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Why do they keep trying to build suspense that the doctor is going to die when they've already confirmed that Matt Smith will be back next season?


Well from there point of view they have showed the doctor that was killed as being a lot older (but not regenerated) from the 'current' one therefor he can still have many adventures before meeting his death.


I don't think that will happen but from a story point of view that could be the angle that they are going with. This death arc will obviously all play in and be sorted by this series end (maybe?)


There could be a twist in there itself that he isn't older and he just said he was etc etc.


NINJA EDIT: Just noticed Serbiis post above and that he beat me too it... i took too long writing my reply!

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For those who like episode descriptions:


Episode 8: Let's Kill Hitler

Written by Steven Moffat


The gang's all back! The Doctor, Amy, River and Rory return in what promises to be an action-packed belter of an adventure. So far the following details have emerged:


'In the desperate search for Melody Pond, the TARDIS crash lands in 1930s Berlin, bringing the Doctor face to face with the greatest war criminal in the Universe. And Hitler. The Doctor must teach his adversaries that time travel has responsibilities - and in so doing, learns a harsh lesson in the cruellest warfare of all.'


We also know it features Albert Welling as Hitler and is directed by Richard Senior, previously at the helm for Time and Space plus the Doctor Who pre-title sequence for this year's NTA awards.


Episode 9: Night Terrors

Written by Mark Gatiss


Mark Gatiss has previously written spooky episodes including The Unquiet Dead and The Idiot's Lantern, but he promises that Night Terrors features some of the scariest moments he's ever dreamt up! The adventure has a modern day setting and features a little boy who has a fear of something... Can the Doctor help him?


Episode 10: The Girl Who Waited

Written by Tom MacRae


Tom MacRae's previous credits include The Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel plus the critically acclaimed The Crash of the Elysium. This is his first television adventure for the Eleventh Doctor and it's directed by Nick Hurran who was recently at the helm for the updated version of the cult classic, The Prisoner.


Episode 11: The God Complex

Written by Toby Whithouse


We know the adventure is set in a hotel and features an alien called Gibbis played by David Walliams. Again, the episode is directed by Nick Hurran and as writer Toby Whithouse was behind School Reunion and The Vampires of Venice, we know we've got something special to look forward to!


Episode 12

Written by Gareth Roberts


Craig Owens is back! The popular character from last year's The Lodger returns and judging from the trailer for eps 8-13 he's getting closer than ever to the Doctor! The adventure is written by Gareth Roberts whose credits include Attack of the Graske, The Unicorn and the Wasp and, of course, The Lodger.


Episode 13

Written by Steven Moffat


The big finale! This one remains shrouded in mystery but Karen Gillan has promised us that the series will contain 'possibly the biggest twist so far'... Is it possible that this is the adventure that delivers it? Steven Moffat penned last year's incredible finale but it's probable that this adventure will conclude the series with a bigger bang than ever!




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So hey. I got a job related to Doctor Who which I can't divulge but I've already been slapped on the wrist for making a Facebook status which bad-mouthed Torchwood. It's also looking like I might have to delete ANYTHING Doctor Who related I've put online ever... like artwork or fan stories. Which is a bummer. But who needs fan fic when you can write the real thing, eh?


(JUST TO SAY - I'm not writing for Doctor Who, but it's related and I am writing not drawing, yet.)

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Well probably not. But I probably won't be allowed to express my views on the series as vocally. I mean I might still do here because it's quite secret here. I dunno. We'll see.


Basically I've got an "in". If I wanted to, I could quite easily pursue it and be working on the show in a few years. Small to begin with but then more and more. I dunno though if I want to.

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Based on the reaction here to some of your drawings and art etc, along with what some people apparently think about the series, you should definitely join it and make it about 300% more awesome with your work. :)


Also nice to know that your company are now controlling what you think about things. Surely it should be obvious that views you express online aren't those of the company? I have that on my Twitter to avoid being told off by my employers, but tbh I keep it all pretty private anyway. I say just remove any of your managers from Facebook, then make statutes Friends Only and keep going. If it was me, I'd be massively pissed off if they told me I couldnt express my opinions on things.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The Tardis looks so unbelievably cheap being seen through all those close up shots. Papier mâché sets ftw in prime time shows in 2011...? ::shrug:


Isn't that part of the charm?


The reason the TARDIS console has always looked higgedly piggedly is because it has a chameleon circuit not only on the outside, but on the inside too. Things like taps and tyewriters show up because thats the most effective way for the control to seen by human eyes (you know how to use a tap, maybe not a oxygen-destroyer-reflex-wire).


Thought it looked quite good there.

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Isn't that part of the charm?


The reason the TARDIS console has always looked higgedly piggedly is because it has a chameleon circuit not only on the outside, but on the inside too. Things like taps and tyewriters show up because thats the most effective way for the control to seen by human eyes (you know how to use a tap, maybe not a oxygen-destroyer-reflex-wire).


Thought it looked quite good there.


Yeah, I'm fully aware. It serves its purpose in the wide shots but looked shocking up close in that teaser. (imo)


That Prelude Monologue was pretty bad!


Agreed, twas crud.

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Well after that Prelude of Shite I can't say that I'm more hyped for the return of Dr Who but I will still be tuning in regardless when it airs as I'm sure it'll be enjoyable.


I just wish the trailers were a little more interesting... :hmm:

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