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Red Steel -1ST Rev game screenshots in gameinformer


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I know this video is fake and everything, but 1/3rd in you've got to admit it looks a lot like red steel: -(Someone posted it on the onm forum).


2mins and 6 seconds in.




Does anyone know what game that is? as the video appears to just be cutt outs of other videos/games.

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i note these down for when people want to bash gta for its OTT violence...


Ahhh but GTA doesn't really give you the option to do anything but be violent. Blood Steel is different, especially with the honour system.

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Perhaps they could use the "parental settings" to its full potential...the "parent" should chose weather things like gore, swearing, etc are on; which then triggers options in the game.


That would be such a brilliant idea. And it would fit with Nintendo's business move to attempt to make the whole family play video games.

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It is hilarious that Rainbow Six, Prince of Persia, Splinter Cell, Beyond Good and Evil didn't have any blood and no one complained. It is also funny that people here say that videogames don't make you any violent and at same time cry for blood.


And for clarity. This game sounds like Kill Bill in the fact that it is an actual depiction of violence. It makes you ask yourself how much is a person's life worth. Using blood has been a prominent visual tool in Japan for eons and also we are talking about getting down and ugly with a Katana blade! It would look horrifically wrong if they just fell back stopped moving. The horror of the violence would seem to be a key part of this game.


I know this video is fake and everything, but 1/3rd in you've got to admit it looks a lot like red steel: -(Someone posted it on the onm forum).


2mins and 6 seconds in.




Does anyone know what game that is? as the video appears to just be cutt outs of other videos/games.


I would say yes it does because the graphic style is very similar. However that is blatantly meant to be Chow Yun Fat so no I'd say not. Hard Boiled the video game? John Woo the game?

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Here's my contribution to the thread, I had finished these like... when someone posted the new scans with improved resolution, so now I'm re-doing this one with those...


but here it is:


They have a big watermark because I suspect the quick and dirt one I did yesterday went to another website... it's not like I did what no one else could, or that I don't want to share, but I like feedback and to know where the thing I worked on is going.


Also this one took me 3 hours... I had to remake the missing pieces of the carpet, roof (who doesn't look that good) and glass flying over... it has lots of flaws over there that I'll try to sort out with the new attemp and new scans.


If anyone wants this one without the watermark... just ask, I'll give it away, but you guys have to tell me for what is it, and if it's for a website give me credit for the work. "re-masterized by insert-nick/name" on the bottom/corner... whatever :)

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And for clarity. This game sounds like Kill Bill in the fact that it is an actual depiction of violence. It makes you ask yourself how much is a person's life worth. Using blood has been a prominent visual tool in Japan for eons and also we are talking about getting down and ugly with a Katana blade! It would look horrifically wrong if they just fell back stopped moving. The horror of the violence would seem to be a key part of this game.




I would say yes it does because the graphic style is very similar. However that is blatantly meant to be Chow Yun Fat so no I'd say not. Hard Boiled the video game? John Woo the game?


Yeah its stranglehold, or something like that, a john woo game with chow yun fat in it, their is a rummour that this will see light on the rev at some point due to midway having a couple of games in development!


EDIT: just noticed over 1000 posts in one thread, a record?

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Here I made this onecause I love the explosion!



But I think according to this scan I think the graphics more gonna look like that. Check it really looks more like a videogame as we know it. The picture between the guy and the woman: And the japanese guy:



Do you see? It features smooth-self-shadowing.

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Not putting blood in this game , in order to pass the game off with a teen rating and to cash in on the teens money ... is pissing me off .

I never expected to like anything from ubisoft , but this game (not just because it was a revolution title) was actually starting to grow on me.

I cant experience a bloody sword fight ...without the blood ..

swords and blood go together like guns go with bullets.

I know splinter cell , beyond good & evil , prince of persia , etc. didnt have blood , but i never cared about any of these games (i actualy care about this one).

Golden eye had minimal blood effects and worked nice , perfect dark was nicer though (more blooder efects in PD ).

Blood isnt needed , but it makes the experience seem more complete , and it would suck if the only thing holding this game back from being nearly perfect is its lack of blood .

People amaze me with how blood in video games are wrong .. video games are a form of art and if blood is involved then so be it ..


