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And, need I add, you're feeling pretty much the same thing people were when Tennant joined. Give him a chance


Aye, I feared the worst too when I saw that Cassanova was taking over from Eccleston. I gave him his chance and he proved me well wrong. :D


With the new kid its just feels all the more wrong though. I'll be watching to see what he's like but he just doesn't seem to fit.

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Can someone explain why the Ood had an important role in telling the Doctor about all the bad shit was happening? Where were they? Whats the importance of them building that city in 100 years? Why are they there?! Did I miss something?


Also, when he saw Rose again, 1st Jan 2005, I'm guessing thats just before the doctor met Rose?


Anyway, I LOVED how the Doctor gave Donna the lottery ticket :D


Oh btw, just watched the preview of season 5.......I want Tennant back :(


BTW: Just noticed this, go play the trailer on the BBC website for season 5, and at the end, when it's just the Doctor Who logo, and the light flashing, turn your volume to max, it says something but I can't work it out..

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Aye, I feared the worst too when I saw that Cassanova was taking over from Eccleston. I gave him his chance and he proved me well wrong. :D

That's what you get for doubting the pr0ness of Casanova.



Also, when he saw Rose again, 1st Jan 2005, I'm guessing thats just before the doctor met Rose?

Did anyone think Pipers' teeth were huge? [moreso than normal?]


This transaction was shitloads better than Eccleston to Tennant. Lovely Jeronimo moment at the end :grin:

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David Tennant's final outing as Doctor Who was watched by 10.4m viewers on New Year's Day, according to early overnight figures.


At the climax of the episode, a total of 10.8m tuned in to see the Time Lord regenerate into his 11th incarnation, 27-year-old actor Matt Smith.




The Doctors cast age list;


First Doctor - William Hartnell (1963–1966)........51

Second Doctor - Patrick Troughton (1966–1969)......46

Third Doctor - Jon Pertwee (1970–1974) ............55

Fourth Doctor - Tom Baker (1974–1981) .............40

Fifth Doctor - Peter Davison (1981–1984) ..........29

Sixth Doctor - Colin Baker (1984–1986) ............41

Seventh Doctor - Sylvester McCoy (1987–1989,1996) 44

Eighth Doctor - Paul McGann (1996) ................37

Ninth Doctor - Christopher Eccleston (2005) .......41

Tenth Doctor - David Tennant (2005–2010) ..........34

Eleventh Doctor - Matt Smith (2010-...)............26



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I enjoyed the episodes, very good in little parts. The doctor saying goodbye to everyone was a nice touch but did go on abit.


As expected the Timelords came back and went in the blink of a eye...


Not really got a opinion of the new Doctor thus yet, i shall wait and see. I'm quite optamistic becuase of Moffat now running the show rather than a new actor coming in for the Doctor.

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The Doctor didnt just say goodbye to them, he saved their lives (except for Rose and I guess Joan's great granddaughter)


Martha & Mickey were about to be slaughtered by Sontarans

Luke was going to get hit by a car which would have also destroyed Sarah Jane emotionally

Jack was still visibly upset and drowning his sorrows after needing to kill his grandson and the Doctor injected some joy back into him (or should I say Alonso did)

He saved Donna from a life of misery without being able to make ends meet so well


That makes it even more touching, and in my view it didn't drag on

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Loved Tennant and whatnot, but glad he decided to bow out in spite of that. It was about time really, as it had all gotten a bit sugary for me. His *ahem* "death" scene was a bit drawn out for me, and rather unnecessary.


Love the look of the new lad though, excellent choice for the role having seen him in other things. I can see why Moffat picked him. Great initial scene for him (his expression was a picture right after the regen!), and well handled, especially when you consider the phenomenal pressure on him and the team. And the new series trailer is absolutely corking. Should be a cracking series. Out with the old, etc, then. :)

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Interestingly, Digital Spy have an interview with Russel Tovey about Being Human and spoke about his role of Alonso in DW and this came up


You've been confirmed as being on the cast list for the second Doctor Who Christmas special, airing on New Year's Day. How big a role do you play?

"It's the same character that I played before and he pops in."


Do you think you'll cry when Tennant's final scenes air?

"Will I cry? No. I think there'll be a lot of people crying, but no - I'll be fine!"


Is there a chance for you to reprise that role again after this?

"Surely. Yes. Sorry, I'm not allowed to say anything!"


Torchwood Season 4 perhaps?

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The Doctor didnt just say goodbye to them, he saved their lives (except for Rose and I guess Joan's great granddaughter)


Martha & Mickey were about to be slaughtered by Sontarans

Luke was going to get hit by a car which would have also destroyed Sarah Jane emotionally

Jack was still visibly upset and drowning his sorrows after needing to kill his grandson and the Doctor injected some joy back into him (or should I say Alonso did)

He saved Donna from a life of misery without being able to make ends meet so well


That makes it even more touching, and in my view it didn't drag on


I loved seeing Joan's great granddaughter i thought that was a great little touch as i really wasn't expecting that. I also had a good chuckle at the Jack/Alonso moment. In fact i loved them all seperatly, well apart from maybe the Rose one, just felt like it was there for the sake of it but from a character wanting to see her point of view it made sence.


I think i just wanted to see the new doctor and how they would end it (loved how they kept in the 'ginger' joke they seem to love.) and thus felt it was abit rushed and i wasn't really enjoying each moment if u get me.


Just watched it a second time (my gf wanted to watch it) and i cant decide who i think that woman was. The first time i just thought it was the Doctors mum but the second time i felt like it may have hinted as to have something to do with Donna as when Wilf asked him who she was the camera faded out on Donna's mum and onto Donna in the distance and her mum resembered her abit kinda thing.

