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I will NEVER buy a PS3. Wii60 all the way. Did you know that there will be a magazine for wii60?!?!:hehe:


Thats pretty cool, might think about picking that up! :)

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According to a source close to Rockstar North, the team is working on exclusive supplemental content for both systems, which will be made available for download via Microsoft and Sony's respective online services after the game's release next year.


In case you missed it, Microsoft revealed at X06 that Xbox 360 owners will get "exclusive access to two downloadable, epic episodes of GTA IV via Xbox Live, each with hours of entirely new gameplay and available only on Xbox 360 just months after the release of the title".


We're told to expect much the same deal on PS3, except unique to the platform. Interestingly, the downloadable content, our source maintains, will take the form of brand new areas which will link into the main GTAIV game world.


"Think of the world as a large island - the new downloadable areas will be like smaller islands linking into it," the source explained. (Which is a structural analogy, rather than a suggestion that the game is set on an island, we hasten to add.)



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PS3 development chief makes the case for next-gen discs



Launch titles for the PlayStation 3 are already "getting up close" to the 25GB limit on current Blu-Ray discs, according to Sony's worldwide studios boss Phil Harrison, who was responding to criticism of the PS3's adoption of Blu-Ray.


Launch titles for the PlayStation 3 [games] are already "getting up close" to the 25GB limit on current Blu-Ray discs, according to Sony's Phil Harrison, who was responding to criticism of the PS3's adoption of Blu-Ray.


"Already, at our launch titles, we're getting up close to the 25GB limit that we have on our Blu-Ray discs this year," he claimed. "Next year we'll raise that to 50GB, and I'd expect that we’ll be getting close to that in the fairly near future as well."


Speaking in an interview with GamesIndustry.biz journalist Rob Fahey, Harrison decried suggestions that the Blu-Ray drive had been included in the machine purely to push Sony's agenda with regard to Blu-Ray movies.


"It's got nothing to do with movies," he responded. "DVD is not sufficient capacity to power the kind of data consumption, or to feed the data consumption needs of Cell and RSX - just purely as a gameplay device, we need Blu-Ray to supply the kind of data that PS3 games use."


Harrison also responded to questioning about the claim that the capacity of Blu-Ray will be used simply to provide more high definition movie sequences, effectively filling the discs - and games - with non-interactive content.


"It's not just about graphics," he said. "It's about 7.1 audio, it's about speech, it’s about having up to 1080p movies built into the game; it's high res textures, it's animation, it's everything that goes into making a very rich and varied next-gen experience. Partly it's visual, partly it's sound, and partially it'll be down to gameplay benefits as well - more levels, more detail, richer experiences."

However, he also defended the right of developers to include rendered video in their - a key feature of many titles, even on next-generation systems.

"I see nothing wrong with having non-interactive, full HD sequences as part of the game," he said. "That's all part of the production value and the experience that you get when you buy the game. I don't see that as a weakness at all."

The Blu-Ray drive in the PS3 has been blamed both for contributing heavily to the cost of the system, and for causing the production delays which ultimately led to the decision to move the European launch back to 2007. Microsoft has accused Sony of taking choice away from consumers by including Blu-Ray - the Xbox 360 will have an optional external HD-DVD drive, although this can only be used for movie playback and will not be accessible to game developers.

Meanwhile, some consumers have questioned the value of Blu-Ray to videogames, given the ability of developers to fit games on the scale of Xbox 360 and PC title Oblivion onto a single DVD - although it should be noted that Oblivion, despite its scale, is a relatively early next-gen title. Many early titles in the previous generation shipped on CDs, but DVDs were widespread within a year to eighteen months, as developers learned to exploit more of the systems' functionality and streamlined the content creation process.

Harrison acknowledged that some early titles will not make full use of Blu-Ray's capacity, but was adamant that the standard will be vital to the PS3 in the coming years. "Not every game is going to fill 25 or 50GB," he said. "I completely accept that - but there will be games that require that this year, and will push that further in years to come."

Phil Harrison was speaking in an exclusive interview on the PlayStation 3, which is currently being serialised on the recently launched ThreeSpeech website, with additional excerpts set to appear on GamesIndustry.biz in the coming days.

Source: http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=20417


These three phrases pretty much sum it:


"high definition movie sequences, effectively filling the discs - and games - with non-interactive content."


"it’s about having up to 1080p movies built into the game"


"I see nothing wrong with having non-interactive, full HD sequences as part of the game"


LOL, sure... fill Bluray with 1080p FMV's to justify it, if I were them I would encode them in MPEG2, as it takes more space than H.264, yeah, we have a plan.

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Source: http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=20417


These three phrases pretty much sum it:


"high definition movie sequences, effectively filling the discs - and games - with non-interactive content."


