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Doctor Who


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i was still hoping for Robert Lyndsay right up until the last minute, but i'm more than happy to see him play the doctor, and i'd be interested to see HOW he plays him.


I only warmed to Matt Smith during the finals of this series,i always felt he was too young, too like an energetic puppy (to nick a phrase from the montage of the reveal show) and it felt wrong for the Doctor, but he came into his own in the final episodes of this series. but i have to say i didn't like him in those interviews,he seemed off, dismissive, arrogant and immature - perhaps as people have said its because he regrets leaving already



I'm hopeful for the future....and the past....and space the other relative dimensions

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As I expected, there are calls across the internet saying BBC are sexist and racist for not choosing a woman or someone of a different ethnicity.




:cry: these god damn idiots really? do they cry about James Bond when he's recast? sure in theory the doctor "could" change race/gender but why should he just so PC groups are kept happy

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LOL yeah it's a joke. Equality just for the sake of it.


It's a male character as far as I'm concerned, it would just seem plain weird him suddenly regenerating into a woman... regardless of whether they've said it could happen. Is there actually any foundation in the Doctor who lore of time lords changing genders... or has it purely been said/implied to shut these people up.


Fine bring in a female timelord or something, do a spin-off, but don't just do it for the sake of it.

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I’ve already said before, I’d love a female doctor personally, but obviously his or her performance is my primary concern.


Oh, and someone in the Youtube comments pointed out something funny. On IMDB, check what his character’s name is in World War Z. Conspiracy!



Also, I hope he gets to keep his accent.

Edited by Sméagol
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In regards to a non white or non male Doctor, the problem is with episodes in the past. Doctor Who isn't really the kind of show for that kind of issues. At last not in a historical way - it's suited much more to using aliens to show morals in regards to stuff like that.

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In regards to a non white or non male Doctor, the problem is with episodes in the past. Doctor Who isn't really the kind of show for that kind of issues. At last not in a historical way - it's suited much more to using aliens to show morals in regards to stuff like that.


Well exactly, and then IF they have a non white or non male doctor the past episodes will not focus on the story they will either;

  • Split focus on the story line and how to deal with past discrimination


  • sideline the story altogether to focus on discrimination

  • Focus soley on the story and unrealistically have the PC history version where everyone got along for all time....



none of those will work for Doctor Who unless they plan on killing it

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Well exactly, and then IF they have a non white or non male doctor the past episodes will not focus on the story they will either;

  • Split focus on the story line and how to deal with past discrimination


  • sideline the story altogether to focus on discrimination

  • Focus soley on the story and unrealistically have the PC history version where everyone got along for all time....



none of those will work for Doctor Who unless they plan on killing it


This is a show that:


a) has a machine that can translate any language on the fly, so why can't it wash-away (or change the perception of) anyone who may have been discriminated about before? They've been all through time, let's face it there really should have been more of a hoot about the female companions (and their clothing) in certain periods, but its been ignored. Suspension of disbelief and all that.

b) explains away problems with expressions like "wibbly-wobbly".

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This is a show that:


a) has a machine that can translate any language on the fly, so why can't it wash-away (or change the perception of) anyone who may have been discriminated about before? They've been all through time, let's face it there really should have been more of a hoot about the female companions (and their clothing) in certain periods, but its been ignored. Suspension of disbelief and all that.

b) explains away problems with expressions like "wibbly-wobbly".

Even though it's about time travel, they have still tried to keep things realistic in regards to attitudes, actions and so forth.


In 2007, Freema Agyeman joined the cast as Martha Jones. Within that series, there were two episodes set in the past and they both had the characters from that time make reference; In "The Shakespeare Code", Martha herself referenced it, as did Shakespeare. Then, in Human Nature/Family of Blood, it's referenced again with people making fun of Martha for it, and talking down to her because of it.


These are alright once in a while, but if it were to happen in every episode, either they ignore it which is massively disrespectful, or it becomes an issue in every episode which would be tiresome and would detract from the point of the show.


It's really a tricky proposition.


Personally, I'm not against it if they can find the right balance, and they hired the actor for his merits alone, not based on skin colour.


Also, they have referenced the clothing warn in historical episodes on multiple occasions.

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I'd say just "talking down" to Martha is "massively disrespectful" when you consider what POC actually went through.


Have they done an epsiode based around Salem yet? i'm sure doctor who could make that interesting indeed


Boy Meets World already did it.


And Sabrina was in Sonic, which means Tails and Mr Feeney are part of the same universe.

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