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Oh man, Ridge Racer 7 just started owning me. Angelus is even more of a bitch than he ever was before.


Seems Virtua Fighter 5 topped the charts with higher sales than 30k.


01. Virtua Fighter 5 (PS3) - 48,346 / new

02. Wii Sports (Wii) - 45,897 / 1,004,555

03. Wii Play (Wii) - 36,090 / 879,432

04. More Brain Age (DS) - 32,800 / 3,963,712

05. New Super Mario Bros. (DS) - 29,026 / 4,118,078

06. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2) - 27,519 / 304,113

07. Wario: Master of Disguise (DS) - 26,815 / 185,695

08. Harvest Moon: The Island I Grew Up On (DS) - 26,804 / 106,212

09. Luminous Arc (DS) - 25,676 / new

10. J-League Pro Soccer 5 (PS2) - 24,468 / 131,541

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The big news in this week's Famitsu comes not from the editors of the magazine, but from Sony's ad agency. Sony has taken up a two page spread in the magazine for a job listing. So what's the big deal? The listing just happens to be for the production team that made Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. Oh, and it also mentions that the team is working on a new project for the PlayStation 3.


The main fields of interest in the ad are programmers and engineers. Sony wants people who are familiar with physical simulations, shader programming, algorithms, networking technology, and general game programming. We'd read further into this list, but it seems like a pretty standard check list of qualifications for a programmer in the game industry nowadays.


As a secondary solicitation, Sony is also seeking animators, artists, level designers, scripters and assistant producers.


Those who are interested in applying can check out the online entry form at Sony's website.


As for us, we're trying to figure out what happens when you take three numbers, add each to itself, square the individual results, add the three resulting numbers, and finally take the square root of the whole thing. That's one of the random formulas scribbled onto the pages of the job listing. There are also little sketches of shapes and people, along with a few green ink blobs here and there. A hint as to what we can expect from Team Ico's new mystery project? Probably not, but we trust you won't blame us if we read a bit too far into things here.


Gian Luzio, who told GamesIndustry.biz that PS3 is "the most pre-ordered console yet" for Play. The retailer is offering a GBP 524.99 bundle which includes first-party titles MotorStorm, Resistance: Fall of Man and Genji.


Play also ran pre-order schemes for the Wii and Xbox 360, but some customers were left disappointed when they failed to receive their consoles on day one.


"We underestimated the demand and we were very disappointed that we could not fulfil all pre-orders due to stock shortages," admitted Luzio.


However, Play has pledged to deliver all pre-ordered PS3 units on launch day, with Luzio stating, "We have taken the necessary steps to ensure that customers will only be able to pre-order the system up until Play's allocation has been reached.


"We will always want more consoles to satisfy customer demand, however, we are satisfied that Sony are doing all they can to fulfil demand," he added.


Luzio went on to say that the inclusion of a Blu-ray player in the PlayStation 3 will have a "massive impact" on the retailer's business.


"Figures from the US show that Blu-ray movie sales are outselling HD-DVD by a factor of 2:1 since the launch of PS3 and we have similar sales expectations.


"In addition to the games and movie growth we expect to see a large increase in the sales of 1080p TVs to make full use of the PS3's superior resolution," he concluded.


It's not just Play which is seeing healthy pre-orders for PS3, according to Sony. A spokesperson told GI.biz, "With an unprecedented day one shipment of 1 million machines into Europe and a software catalogue of over 30 titles available at launch, retailer feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.


"Woolworths, Amazon and Play, to name a few, are reporting record breaking pre-orders and an overwhelming demand for PS3."


The PlayStation 3 will launch in Europe on March 23, priced at GBP 425 / EUR 599 for the 60GB model.




I hope that wasn't gun jack :/


Those are probally the worst screenshots ever for a game like Tekken, they should of showed Lei doing a headbutt or something cool! :D


It's a bit worrying that F.E.A.R. and Homecourt have better graphics on the 360, especially since F.E.A.R. has been out for ages. Still if Sony would just get proper classics on the PStore ie Final Fantasy all would be good.





Oh man, I really really want this game. Being totally unbeatable at 5 :heh:. It looks like Tekken Tag Tournament. The graphics don't look too hot for next gen, so I suppose the only reason to get this is if the overhaul the fighting system significantly.

Gian Luzio, who told GamesIndustry.biz that PS3 is "the most pre-ordered console yet" for Play. The retailer is offering a GBP 524.99 bundle which includes first-party titles MotorStorm, Resistance: Fall of Man and Genji.


Play also ran pre-order schemes for the Wii and Xbox 360, but some customers were left disappointed when they failed to receive their consoles on day one.


"We underestimated the demand and we were very disappointed that we could not fulfil all pre-orders due to stock shortages," admitted Luzio.


However, Play has pledged to deliver all pre-ordered PS3 units on launch day, with Luzio stating, "We have taken the necessary steps to ensure that customers will only be able to pre-order the system up until Play's allocation has been reached.


"We will always want more consoles to satisfy customer demand, however, we are satisfied that Sony are doing all they can to fulfil demand," he added.


Luzio went on to say that the inclusion of a Blu-ray player in the PlayStation 3 will have a "massive impact" on the retailer's business.


"Figures from the US show that Blu-ray movie sales are outselling HD-DVD by a factor of 2:1 since the launch of PS3 and we have similar sales expectations.


"In addition to the games and movie growth we expect to see a large increase in the sales of 1080p TVs to make full use of the PS3's superior resolution," he concluded.


It's not just Play which is seeing healthy pre-orders for PS3, according to Sony. A spokesperson told GI.biz, "With an unprecedented day one shipment of 1 million machines into Europe and a software catalogue of over 30 titles available at launch, retailer feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.


"Woolworths, Amazon and Play, to name a few, are reporting record breaking pre-orders and an overwhelming demand for PS3."


The PlayStation 3 will launch in Europe on March 23, priced at GBP 425 / EUR 599 for the 60GB model.




Funny as it took over a day for Amazon to sell out of PS3's.... compared to Wii's 7mins!!

Anyone got the Jap version of VF5 ?


Is it worth getting ?


The US one is out this tuesday, so there should be some reviews very shortly.


It showcases what the PS3 can do supposadely (like Motorstorm) in the graphics department and plays very well.


Gamesmaster (not sure if thats a respected magazine here) stated it's really good but the lack of new moves and online hurt the score a bit. They also stated that it's a good idea to immediately go into the dojo training mode and train yourself up before starting anything. It got nearly 90% i believe...have to check...


Looks and sounds really promising.


Can anyone help me out here?


My US Online ID is Mattherz, now on Resistance etc i have online awards and ranks i have earned now if i use the same save and my English ID will i loose those ranks etc or will it just appear the same with my new ID?


and does this apple to all games?

One day I want it, the next day I don't. repeat.repeat.repeat.


Same here, and if it was smaller and cheaper I'd get it. I'd definitely be getting one if I didn't have a 360. I'd much prefer to play VF5 with a PS3 pad. Well a PS2 pad actually, since I like Rumble.


If I did get one I'd play God of War and Okami first, so I'd probably be best off getting a PS2, which I constantly keep wanting to get as well. Damn videogames.

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