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Red Steel -1ST Rev game screenshots in gameinformer


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Holy tropical fruit juice batman!

i leave my computer for a few hours and i miss all this action?! im never leaving my computer again!!! :heh:


took me 40 minutes to read all this stuff - 22 pages!!


screens look freekin class! definately said WOW.


Roll on E3 and roll on the Revo kickin ass and takin names!!!!!!!!


:bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy:


Edit: make that 23 pages!!! another one popped up while writing this. Incredible!!!!

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i looked hard FOR jaggys ,there not bad , even mgs4 has jaggys if you know how to look


when you say jaggys, do you mean odjects that are meant to be round but you can see they are made from flat sides OR do you mean the sort of shimmering you get from edges etc from current gen titles?


EDIT: AHHH! perfect dark the most glossed game ever, why is everything plastic coverd?:)

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Everyone is loosing the're mind... finally a revolution visual... well I managed to clear up the scans a bit... enjoy and stay dry.








I'll keep this up for awhile. enjoy.



Ya I wanna see the building pic....


*NOTE i noticed that this game looks stylised...the visuals kinda have that street look like nba street v3. So imagine when they bust out RE5.

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when you say jaggys, do you mean odjects that are meant to be round but you can see they are made from flat sides OR do you mean the sort of shimmering you get from edges etc from current gen titles?


EDIT: AHHH! perfect dark the most glossed game ever, why is everything plastic coverd?:)


anti aliasing (cant spell that)

stair effect on edges ..


the game has some , but not alot and for the little that it does have , it isnt noticable at all (unless your trying to find them)

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“In many situations, there will be a higher-ranking enemy who commands the others in the area. By defeating him, and sparing his life, he will offer you his respect, and help. The enemies will surrender their guns, and the boss may offer you a new weapon, a special path, or another reward. Any time you spare an enemy, you will be rewarded. As it always takes more skill to spare a life, than to take it”


“Although the majority of Red Steel’s gameplay will stress ranged combat, there will be times you need to get up close, and personal. You can switch to the sword at any time, and if you can get close enough to an enemy, you can use it for one-hit stealth kills. In other moments you’ll find yourself locked into intense one-one sword duels.”


"Little things like the ability to rotate the gun in you hand may not sound like a big deal, but all these little things add up to create precisely what the team was hoping to achieve with Red Steel, immersion. We may only have played sample stages, but we really felt like we were living them, experiencing their events firsthand."


"You'll also be able to lob grenades by imitating throwing a ball with the controller in your hand, or even roll it along the ground with an underarm throw."

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wow, doesn't anyone own a scanner any more?

this game is just so great and it's not just becouse of the graphics it's the fact that ubi are making full use of the controler and now finaly i can turn the controler and take down enemys in a john woo style. great job ubi.

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This has been one of the most hilarious, exciting and down right entertaining threads I have read in ages. I saw Guaranas post earlier this evening and thought it sounded interesting but probably fake. Never in a million years did I expect to find this insanity. Guarana, I am sorry for ever doubting you, if I ever meet you I will kiss you and yes maybe even lick you. Those screens, when I saw them I actually threw up in pure wonder. I mean, just WOW, you can rotate the goddamn gun in game for christ sake.


As for why Nintendo would allow screens to be released now, before E3, it's obvious. Just look at the response, people would be willing to sell there virginity for more screens and information now. Hell, I'm chewing my laptop just to get the maximum amount of flavour from this information.


Possible tagline for E3:

E3 2006- Millions of servers will die.

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