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Loved the episode, very emotional. Really gonna miss David Tennant. What a legend, and I thank him for all the awesome moments he's brought us!


Loved the whole Timelords bit, and everything with the Master, I warmed to him so much more in this episode alone thanks to the fantastic scenes he had with the Doctor.


I figured it took alot of time for the regeneration because he was slowly being poisoned by the radiation or something, as opposed to an instant gunshot or the like.


Who was the lady at the book signing, I didn't understand that reference, I don't think I heard what the book was about.


I really don't like the new doctor, he actually somewhat scares me!... which isn't what you want when watching one of your favourite shows!! It looks like he's been made out of plastercine or something!


...Wonder how quickly before he regenerates again!

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Who was the lady at the book signing, I didn't understand that reference, I don't think I heard what the book was about.


It's a reference from one of the two part episodes in season 3 when the doctor uses the fob watch and he is teacher at a school at calls himself John Smith.


The women at the book signing was the great grandaughter of the doctors 'love interest' in them episodes. She was talking about the tales her grandmother spoke of and the diary that the doctor wrote while he was Mr Smith.

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I don't know about the new guy, hopefully he'll be good, i'll give him a chance. I just hope the funky drum tune just after he regenerated isn't anything to go buy on the new series.


I'm liking the new trailer though, the new style 3D glasses gave me a chuckle, it's nice to see little bits of tennant still left.

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It's a reference from one of the two part episodes in season 3 when the doctor uses the fob watch and he is teacher at a school at calls himself John Smith.


The women at the book signing was the great grandaughter of the doctors 'love interest' in them episodes. She was talking about the tales her grandmother spoke of and the diary that the doctor wrote while he was Mr Smith.

Ah thanks! That was the episode with the barn dance and scarecrows wasn't it? I can't remember the specifics of it very well.


I just watched the new trailer... wasn't liking it much I'm afraid!

He didn't look like a man with a past, it seemed like he was a new guy out to learn everything... though I'm sure his past will come across more in actual episodes... but it really does look alot more 'teeny' and even the logo is more of a sarah jayne adventures, young looking logo.


I'm a bit dissapointed to see the Angels return though... sure they're Moffets creation, but they were so fantastic in the first place because they were so refreshingly new, different and dramatic in their one off episode, which was a very special thing! Now we know what to expect from them they become less scary.

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The Doctor didnt just say goodbye to them, he saved their lives (except for Rose and I guess Joan's great granddaughter)


Martha & Mickey were about to be slaughtered by Sontarans

Luke was going to get hit by a car which would have also destroyed Sarah Jane emotionally

Jack was still visibly upset and drowning his sorrows after needing to kill his grandson and the Doctor injected some joy back into him (or should I say Alonso did)

He saved Donna from a life of misery without being able to make ends meet so well


That makes it even more touching, and in my view it didn't drag on


two things i didnt get, martha and mickey, what was that about. never remember the two of them together or anything about where they were, also the captain jack bit with alonso confused me, must be a episode or two i missed or cant remember, can anyone fill me in?

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two things i didnt get, martha and mickey, what was that about. never remember the two of them together or anything about where they were, also the captain jack bit with alonso confused me, must be a episode or two i missed or cant remember, can anyone fill me in?


I can only guess the captain part was something in the torchwood series.


which i dont watch at this time.

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two things i didnt get, martha and mickey, what was that about. never remember the two of them together or anything about where they were, also the captain jack bit with alonso confused me, must be a episode or two i missed or cant remember, can anyone fill me in?

Well Martha's previous fiancé was just a rebound guy and Mickey & Jack convinced her to leave UNIT and so the two fell in love and got married


Jack left Earth after having to sacrifice his son to save 30,000,000 Children and so was shaken up at the bar. Alonso was the only surviving crewmember of the Titanic from the planet Sto. The Doctor hooked them up

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Steven Moffatt Interview

Because Matt is the youngest actor to play the Doctor, people might be thinking they’ll get a “young geezer” Doctor, but he isn’t that. He’s restored the more professorial aspect of the character – he’s very much the “nutty professor” Doctor.


What I least expected from Matt, given the nature of the modern Doctor, is that at times he’s very quiet, the strong, quiet man. I suppose I thought instinctively that he’d be a leaping-about, loud Doctor, as we’ve got used to. Yet some of Matt’s most powerful moments are when he’s very, very quiet... very, very gentle, in a way that a very powerful person can be. There’s a scene I watched just recently in which he was chillingly good: a big confrontation-with-the-alien scene, and instead of playing it – as he could have – in a much more bombastic way, he was very quiet, very matter-of-fact, very simple. It’s all implied strength rather than demonstrated bluster.


Matt carries off the gravitas thing perfectly and has no difficulty at all in lording it over other people. He has scenes with Winston Churchill – in which he behaves like Winston Churchill’s dad! And you have no difficulty in buying that on-screen. And then, of course, he’ll behave like a complete spoilt child, which is what the Doctor has to do – to suddenly become a huge big kid.


He is a terribly distinctive actor. And he has the most extraordinary face. He was born to play an alien, because it doesn’t quite add up. He’ll hate me for saying this, but he looks like a caricature of a handsome man; it’s all just a bit too much: perfect profile, perfect jaw-line, extraordinary. And the camera adores him. So you’ll be seeing a lot of that face, suffering, in close-up, I tell you!


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That actually sounds promising that he is not gonna be an over the top loud doctor like tennant perhaps was at times...but the way they've "marketed" the new doctor in the trailer seems to be contrary to this...


I have to say one thing I do love about the new doctor is his outfit the bow tie one anyway does invoke a more vintage feel.

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