Humans like most other animals on the planet , have blood inside there bodys .. this has been the case for millions of years ... when humans, like most other animals get cut or a projectile pierces the skin , thick red liquid expells out of the body .. this has been the case for millions of years , and shouldnt come to as a surprise to anyone .. if this action occures in a video game it should appear just as natural as anything else . Like nintendork said before; blood shouldnt make this game Mature rated ; THE VIOLENCE SHOULD . Bleeding is only a natural reaction to VIOLENCE... therefore PREFORMING VIOLENCE should determine mature ratings not the level of blood produced through the VIOLENCE.. if this were the case this game would still be Mature rated even without blood in it , therefore just put the damn blood in , and stop just thinking about money (ubisoft) you sell out basterds...

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Not putting blood in this game , in order to pass the game off with a teen rating and to cash in on the teens money ... is pissing me off .

I never expected to like anything from ubisoft , but this game (not just because it was a revolution title) was actually starting to grow on me.

I cant experience a bloody sword fight ...without the blood ..

swords and blood go together like guns go with bullets.

I know splinter cell , beyond good & evil , prince of persia , etc. didnt have blood , but i never cared about any of these games (i actualy care about this one).

Golden eye had minimal blood effects and worked nice , perfect dark was nicer though (more blooder efects in PD ).

Blood isnt needed , but it makes the experience seem more complete , and it would suck if the only thing holding this game back from being nearly perfect is its lack of blood .

People amaze me with how blood in video games are wrong .. video games are a form of art and if blood is involved then so be it ..


Humans like most other animals on the planet , have blood inside there bodys .. this has been the case for millions of years ... when humans, like most other animals get cut or a projectile pierces the skin , thick red liquid expells out of the body .. this has been the case for millions of years , and shouldnt come to as a surprise to anyone .. if this action occures in a video game it should appear just as natural as anything else . Like nintendork said before; blood shouldnt make this game Mature rated ; THE VIOLENCE SHOULD . Bleeding is only a natural reaction to VIOLENCE... therefore PREFORMING VIOLENCE should determine mature ratings not the level of blood produced through the VIOLENCE.. if this were the case this game would still be Mature rated even without blood in it , therefore just put the damn blood in , and stop just thinking about money (ubisoft) you sell out basterds...


Blood is realistic, but based on what you say you seem to have no idea what is art or makes a good video-game... Is blood really that nesessary to a videogame? Just look @ SoulCalibur: has always been one of the best games around, but even if you got sliced hard by the blades you never see 1 ml of blood...does thast make it a bad game? No !

does the lack of blood do any harm to the rating of that game? No, of course not.

It´s quite disgusting to not buy a game only because of the lack of blood!

By the way I don´t think you will see many bloody games in the future on rev...go to pc, there you´ll find way mor blood, mod-blood and patches...


I think the rev-software will most likely be designed to a japanese demographic.... And I think mini-games are gonna be big in the furture:

Has any one played gridwars? link : http://www.blitzbasic.com/markincitti/downloads/GridWars.zip(use mouse to control the ship, and arrow-updownrightleft to shoot!!!)

I prefer this one over Oblivion all the time and so just don´t get my character leveled up anymore... by the way there´s no blood @guarana...so just don´t klick the link, or you´ll be dissapointed :wink:

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to be honest, if they put in copious amounts of blood I'd just feel sick.

removing the blood santises the game - I don't know about you but I wouldn't enjoy watching a person realistically bleed - its not something that turns me on, you know?


now perhaps if I got emotionally involved in this game, and they made me mega angry at a character, then maybe I'd be different, but I can't say I've been drawn into a video game that much.


I'm not saying I wouldn't enjoy a game just because there is blood in it, but nor would I enjoy it any more if there was.

Having said that I didn't get Killer7 because of the blood.

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The blood thing is no big deal, having much blood in games is something that has gradually decreased in recent times and to be honest I only see it as really necessary if the game is a horror game, in which case the sight of blood makes it more real and scary and it can often be integral to the game experience.


Halo featured minimal blood (And most of that was green alien blood), Call of Duty/Medal of Honour feature no blood at all. Even the likes of GTA don't feature all that much blood or gore and what is in the game is far from realistic. I don't think its necessary at all, I think a good physics engine is far more vital to giving the game a realistic feel.

