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The Videogame Sales Chart [EVER]

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Very very interesting.

Nice to see Nintendo holding onto the top 11 spots!


Mario Party 5 sold 2 million worldwide...wtf...and Nintendogs has sold ...

....5.42 million :shock:


I thought Ocarina of Time would of sold a lot more tbh, heck Final Fantasy XII sold more in a week than OOT ever in Japan (it was nearly 2 million).

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Erm, Myst was the best selling computer game ever for the PC until the late 90s when Maxxis came along with a series called the Sims.


While I don't regard the Sims as a computer game, and I do to Myst.. the Sims is the greatest selling computer game ever.


Neither games are on this list, of course the Sims for PS2 will have sold fuck all.. it's the PC game that sold.


The list should include PC games really, as they're still computer games- otherwise Nintendo wouldn't have a leg to stand on outside of Pokemon and Mario, but it's still quite a feat.

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  • 3 weeks later...

SSBM didn't even sell half of the last 2 GTAs; and both the Halos outsold it.

That's really really sad....


EDIT: also i cant believe that of the 633 games listed only 16 of them were on SEGA systems


It's because SEGA only dominated in Europe.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I thought Ocarina of Time would of sold a lot more tbh, heck Final Fantasy XII sold more in a week than OOT ever in Japan (it was nearly 2 million).


Historically; Zelda games have sold 'well' in japan, but they never create the panic and bying of the FF and DQ series.


1 million plus is what Zelda games seem to achieve, but selling 1 million isn't necessarily easy.

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I hate people.


Finally, someone I can relate to. : peace: As a wise man once said: "People are bastard coated bastards with bastard centres."


EDIT: Nice to see Metroid Prime, Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 7 on there.

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