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Doctor Who


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But I thought the Cybermen were in our universe. They were never killed off in the old series were they... they just appeared in an alternate universe. They're still in the old universe as well aren't they?


Yeah, but it doesn't mean they have to be in it.

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But I thought the Cybermen were in our universe. They were never killed off in the old series were they... they just appeared in an alternate universe. They're still in the old universe as well aren't they?

Yep. They just haven't seen them in the new series yet.

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That was a great episode. It's like they saw the Doom movie, saw it was shit, then made their own version. Brilliant! Seriously, it all is very Doom dont you think? Lone facility, cursed planet, whispers from dark corners, Big blue doors, inept and overly curious scientists, Satan ect....

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i was gettin Alien vs Event Horizon. loved it though! enjoyed it alot more than the cybermen first parter. The Ood make it great though with their glowing detah balls and excelent face design. the way they blink is kinda mournful dont you think?

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And I was getting Buffy (the writing - too old to be recognised is like Glory - too old to have any written record of) and Firefly (girl spaceship mechanic). The writing on the person reminds me of something as well, but forget what.


Scrap that, this is what it reminded me of: http://www.d-boreanaz.com/gallery/albums/albums/photoshoots/09/09-002.jpg

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Death's never stopped anyone in Who before. Davros died twice before dying again in "Remembrance of the Daleks".



That's Davros though, neither Sutekh or Azal were anywhere near as important or popular, no chance of either of them making a comeback.

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I think this is something else. I know da Who's been through at least one or two versions of Satan, but all the 666ing and talk about "Abadon" and "The Beast" ect. would indicate he's finally found Devil ver3.5. Now with 18% more forbidden evil!

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That's Davros though, neither Sutekh or Azal were anywhere near as important or popular, no chance of either of them making a comeback.

It'd be awesome if they did bring Sutekh back though. I'm sure they didn't get Gabriel Woolf in just as a nice nod to fans of "Pyramids of Mars".

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The ood look like what Dr. Zoidberg would look like if he wasn't a cartoon.


Well, here is an early concept sketch of Dr. Zoidberg from the Futurama Season 1 DVD:



Eerie ain't it.

I don't know if this blatant copy stuff is coincidence. As well as the obvious influences in certain episodes, some the enemies recently have seemed like copies of movie monsters. The Krillitains looked just liked the Pugbats from King Kong (both also have very similar shots in them) and the Clockwork droids look very similar to V for Vendetta. Cat Women aren’t exactly original, the Werewolf looked like it came out of Harry Potter and I don't think faceless people are exactly original.

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