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The blood thing is no big deal, having much blood in games is something that has gradually decreased in recent times and to be honest I only see it as really necessary if the game is a horror game, in which case the sight of blood makes it more real and scary and it can often be integral to the game experience.


Halo featured minimal blood (And most of that was green alien blood), Call of Duty/Medal of Honour feature no blood at all. Even the likes of GTA don't feature all that much blood or gore and what is in the game is far from realistic. I don't think its necessary at all, I think a good physics engine is far more vital to giving the game a realistic feel.


very true - this game seems more of an action game, the fact you are encouraged to spare the lives of the bosses and encourage accuracy and a focus on honour indicates this won't be a blood thirsty game.


a focus on blood would be more fitting of a unrefined go crazy wave the controller randomly hope for the best, spray the baddies with bullets using uzi's, gritty type of game.


In short the revs version of a thoughtless button masher.

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It actually contains a lot more. The honor system foreksampel. Read the prieview on http://www.revo-europe.com/preview.php?prid=218


Looks like you are generalizing all FPS.. I understand it if you don't like FPS. But this wil feature many new things. How many FPS game offer any thing more than red steel? only a few imo.


And in Fable every tree will grow back after while when you cut them ....


Sorry unless there is a real test it is not more than a average FPS for me - the controller is the new thing and the gameplay is adapted to it. Kingpin had a respect system too (was from 1998) but instead of waving a controller you had to press a button for yes and no. I am not saying the game is bad or anything but so far I am not impressed. The graphics look good, the story sounds convincing but the interaction with the controller is far too obvious for my taste.

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the game is slated as 16+


since you guys believe anything people say, ill tell you this


there WILL be blood. because as some uninformed poster mentioned, there is actually blood in prince of persia, just not a shed loads of it.


you will see blood spurts, in the vein of call of duty perhaps, we will probably not get any blood baths, but then again, why wont we get blood, this game aint gonna be a teen rating, you wield a damn katana, use your common sense people.

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but the interaction with the controller is far too obvious for my taste.


So what do you want them to do, instead? Point downards to turn left? Point left to turn right? Point right to fire? The whole point of the FHC is to introduce instinctive control to games, to do what feels natural to achieve an affect on screen; abstract button pressing is what Nintendo are trying to get away from, because it turns off non-videogamers from trying games.


You say it's obvious to do a particular action with the controller to achieve something, to me that says the developers have succeeded in their aims.

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And in Fable every tree will grow back after while when you cut them ....


Sorry unless there is a real test it is not more than a average FPS for me - the controller is the new thing and the gameplay is adapted to it. Kingpin had a respect system too (was from 1998) but instead of waving a controller you had to press a button for yes and no. I am not saying the game is bad or anything but so far I am not impressed. The graphics look good, the story sounds convincing but the interaction with the controller is far too obvious for my taste.


Please tell me what a Good FPS would be like in your opinion.

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Please tell me what a Good FPS would be like in your opinion.



Real interaction with the environment and the people. I want that other enemies fear me when they see how I kill one of them. If I shoot a light source I want the surrounding to respond with darkness. I would like to point a sword at the forehead of a guy and see him cry for mercy. I want that if I am hit in the arm I can't aim as good as before. I don't need a river of blood but if I cut someones arm off I would like to hear and see the effects of it. Furthermore I don't want to walk on a fixed path an enemies appear behind doors, desks and stuff - there should be a logical explanation. Fewer enemies but more realistic ones.

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Real interaction with the environment and the people. I want that other enemies fear me when they see how I kill one of them. If I shoot a light source I want the surrounding to respond with darkness. I would like to point a sword at the forehead of a guy and see him cry for mercy. I want that if I am hit in the arm I can't aim as good as before. I don't need a river of blood but if I cut someones arm off I would like to hear and see the effects of it. Furthermore I don't want to walk on a fixed path an enemies appear behind doors, desks and stuff - there should be a logical explanation. Fewer enemies but more realistic ones.



This sounds a lot like the PC game F.E.A.R

And that is the quality mark the Ubi Team is trying to reach.

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How much blood do you think this game will have. (been wanting to ask for ages). It seems like the kind of game that will need some blood. Or maybe it could be done without? Blood is always controversial in games and I don't want this game to be spoiled by having excess. However it may seem odd when slicing a guy with a sword and there is no claret to follow?



You guys are so late on the blood debate:heh:

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