, again I always knew I would enjoy it but for whatever reason I was just late to the party :)

Loved the first season, Eccleston was brilliant I thought as was Billie Piper (cue return of old tennage crush on Piper :D), was a fair bit surprised (and sad) to see Eccleston was only in it for the one season, but my what a season finale that was. Also was a little surprised the first ep didn't start with a return of the 8th Doctor and him regenerating into the 9th as that was what I was expecting but as it's gone on I'm guessing this is all part of a bigger story arc involving this War that keeps getting mentioned.....


David Tennet though brilliant also :D But then the 2nd season finale we lost Rose :( Thankfully they didn't go and kill her so I assume she might make some cameo appearences in the future. Again though epic season finale and they handled it very well, not just for Rose's farewell but for her family and Micky too.


I'm on season 3 now, currenty watching ep 7, was so glad that one Donna in the wedding dress in ep1 wasn't the new companion, thank frak for that!

Overall while still enjoyimg season 3 so far, I do think it's not quite as good as the first two... not sure if that's cause of the lack of Rose (Martha is pretty good though but yeah...she's no Rose) or if maybe the stories have dipped a bit? Eps5 and 6 with the Daleks in New York for example I didn't find as good as previous eps with the Daleks, didn't feel as threathing in those eps as they had before. But yeah still enjoying and continuing on.


Though I think Netflix only have 5 seasons up.... and a quick check on Wiki tells me there's 7.... hoepfullly Netfilx add the other 2 before I finish 5 or I'll have to find other means to watch :)


Anyway back to watching I go :D




Oh and is that spin-off Tourchwood worth a watch too?

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Yeah Martha is generally considered the weakest 'new' companion and Rose easily the best. Loved her. The season 2 finale was a tearjerker. Tennant and Rose were something quite special :)


However the one redeeming quality of Season 3 is Blink. Some peoples favorite episode ever. Enjoy ;)


Everyone has their favorite Doctor and for me it's David Tennant, I think he's sensational, the 50th anniversary is incredible.


Before you watch the 50th anniversary make sure you check this thread/Youtube to find out what happens to the 8th Doctor, it's not in an episode, but an online prequel.

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Righty confession time.


I ....*deep breath*.... have never .... *anotehr breath*.... watched Doctor Who *runs and hides* *instant loss of nerd points*


*shouts from behind cover*




*hopefully nerd points restored :D*



Haha, yeah so only started watching the good Doctor recently on Netflix. It was always something I knew I would enjoy but just never got round to watching (similar to Firefly, only watched that for first time last year). Never saw any of "Classic" Doctor Who as a kid and when the 2005 revival came about I had planned to watch it but don't know what happened, just missed it and never got round to catching up.



I still was somewhat familiar with teh Doctor even without having watched it though, prolly of course due to the interwebs, I had a general idea of what the show was about, I knew the Doctor wasn't human (only recently found out bout the two hearts though), I knew what the TARDIS was, regeneration and knew about some of his enemies, Daleks and Cybermen of course. But I still kept putting off getting round to it.


But with the whole 50th Anniversary happening end of last year, hearing/reading bout people watching the anniversary ep was unavoidable, piqued my interest once again.


Then after New Years, last week (or couple weeks ago) I was flipping through channels on Sky and spotted Watch TV were doing a load of Doctor Who specials. There were eps that each looked back at each Doctor so I watched those, they started at the very first Doctor and worked their way up. I watched everyone to get a quick idea of all the different doctors up to and including the 8th Doctor and stopped, cause I knew when teh show restarted in 2005, Christopher Eccleston was the 9th Doctor in that.


I always intended when I did finally get round to watching I'd start with the 2005 revival even though all the "classic" seasons are on Netflix too, but that would take me just AGES to get through :heh:


Anyway, started watching it a while ago and have been HOOKED, again I always knew I would enjoy it but for whatever reason I was just late to the party :)

Loved the first season, Eccleston was brilliant I thought as was Billie Piper (cue return of old tennage crush on Piper :D), was a fair bit surprised (and sad) to see Eccleston was only in it for the one season, but my what a season finale that was. Also was a little surprised the first ep didn't start with a return of the 8th Doctor and him regenerating into the 9th as that was what I was expecting but as it's gone on I'm guessing this is all part of a bigger story arc involving this War that keeps getting mentioned.....


David Tennet though brilliant also :D But then the 2nd season finale we lost Rose :( Thankfully they didn't go and kill her so I assume she might make some cameo appearences in the future. Again though epic season finale and they handled it very well, not just for Rose's farewell but for her family and Micky too.


I'm on season 3 now, currenty watching ep 7, was so glad that one Donna in the wedding dress in ep1 wasn't the new companion, thank frak for that!

