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A quick update. This alternative arrangement of the logo has gone up gone the BBC publicity site, so maybe that answers our earlier question about how the logo might appear in the opening titles. Or maybe not. And we've also been contacted by the BBC to tell us that the the "Doctor Who" lettering should be referred to as "the logo" while the police box graphic is "the insignia". So now you know. Although presumably Steven Moffat didn't when he wrote his comment in the official press release…
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I love this new logo, the font, colour is simply classy.


Although i've loved Murrey Golds arrangements of the theme, 2005-09 logo and opening titles are a bit too bright, Hopefully, we'll see a classy title sequence too.


Not keen on the 'insignia'.


After seeing this, I think we'll see a more metalic Tardis interior - not quite the Spock Rose was asking for though.

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Corr, her legs don't look half bad do they.


Though why policewomen don't dress like that in Nottingham I'll never know...


I don't know if you can class this as 'news', but as some of you are aware, they repeat Doctor Who on BBC3 at the moment. They did this before Planet of the Dead, and they timed it perfectly so that The Next Doctor aired on the Friday, then Planet of the Dead on Saturday.


They've run from the first series again, and have taken their time about it with breaks for Merlin and whatnot, but are finally in the Fourth series now. The Sontaran Stratagem aired last night, and the Poison Sky tonight. Assuming they continue with FOUR episodes a week, and they will air every episode of the revived series before The Waters of Mars, that means that it should - in theory atleast - arrive on October 31st.

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And for those who care, trailer for part 2 which airs tomorrow



And finally, David Tennant confirmed today that the next special; Waters of Mars is to air at 7pm on Sunday November 15th


Obviously on Sunday to avoid the massive saturday clash with X Factor, Strictly Come Dancing and every other piece of dross on tv

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@molly, He filmed his last scenes the other week, which are for this year Christmas Special, which at the end of is where the new Doctor takes over.


There's the one today, and then a two-parter. Part one is on Christmas Day, part two before the next series. So three episodes left with David Tennant (plus an animated one).

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I'll definitely be watching tonight, but I'm not sure what I'll think of it. I've grown rather weary of Tennant's Doctor, and I can't think of any of the episodes that haven't featured the main companions (Rose, Martha or Donna) that I've actually enjoyed. The Titanic episode, last Christmas' cybermen one, the Easter special in the desert.. even the Midnight episode from last year that only featured Donna at the beginnig and the end - all stinkers, in my opinion. This year's Christmas one sounds fantastic, though.

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I'll definitely be watching tonight, but I'm not sure what I'll think of it. I've grown rather weary of Tennant's Doctor, and I can't think of any of the episodes that haven't featured the main companions (Rose, Martha or Donna) that I've actually enjoyed. The Titanic episode, last Christmas' cybermen one, the Easter special in the desert.. even the Midnight episode from last year that only featured Donna at the beginnig and the end - all stinkers, in my opinion. This year's Christmas one sounds fantastic, though.


I didn't mind last years Christmas one- thought it had its moments. With David Tennant, I've liked how they've played more and more on the Doctors loneliness.


I didn't like the Easter one. Seemed a right waste of a special!

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I quite liked Midnight. It was a fairly risky concept, but I thought it was well-executed one that produced a great, self-contained plot.


I agree Planet of the Dead was somewhat underwhelming. I'd been looking forward to it a lot; being under the impression that not doing a whole series would leave for some focussed, high-quality one-off episodes. I just didn't get that with Planet of the Dead - it could well have been a normal, sub-par episode banged right in the middle of a series.


Waters of Mars looks fantastic though. When Doctor Who can pull off horror well, it's fantastic. Might even rival Blink in terms of the fear-factor. Plus, Phil Ford is awesome - New Captain Scarlet remains a very guilty pleasure of mine.

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