"it’s about having up to 1080p movies built into the game"


"I see nothing wrong with having non-interactive, full HD sequences as part of the game"


LOL, sure... fill Bluray with 1080p FMV's to justify it, if I were them I would encode them in MPEG2, as it takes more space than H.264, yeah, we have a plan.


It is the perfect system for a certain hypocrite-sama.

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Or you can use the floor:heh:


But I don't want to burn the floor dude :laughing:


No the future is about playing games with out playing games: peace: ......Does that even make sense:wtf: ????


Yes I know its not a movie neither is it playing a game its called:


An Interactive movie


Didn't sega try this with the saturn and was a crap idea on their horror version film

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Do people hate FMVs that much? I personally love them in RPGs and such. I'm all up for High Def Anime style cutscenes.
I have nothing against FMV, and, like you I like them in RPG's... but justifying blu-ray with it is just stupid.


If you read it close all phill harisson says is that now developers can fill those discs with 1080p videos. and he says this several times over. what does that have to do with games needing it?


Seriously, nowadays I can fill 250 GB quite easily, specially if I ignore compression or just waste space, but is it needed? there will be games using 25 GB no doubt, specially as Sony wants to justify that space and it acts as a anti-piracy measure on it's own... but games won't really benefit from it.


Although I'll agree that DVD is limited for the next 5 years of HD (and developers have expressed that)... it's seems they (sony) are justifying that with video alone... seems dumb to me, and has nothing to do with films. if you filled a DVD with video this generation you wouldn't have space for games too. lol. But few games maxed a 8,5 GB dual layer disc. PS2 used them in GTA SA and all, but textures lacked S3TC compression (that would make a DL disk unecessary)


Psone games spanned across as much as 4 discs, but if you took the FMV's it wouldn't even take 1 single CD. 1 CD was massive for PSone hadn't they thought of FMV's.


Said this... I like FMV as a rare occurence like... beggining of the game, middle/turning point, and ending (or multiple endings) I don't like a game were each 5 steps I have a FMV.


Besides... the in-game graphics are supposed to be good enough at this point.

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Do people hate FMVs that much? I personally love them in RPGs and such. I'm all up for High Def Anime style cutscenes.


I have no problem with FMV, but when a game is just padded out with it to justify a new format then it's not being done for the gamers benefit.

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This information is from an article dated today on the Japanese tech site BroadBand Watch

Link: http://bb.watch.impress.co.jp/cda/special/15818.html


The controller, while using Bluetooth and therefore being wireless, needs to be connected once to the machine by USB cable prior to use so that the machine can detect the cable (pairing process). This process will be necessary every time the console is powered off then on


The lithium battery inside the controller is also recharged using USB connection. Approx. 2.5 hours of recharging is required for a maximum of about 30 hours of play. The controller can be used even if the battery runs out of power by connecting it to the console (USB). However, as the battery cannot be replaced once it becomes unusable (ceases to recharge), the controller has to be replaced or sent for repairs.




In his ruling yesterday, Judge Michael Fysh found that Lik-Sang - which offered Japanese PSPs to European consumers via its website - was in breach of intellectual property rights.


Lik-Sang had claimed that it was operating within the law as the company is based in Hong Kong, and has no trading presence in the UK or European Economic Area.


But, as reported by the Financial Times, Judge Fysh ruled that, "The acts of which the complaint is made have, in my view, been perpetrated not in Hong Kong but here in the EEA, and without Sony's consent."


Sony declined to comment directly on the case. However, a spokesperson did tell GI.biz: "The law is clear; grey importing PS2, PSP or PS3 into the EU, without the express permission of SCE is illegal. Therefore, we will utilise the full scope of the law to put a stop to any retailers who chose to do this."


He continued, "Ultimately, we're trying to protect consumers from being sold hardware that does not conform to strict EU or UK consumer safety standards, due to voltage supply differences et cetera; is not - in PS3's case - backwards compatible with either PS1 or PS2 software; will not play European Blu-Ray movies or DVDs; and will not be covered by warranty."



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This information is from an article dated today on the Japanese tech site BroadBand Watch

Link: http://bb.watch.impress.co.jp/cda/special/15818.html


The controller, while using Bluetooth and therefore being wireless, needs to be connected once to the machine by USB cable prior to use so that the machine can detect the cable (pairing process). This process will be necessary every time the console is powered off then on


The lithium battery inside the controller is also recharged using USB connection. Approx. 2.5 hours of recharging is required for a maximum of about 30 hours of play. The controller can be used even if the battery runs out of power by connecting it to the console (USB). However, as the battery cannot be replaced once it becomes unusable (ceases to recharge), the controller has to be replaced or sent for repairs.


You couldn't make this stuff up.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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