Overall while still enjoyimg season 3 so far, I do think it's not quite as good as the first two... not sure if that's cause of the lack of Rose (Martha is pretty good though but yeah...she's no Rose) or if maybe the stories have dipped a bit? Eps5 and 6 with the Daleks in New York for example I didn't find as good as previous eps with the Daleks, didn't feel as threathing in those eps as they had before. But yeah still enjoying and continuing on.


Though I think Netflix only have 5 seasons up.... and a quick check on Wiki tells me there's 7.... hoepfullly Netfilx add the other 2 before I finish 5 or I'll have to find other means to watch :)


Anyway back to watching I go :D




Oh and is that spin-off Tourchwood worth a watch too?

Torchwood is decent enough, but not really up to Doctor Who quality. Its third season was absolutely amazing, however.

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oh man @Mokong you are in for a reall treat!


i'd be interested to see who ends up your favourite Doctor!

Rose was easily the best companion during the reboot (up to the point you've watched to) and i still think Tennant was/is my favourite Doctor who, thats not to say i think the others are crap, they all have their good and bad points


it will be interesting to read your thoughts on the series as you progress...i feel excited for you, because you have no idea of some of the awesome stories you are going to see

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Yeah Martha is generally considered the weakest 'new' companion and Rose easily the best. Loved her. The season 2 finale was a tearjerker. Tennant and Rose were something quite special :)


I think Martha seems to fall also in that here supporting characters (her family) are not as likable as the ones Rose had (her mom, Micky and later her dad).


Though Marthas mom seems to be getting involved in some sort of plan to catch the Doctor (I'm on ep 9 of season 3 now) so maybe those secondary characters will gain some interest but she's definatley no Jackie.


Before you watch the 50th anniversary make sure you check this thread/Youtube to find out what happens to the 8th Doctor, it's not in an episode, but an online prequel.


Oh interesting, cheers for the heads up. Do you have the links handy? Should I wait till after a certain ep to watch it (ie: would it cause spoilers for any future stories from where I am) or is it just recommended to watch after and before a certain ep?


it will be interesting to read your thoughts on the series as you progress...i feel excited for you, because you have no idea of some of the awesome stories you are going to see


Sounds just like me when I hear of someone watching BSG for teh first time :D

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Oh interesting, cheers for the heads up. Do you have the links handy? Should I wait till after a certain ep to watch it (ie: would it cause spoilers for any future stories from where I am) or is it just recommended to watch after and before a certain ep?
I would recommend watching it only before the 50th Anniversary episode because it's all part of that sequence of episodes, events and reveals ;)


Here you go man :)




Also, let us know when you watch Blink! :)

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I would recommend watching it only before the 50th Anniversary episode because it's all part of that sequence of episodes, events and reveals ;)


Here you go man :)




Also, let us know when you watch Blink! :)


Wicked cheers, will save that to my bookmarks.


Which is the Anniversary ep... I assume in season 7... think I read it's titled Day of the Doctor? Is that right?



And yeah just watched Blink :D


Started this afternoon watching the double ep before it (When The Doctor becomes John Smith in 1913), the first part dragged on a bit but the 2nd ep was brilliant, esepcially as it went on and with John Smith struggling with learning the truth of who he is. Loved the ending and what he did to the Family, really does show off the darker side to The Doctor that you can tell is just behind the smiles and laughs.


And then spotted Blink was the next ep so continued watching. My gods that was a good ep...and it barely even featured the Doctor and Martha at all, brilliant. The Weeping Angels were just scary as frak. Like Boo's from Mario but a Nightmare version. Felt a bit sorry for the other people that got sent back in time though. The Doctor has this big plan to get his TARDIS back so he can move on but the girl and the copper have to remain stuck where they are. I guess he can't really decide to change their fates given they are all "part of events" now.

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And then spotted Blink was the next ep so continued watching. My gods that was a good ep...and it barely even featured the Doctor and Martha at all, brilliant. The Weeping Angels were just scary as frak. Like Boo's from Mario but a Nightmare version. Felt a bit sorry for the other people that got sent back in time though. The Doctor has this big plan to get his TARDIS back so he can move on but the girl and the copper have to remain stuck where they are. I guess he can't really decide to change their fates given they are all "part of events" now.


:bites fist: oh man, you have no idea Mokong no idea what you've just said (not with out future spoilers)


I'd love to forget every episode and the rewatch them for the first time like you are

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Wicked cheers, will save that to my bookmarks.


Which is the Anniversary ep... I assume in season 7... think I read it's titled Day of the Doctor? Is that right?

Yeah it'll be the second to last episode you get to.


Series 7 ends with The Name of the Doctor,

then watch the Youtube prequel,

then it's the 50th Anniversary The Day of the Doctor

and then the Christmas special The Time of the Doctor.


oh man, you have no idea Mokong no idea what you've just said (not with out future spoilers)
haha, that's what I was thinking :p
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