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Daft is soooo uberly right. Motion said something to me on MSN and I felt very bad for him, he said this was the only forum he visits, and was very annoyed/upset that he had been taken away. :(


and put some of this energy into creating some great threads to help us improve the N-E forums.


But when I do make awesome threads no-one answers them. :(

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Excellent post by Daft, it's starting to seem as though the Mods/Admins are doing as they please and while it may be 'their' forum I think a lot of people are disappointed with the actions they have been taking lately.


I believe us 'lesser' users should be allowed a say in what actions are taken in this place to enforce the rules so that the majority is pleased.

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Some people are saying the new infractions system is not public enough. What if we could, theoretically, make everyone's infraction level visible to everyone else? Not sure if it will do the job but if it could, would you guys think that was better?


And to settle the whole motion thing, how about I find you a list of things he said which lead to post deletions/infractions and his eventual banning?

Anyone found a soundtrack site/mp3s for this game yet?
(Reqiesting illegal stuff)
LOL importing in a language you don't understand again?
(Unecessarily insulting a member)
Moria please stop wanking while you mod the forum
(Speaks for itself)
Not scared at all, just not as attention-craving with a low self esteem like yourself who's entire life seems to revolve around
the more manly they get the more ugly

You must think you're the prettiest thing on the planet in that case.

He seems to lead a pathetic life, what do you expect?
(very harsh flaming IMO)
(Directed at Moria)


If you need more, please, just browse through the football thread or talk to any of its regulars.



Now that you can see why he was banned clearly in black and white I hope the subject can be dropped.


Daft, I was not intending to offend anyone, the postcount aspect was a joke, the point of my post not even specifically aimed at you, if it was, I would've quoted you first.


Motion was banned because he broke rules, he caused too many arguments and unecesserily insulted too many people. I think you guys are being irrational in your complaints. You are failing to read and respond to this single important point. He has been banned because he crossed the line far too many times.


Now the other things you are accusing us of, censorship, stubbornness, inability to discuss issues - frankly I am amazed. If we were not capable of discussing things with you guys, why are we keeping this thread open, taking in your points and explaining our case? I could've just locked this thread and told you 'all decisions are final', but instead I made the decision to reason with you. The fact that we are having this talk is surely indicative of the fact that we do listen. Along with the way we changed the rules and infractions system due to claims that it was not simple enough.


Personally I am getting very annoyed at claims that we do not care what forum members want, when we are here giving up our time to voluntarily manage this forum to the best of our ability. It is not an easy task to make an executive decision such as removing all infractions, rewriting guidelines or banning a member who has broken rules, especially one who has, on occasion, contributed well to the message boards.


Takeo Miyazaki, you've provided an excellent point which I would like everyone to know that I agree with. We do not make this board what it is, we never claimed to. Neither does the subject matter, the forum software or the flippin' colour scheme. You guys are what makes this forum this forum. If every one of you went elsewhere, it would be the same forum, under a different name. If you were all swapped with new members, it would be a different forum under the same name. I am perfectly aware of this, but that doesn't mean we can allow all members to stay, just because of their positive aspects, when they break the rules. If we were to turn that around, there'd be a bloody mutiny. As soon as the population see that one person is not being banned for breaking the rules, they'll all be at it. The forums are a microcosm of human society, and society needs government and policing to survive, otherwise it would destroy itself....






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Isn't it 9 yellows and you're banned, because 3 yellows = 1 red and 3 reds = b&.


Very fair points made by Shorty, makes me wonder how Dabookerman got away with not being banned for so long, but if you really want to make it seem as though this is a fair 'government' in charge surely the users who make this place what it is should be allowed to vote for who they want in charge instead of the system of:


Spending years on these boards, being a 'very good boy' and becoming chummy with those in charge to get a Mod position.

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Meh, i think Shorty made fair enough points, but i never argued against motion's ban, only Ant and harribo's.


Also Mcmad, myself and a lot of us would like the option to PICK our moderators in future. I mean sure, the current mod/mins can make a shortlist, but we'd like to have some say in that too.

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How many yellows does it take? Because I can find a lot more.


I'm sure we could fine a lot for other members as well then if we want to dig up.


Yeah - http://n-europe.com/forum/search.php?searchid=245448&pp=25


Not hard to find lots of instances worthy of infractions.


Ok, you are new. So whatever...


Isn't it 9 yellows and you're banned, because 3 yellows = 1 red and 3 reds = b&.


Very fair points made by Shorty, makes me wonder how Dabookerman got away with not being banned for so long, but if you really want to make it seem as though this is a fair 'government' in charge surely the users who make this place what it is should be allowed to vote for who they want in charge instead of the system of:


Spending years on these boards, being a 'very good boy' and becoming chummy with those in charge to get a Mod position.


That would be interesting but doubt it would happen.

