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new members this year with 25+ posts




This forums is dying. More members are banned or become inactive than new active members join. The current members are becoming more and more homogenous and clicky as time passes which in itself is a barrier. Any new members are considerably less awesome than those who have foregone their interest or right to post here. You either need a breeding program or a management consultant to turn things around. It is unlikely that Nintendo are going to stimulate interest in this forum in the foreseeble future (and its not like this forum has much to do with nintendo or gaming anymore). Right now, I'm taking names.


More new members are banned because they are older banned members who create new accounts. Some members have actually re-signed up more than two or three times after being banned.


Don't want to be banned? Don't be an arsehole in the first place. Don't create multiple accounts. Don't break the rules. I think that is fair.

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this is what I mean about newer members being less awesome.. ::shrug:(anyway back to the castle)


D_prOdigy has been here two years...


Anyway consider this; we don't have many new member because ex ones who have acted like knobs come back to try and piss all over the place.


(granted you won't see this anyway but whatever)

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