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sir i have no idea about the words coming from your mouth.


all i know is that the apple logo appears and quickly fades away on the ps3 website on a picture of the console.



Sony just used a trial version of Apple Shake hence the fading Apple logo.

The apple logo is now removed.

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sir i have no idea about the words coming from your mouth.


all i know is that the apple logo appears and quickly fades away on the ps3 website on a picture of the console.


yeah the initial reaction was that there were some dealings going on with apple and sony in this subliminal way.


However, the apparent explanation is that the people who design those flash pages also did flash pages for apple, and they decided to re-use one of the apple flashes (smoke effect) and apply it to the ps3. hence lazy flashing.

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Joysiq Interview Sony's Phil Harrison


What would you say to the suggestion that Sony is being arrogant?


There's always going to be a risk when you are market leader for ten years that we start to lose perspective; and we have to make sure that we don't lose perspective. But I don't think we're arrogant, I think we have to recognize that we're in a highly competitive industry and that anything that we say will be eternally editorialized by professionals and consumers alike. So we're always in the spotlight.


Would you say that recently Sony has been hurting its PlayStation brand? Recently we had someone say...


Jeff Minter?


Yes, who said that Sony is being arrogant. Is PR hurting Sony at the moment? You have things like notable Sony representatives saying that Microsoft copies Sony when in fact I'd say that they feed off each other equally. Do you think that's hurting Sony?


I think you can always take quotes out of context...


But [Kaz Hirai] specifically said "Microsoft is copying Sony".


Well, as I said, quotes can always be taken out of context. They can be put into a harsher light as a result, but that doesn't mean that the PR strategy is one of arrogance. So they're two separate things.


This is where I stopped recording: after the tape was turned off and I said, "that's it, thanks".


Phil then said something along the lines of "well those were positive questions", in a vaguely sarcastic tone.


This got me to thinking, does that mean Phil was expecting "nice" questions? Has the situation got so bad that executives are surprised when journalists ask questions that are hard to answer? If "the face of the PS3" is surprised when a blogger asks him a question that goes beyond "uh, so what's your game like?", then you have a very large, and worrying indicator that something, somewhere is going wrong in terms of the relationship between the press and video game companies. If anything, Phil should have been surprised if I wasn't asking tough questions!


Finally, and let me clear about this; Phil Harrison is absolutely not the primary instigator of this mentality amongst public figures in the games industry. We're talking "endemic" and "industry-wide" here folks.

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More bad news for sony:



It wasn't so long ago, that Sony were ordered to pay Immersion $90 million dollars for infringement of their feedback technology, reports are circulating today that Sony are on the verge of another lawsuit by Agere systems. Sony are now acccused of infringing on the respective semiconducters company patents, with technology used in Sony's gaming and consumer electronics products acting as culprits.




According to further reports, the PS3's cell processor yield is dangerously low, and this will have a knock-on effect of making the PS3 available only in very limited qualities until the yield can get up to improved levels.


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More bad news for sony:



It wasn't so long ago, that Sony were ordered to pay Immersion $90 million dollars for infringement of their feedback technology, reports are circulating today that Sony are on the verge of another lawsuit by Agere systems. Sony are now acccused of infringing on the respective semiconducters company patents, with technology used in Sony's gaming and consumer electronics products acting as culprits.




According to further reports, the PS3's cell processor yield is dangerously low, and this will have a knock-on effect of making the PS3 available only in very limited qualities until the yield can get up to improved levels.


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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Guest Jordan

Well making a new proccessor always has a stupidly large amount of problems. Why the hell didn't they learn with all the problems they had with the PS2?!


Stick to a reputable core and type of processor... you tools. PowerPC CPU's work prefect as seen by the GameCube and XBOX360.

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As I said before: PS3 delay? I think so:indeed:


Also riddle me this... why do devlopers produce for the PS3? It is going to be chronically hard to develop for (just like the PS2) and by choosinge which platform they develop fro they will sway the public to that machine by gainnig the choice vote. Apart from a few key franchises, why are there any games being made for this ridiculous contraption!?

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They will probably rush it out, with more than 50% of them being faulty. Then they will delay it to fix the problem, saying that they have shortages for the next 3 months, destroy what ever they have left. Then they will re-release it in late January, when it should've been originaly released. :hmm:

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I was going to say March as well but Sony would probably put alot of pressure on their research and production team to get it out the door in proper working order.


i'll believe THAT when i see it!


im betting on the initial launch batch having a higher percentage of faults than the playstation 2 at launch.

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i'll believe THAT when i see it!


im betting on the initial launch batch having a higher percentage of faults than the playstation 2 at launch.


well almost proper working order. Enough to screw over the costomer, but with out them knowing that they have been screwed over.:blank:

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Possible tradings standards scandal? Sony's name gets dragged through more mud?


Trading standards (besides being tripe) has nothing to do with it. Trading standards is to do with retail rather than production.

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Trading standards (besides being tripe) has nothing to do with it. Trading standards is to do with retail rather than production.


So there isn't a body in the UK which stops badly manufactured products being sold (ie more broken than working) or even a risk to health and safety (360?!)

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