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My thoughts exactly. I just do not understand Doctor Who any more. I'm not even going to nitpick, because I simply didn't care enough about the episode to do that. Steven Moffat's sense of storytelling is non-existent.


Other programmes like Merlin and Primeval absolutely wipe the floor with it, but Doctor Who still has the "name".


You really think Moffat's storytelling is non-existent?

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Like, how can a kid follow the temporal mechanics of the S5 finale?


You mean the impossible paradox?

Easy enough to follow, impossible to make sense of though. A bit of a cheap plot device really, handy when you've written yourself in to a corner, something Moffat seems good at.

Edited by The Mad Monkey
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You mean the impossible paradox?

Easy enough to follow, impossible to make sense of though. A bit of a cheap plot device really, handy when you've written yourself in to a corner, something Moffat seems good at.

Most kids have trouble with temporal mechanics. Infinite paradoxes such as that one are actually the easiest to get to grips with

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Most kids have trouble with temporal mechanics. Infinite paradoxes such as that one are actually the easiest to get to grips with


Pretty sure any 12 year old who watches a reasonable amount of scifi wouldn't have any problem with it.


And I think you'll find the grandfather paradox is the easiest to get to grips with BTW.

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Pretty sure any 12 year old who watches a reasonable amount of scifi wouldn't have any problem with it.


And I think you'll find the grandfather paradox is the easiest to get to grips with BTW.

I never said 12 year olds who watch sci-fi wouldn't. I said children. The general populace of childen, who watch Doctor Who.

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I never said 12 year olds who watch sci-fi wouldn't. I said children. The general populace of childen, who watch Doctor Who.


Personally I would have thought anybody, regardless of their age, who watched Doctor Who had some sort of interest in scifi at least. And I expect children of a certain age just wouldn't care that they couldn't understand the science behind any of it, and would be happy as long as it was exciting.

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It was always going to be a sentimental slow piece...it was loosely based upon a novel from the 19th century.


Guess you can't win them all


Lol...? Are you saying I don't know that it was based on A Christmas Carol? :laughing:


My thoughts exactly. I just do not understand Doctor Who any more. I'm not even going to nitpick, because I simply didn't care enough about the episode to do that. Steven Moffat's sense of storytelling is non-existent.


True. I would expand on this but I'm all nitpicked out from DKC Returns.

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  • 4 weeks later...
It absolutely rocks. Matt Smith, best Doctor ever (No one can convince me otherwise so cork it). Was slightly less impressed with the Xmas episode but otherwise, I love.


I genuinely think Matt Smith is the best Doctor, and this is coming from someone who's seen a big, healthy amount of the classic series available and has never said this about a "currant" Doctor. He just... GETS it. I don't actually know how someone can seem so kind, so alien, so young, so old ALL at the same time.


And I've really loved Moffat's writing, especially The Big Bang. Sure it's more fairy tale than science fiction (AS IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN - HIS SPACESHIP IS A FUCKING NARNIA WARDROBE.) but it was so much more satisfying than the last 5 years of BIG MASSIVE ALIEN INVASION ARGH! bang... push some random buttons and they're all dead.... and now The Doctor is gonna have a bit of a cry...


I dunno... but the end of Series 5 filled me with SO much joy... the Doctor and his companions, happy in the TARDIS off on more adventures. I loved it. Cannot wait for Series 6.

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Totally agree. I know people love Tennant but he never seemed that alien and I got so bored of RTD one-upping himself with finales. It had no sense of intimacy.


The new series just seems to have episodes that stand alone as well as build on each other. And it's a load of light fun, not dripping with melodrama. The whole thing is a joy.

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This thread is so god-damn depressing. Does anyone who watches Doctor Who actually like it?

I love it. I'll always love it. While when the new series aired, I wasn't totally drawn to it, upon rewatch I am. While Tennant is my favourite Doctor, Matt Smith is awesome and I've grown to love the new TARDIS interior more than the previous.

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i wouldn't say I love it, but I do like it and try to make time to watch it.


Just because you dislike it, doesn't mean everyone else has to, spune. =P


Oh no I love it! But people that watch it seem to do nothing but complain about it.


No... I'm a bit of a hardcore fan. Me and my mate do Classic Who-Tuesdays when we watch a story (and eat jelly babies and jammie dodgers!) and I took my partner to a Doctor Who convention AS A DATE. :P

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Oh no I love it! But people that watch it seem to do nothing but complain about it.


No... I'm a bit of a hardcore fan. Me and my mate do Classic Who-Tuesdays when we watch a story (and eat jelly babies and jammie dodgers!) and I took my partner to a Doctor Who convention AS A DATE. :P

Here I thought I loved it too much :p

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I do agree that Matt Smith is a good Doctor, wouldn't say the best, but definitely better than the majority. I think it's because his portrayal is very much an amalgam character, I can see some of Patrick Troughton in there, and some Jon Pertwee too, even a bit of Tom Baker, but I wouldn't say as good as any of them. With some better stories I can see him shining though, and he's been getting some, just not enough. I want to see more old skool bad guys, I think what they did with the Daleks was good, and the Silurians too, but I don't want big apocalyptic stories. More small scale things would be nice, something RTD had a problem with, and that Moffatt seems to do better, but I can't see it happening.

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I really didn't feel well at all when I criticised the Christmas special, and thus was extra-grumpy. Though I described Steven Moffat's sense of storytelling as "non-existent", that can't be true, as I remembered how brilliant Sherlock was. I think what it is with Doctor Who is that he gets to play around with time travel too much and has succumbed to the temptation of making the stories too convoluted.


As for whether we actually like Doctor Who, I think the issue is that Russell T Davies' first two seasons were absolutely amazing, cutting-edge TV. Season 3 had a handful of episodes that were absolutely top class too. Season 4 and the specials were a mixed bag, but had their moments.


The trouble is it feels so different now. I love Karen Gillan and like Matt Smith, but the writing team is completely different (although at least they've brought in Simon Nye, who wrote the best of the bunch, I thought). Would I be right in thinking they've also changed most of the producers and directors? With those sorts of changes, it feels too different - it doesn't feel like the episodes Steven Moffat did for Russell T Davies.


So, we're left with just enough similarity to keep watching, but don't necessarily enjoy many of the episodes. That's my point of view anyway.

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I like Moffat's writing because unlike the RTD era, time travel is used as a plot device as it SHOULD be for a show about a Time Lord, who can see all of time, who LIVES in a Time Machine. Before it was just a means to get to a different coloured quarry. And I'm always of the opinion that if a show's been running for almost 50 years there's no harm in shaking things up again. I also think The Eleventh Doctor's wishy washy use of time travel will come back to get him... I do think we're building up to something.


Series 6 does look really rather good.

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