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The staff are voted for out of the whole pool of registered members by current staff, leading all the way back to the people who started the forums. Personally I think if the entire forum was allowed to vote in the staff, they'd just get together, vote all their friends in and then the entire boards would change and it would no longer be N-E.


Afaik nobody ever became a mod just by 'being very chummy' with the staff. Supergrunch will tell you he had no idea he was going to suddenly be offered a blue name. I certainly had no idea I was going to be passed the creative boards to mod years back, I didn't even talk to any of the staff back then, and I was a pretty sarcastic member.


If I had to pick a new mod right now, the decision wouldn't be based on any personal bias, but who I felt was a trustworthy and responsible user, who would have the time and conviction to moderate the boards, and I mean that very honestly.

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Guest dynastygal



Ok, you are new. So whatever...




Just don't bother. Srsly. You saw what UK did, don't mimic his patronising attitude.

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The staff are voted for out of the whole pool of registered members by current staff, leading all the way back to the people who started the forums. Personally I think if the entire forum was allowed to vote in the staff, they'd just get together, vote all their friends in and then the entire boards would change and it would no longer be N-E.


Afaik nobody ever became a mod just by 'being very chummy' with the staff. Supergrunch will tell you he had no idea he was going to suddenly be offered a blue name. I certainly had no idea I was going to be passed the creative boards to mod years back, I didn't even talk to any of the staff back then, and I was a pretty sarcastic member.


If I had to pick a new mod right now, the decision wouldn't be based on any personal bias, but who I felt was a trustworthy and responsible user, who would have the time and conviction to moderate the boards, and I mean that very honestly.



I'm sure you would pick a fair and honest person however it would be ridiculous to say that we are all like robots and would make totally unbais choices. Human nature influences are choices.


Take the US supreme court for example, more often than not a Republican president will choose a judge with similar beliefs. Now I'm not saying it's the same here (the huge salaries would be nice here though) but you see that it is everywhere. Without a large user base about to scrutinize decisions there will inevitably be some bias.

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Just don't bother. Srsly. You saw what UK did, don't mimic his patronising attitude.


This proves my point, it wasn't for the UK got banned for. I think you need to do some back reading. Cheers.


He was pointing out the link doesn't work dynasty ¬_¬


Ah, she's new. She will learn soon enough. We all went through this phase. So me it was most, embarrassing.

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Guest dynastygal
He was pointing out the link doesn't work dynasty ¬_¬


No he wasn't as he would've said, and the link does work, so I don't know why you're making up excuses for him.


This proves my point, it wasn't for the UK got banned for. I think you need to do some back reading. Cheers.


I know UK didn't get banned for that, but you saw what he got when he took on the attitude you're taking now. And I don't need to do any back reading at all, but maybe YOU do. UK was banned because he was the person behind a previously banned troll account (as well as others). So I've proved nothing other than the fact you're clearly just looking to piss others off.

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No he wasn't as he would've said, and the link does work, so I don't know why you're making up excuses for him.




I know UK didn't get banned for that, but you saw what he got when he took on the attitude you're taking now. And I don't need to do any back reading at all, but maybe YOU do. UK was banned because he was the person behind a previously banned troll account (as well as others). So I've proved nothing other than the fact you're clearly just looking to piss others off.


The link doesn't work, and please stop acting like everyone's out to get you.

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Shorty, you make a good point.


Dynastygirl, with all due respect, you have stumbled on this forum when it is in chaos - can you just not comment on the goings on?? It doesn't make sense for a new member to post like you are....



...unless you are THE Ganondorf, then it all makes sense

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I know UK didn't get banned for that, but you saw what he got when he took on the attitude you're taking now. And I don't need to do any back reading at all, but maybe YOU do. UK was banned because he was the person behind a previously banned troll account (as well as others). So I've proved nothing other than the fact you're clearly just looking to piss others off.


The attitude I've got now is no where near the level of that which UK, under whatever alias, had. Love, calm down, not everyone is out to get you. Stop taking everything so personally. You're talking about stuff of which you didn't witness or take part of.

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The staff are voted for out of the whole pool of registered members by current staff, leading all the way back to the people who started the forums. Personally I think if the entire forum was allowed to vote in the staff, they'd just get together, vote all their friends in and then the entire boards would change and it would no longer be N-E.


If I had to pick a new mod right now, the decision wouldn't be based on any personal bias, but who I felt was a trustworthy and responsible user, who would have the time and conviction to moderate the boards, and I mean that very honestly.


In my head it wouldn't be users voting for other users, it would be users voting for a party of users who they think would do the best job.


People work best as a team when they are familiar and get along with their team-mates and therefore work would be done efficiently and productively.


In all fairness one person alone can never make an un-biased decision, you can try to make a balanced one but there will always be some personal factors that affect your choice.


Fair point made though Shorty maybe I should be saying this stuff in this suggestion thread instead, it really does seem as though this has now become the new MPotD thread.


And dynasty gal, the link doesn't work.

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