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Yeah, and they've much more focused on answers than questions.


Anyway I think everyone in the crew KNOW how confusing Series 6 has been, it was just an experiment and I've enjoyed the variety. I'm someone who loves Doctor Who... like... Classic and New, so any chance to see new and interesting takes on the format is welcomed by me. Keeps the show fresh after 50 years.

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Really? No posts whatsoever? I'm somewhat surprised. It was a fairly good standalone ep which is what people have been clamouring for.


Kinda hard to post when I've only just finished watching it on iPlayer... :p


But I have to say, I defintiely enjoyed the ep from start to finish :) it was everything that I expect from Dr Who, it entertained and surprised me... even got a few laughs out of it too.


Most enjoyable standalone episode yet. :D

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It's so strange, everyone talks about Dr Who these days as if the whole thing began with Chrisopher Ecclestone.


The original series were incredibly arc-heavy and the true mysteries were not revealed until a few episodes into the run. To tell the truth, I actually enjoyed that more than these self-contained little things.

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Really enjoyed the latest episode! (having just watched the repeat today)


Though once again (like a number of other episodes) the ending felt a bit rushed/like easy way out, and not up to the standard the episode had been setting up.


But definately liked the break away from the story arc.

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It's so strange, everyone talks about Dr Who these days as if the whole thing began with Chrisopher Ecclestone.


The original series were incredibly arc-heavy and the true mysteries were not revealed until a few episodes into the run. To tell the truth, I actually enjoyed that more than these self-contained little things.


Yup its true...it had much more of a serialisation format. Anyone who wants a perfect example of how they used to be should watch The Talons of Weng-Chiang a classic Tom Baker episode. Remember though it is very much of its' era so to speak. I think it might actually be free to watch on Blink Box, its like series 14-16 or something.

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Yup its true...it had much more of a serialisation format. Anyone who wants a perfect example of how they used to be should watch The Talons of Weng-Chiang a classic Tom Baker episode. Remember though it is very much of its' era so to speak. I think it might actually be free to watch on Blink Box, its like series 14-16 or something.


Grabsolutely. My two fabourites from Sylvester McCoy were The Chains of Fenric and Remembrance of the Daleks. Two series that showed a much darker and more complicated side to the doctor.

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Grabsolutely. My two fabourites from Sylvester McCoy were The Chains of Fenric and Remembrance of the Daleks. Two series that showed a much darker and more complicated side to the doctor.


YES! I loved how dark Sylvester Mccoy was I do kind of remember they did change him back to goofy for a bit though, also he has the honour of being the longest serving Doctor! Thank god they included him in the 96 movie so he can have this honour, even though he got killed off pretty quick.

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Now that was a good episode. I don't always like the standalone episodes that make little or no reference to the story arc, but The Girl Who Waited was superb - it certainly showed last week's how a 'cheap' episode should be done.


Agreed. I did find myself through out thinking this looks cheap but drama wise there's not been a better episode this series.

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I only caught the last ten minutes or so but found myself thinking "Why does the future self of a character always have to have a katana?"


because they should, and we should all hope we get our Katana's soon ;)


It was a great episode, but is it wrong that i spent the entire episode thinking how hot is Karren as an old woman?

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Thought it was pretty weak for the most part but it really came together in the end. Sadly I'm sure most of the poignancy will go completely to waste and they'll never mention it again. Don't think there's ever been an episode where the Doctor has been so cold. Quite shocking.


Edit: Also lol the whole question in plain sight thing...


Doctor who?

Edited by Daft
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So, today's episode was rather good...guessed a few things such as what was in Amy's room, and I'm fairly certain that The Doctor saw himself in his room.


Could tell through the episode that there was buildup to Amy and Rory leaving at the end, but I was expecting it at as a slow buildup to the finale, not in this episode. Am intrigued how this will go


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So, today's episode was rather good...guessed a few things such as what was in Amy's room, and I'm fairly certain that The Doctor saw himself in his room.


Could tell through the episode that there was buildup to Amy and Rory leaving at the end, but I was expecting it at as a slow buildup to the finale, not in this episode. Am intrigued how this will go

As with last week I only saw the end, so one question:

Since they changed the rooms content from fear to the thing you believe in - The Doctor's belief was in himself, like Amy's was?



And as for what happens next, it's fairly obvious:

The Doctor will come back and whisk (hopefully just Amy) away for more adventures. It will have been a long time for the Doctor so plenty of backstory to explain, but only a fraction of time for Amy/Dickweed.


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Was an OK episode.


Was a tad emotional the Doctor leaving at the end, the look on his face as he gave his awkward goodbye wave and being alone in the Tardis again.


I wasn't sure if maybe the Doctor saw some representation of humanity in his room maybe as he often mentions how incredibly powerful he thinks the human race is/can be.

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I thought it was quite good, like all the episodes since it's been back this autumn. I absolutely loved the photos of people with descriptions underneath which said what they were scared of, one of which said "Plymouth". Just lovely humour.


David Walliams' character was like Lou from Lou & Andy! Bit of a shame there was no character development with him. He failed to grow and overcome hios limitations, but I suppose that was the point. Some people do, some don't. Doctor Who can be really bleak when you think about it! Completely innocent characters get killed off. Heroes lose, cowards survive. Reminds me of RTD's Titanic episode now I think of it... Hmm!


The epilogue felt better-acted than the rest of it. Perhaps filmed much later? I hope to see Karen Gillan again because she's my favourite companion, probably even more so than Rose. Did anyone get a Spider-Man 2 vibe? That is to say, the Doctor severs his relationship with her to save her, but will probably accept she's part of his life now, like it or not (ie. villains kidnap her or something).


But yes, I enjoyed it, and I'm looking forward to next week's because the villains shown are amongst my favourites and I love the relationship between the Doctor and Craig.

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I enjoyed the episode but really didn't care much for David Walliams. He was just using one of his stock voices I've heard a milliontimes before and associate with other things that there was no way to look at the character as an alien - instead, I'm just seeing David Walliams being David Walliams.


I was half expecting Karen and Rory to part ways at the end of the last episode but I guess to do so at the first real sign of trouble would undermine the whole friendship and the fact they've spent so much time together and been through so much. Still, it was clearly the beginning of the end.

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I enjoyed the episode but really didn't care much for David Walliams. He was just using one of his stock voices I've heard a milliontimes before and associate with other things that there was no way to look at the character as an alien - instead, I'm just seeing David Walliams being David Walliams.


I was half expecting Karen and Rory to part ways at the end of the last episode but I guess to do so at the first real sign of trouble would undermine the whole friendship and the fact they've spent so much time together and been through so much. Still, it was clearly the beginning of the end.



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