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IGN: Revolution Horsepower


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Anyone attacked their gamecube with a hammer before? I spent about 2 hours trying to get into mine with a saw and hammer and could only scratch the paint with the hammer....forget about other consoles, it could win robot wars.

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Aye, it's the same thing you see on gamefaqs with the "My console can beat up your console" fights -_-

Now just imagine living in gamefaqs 24/7


Dear God


NOOOOOOO!!!! you should preach there about peace and love and everyone owning a Rev. time for brainwashing i think.:laughing:

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Without knowing Cache, bandwidth,... nothing final can be said about the hardware, but let's just wait for E3. Even then, games won't be finalized, but still if I get games with RE4, Rogue Squadron and WW like graphics, but with betters textures, animations wtvr, I'm fine with it. Played Kameo and CoD2 and they don't like that jawdropping, specially on SDTVs.




developers seem to suggest that 3-5 times what gamecube can do is a better way to express the power of the machine. the numbers don;t mean much as the chips will have been refined in more ways than just the clock speed.


why doesn;t any know that the only reason we talk about speed as an expression of processor power is because for year intel was too shite to do anything other than speed it's chips up and call them new.


anyway... remember the snes ran at less than half the speed of the megadrive and that never stopped it being better in every respect.


the revolution will have very very very pretty games. rest assured.


it will not look like a ps3... but then the games won;t cost £50 - 60 and the machine won't be £400.


fair trade if you ask me... especially as my 'powerful' psp gathers dust while my 'n64 quality' DS is never switched off.

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developers seem to suggest that 3-5 times what gamecube can do is a better way to express the power of the machine. the numbers don;t mean much as the chips will have been refined in more ways than just the clock speed.


why doesn;t any know that the only reason we talk about speed as an expression of processor power is because for year intel was too shite to do anything other than speed it's chips up and call them new.


anyway... remember the snes ran at less than half the speed of the megadrive and that never stopped it being better in every respect.


the revolution will have very very very pretty games. rest assured.


it will not look like a ps3... but then the games won;t cost £50 - 60 and the machine won't be £400.


fair trade if you ask me... especially as my 'powerful' psp gathers dust while my 'n64 quality' DS is never switched off.


Here Here, well said old boy. meet you in the smoking room for a brandy?

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The sad sad truth of the matter is the average jackass kid that buys a console cares about how powerful he is told it is (maybe it's just here in the states) but from that point on he will live and die by it.


The real truth is your average jackass kid can't afford £500 odd for a ps3 or £300 odd for a 360.

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The real truth is your average jackass kid can't afford £500 odd for a ps3 or £300 odd for a 360.



That is so not true! We live in a world dominated by brand names and guess what teenagers are the primary money source for Nike, Hilfiger, Sony, etc. I don't mind what name my shoes have but a majority of younger people do and they get plenty of money from their parents. My sister gets double the money with 18 now compared to what I got with 18. My parents did not get richer just to make that clear. Times changing and teenagers are a very big market because they have more money. As a student I normally don't have much cash but that is because I live alone, have to buy my food, clothes, taxes, insurance, ...

Teenagers don't have to do that - they have mostly a weekly allowance which they can spend on whatever they like. Of course there are exceptions but in a busy world like we have many parents try to cover missing family values with money.

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...dreamcast would be the clincher if they could get them. imagine that. the rev would be the greatest console of all time.


Yeah, but the trouble with that is that the games take way to much space to be downloaded (atleast for the average consumer) and they would need a pretty good emulator (and lots of argueing with SEGA) so I don't think they think it's worth it.


But sure, more consoles = for the win!

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are you saying your parents did not install family values into your sister?


any way you would have to have pretty rich parent to be able to afford a PS3 though.


No it is just that times change. I simply did not need that much money at that time. My sister started going out on weekends with 14 - I did it with 16. It is just that I think that teenagers generally get more money now compared to the time when I was a teenager.


Of course I would never get my parents to buy my a PS3 for fun but I would need less time to save up for a PS3. I saw a lot of parents buying children a 360 for christmas - it seems 400€ is not that "much" nowadays!

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[A C V] Nintendo has commented on the Revolution specs leaked by IGN. Speaking with a Dutch gaming website, they said despite the details IGN handed out, it's all still speculation, and only the E3 will confirm everything.


Could this mean that even the specs IGN got their hands on are not final yet? Or is Nintendo just holding off because it's usual video game business this way?


What's for certain though is that, for one, Revolution will take off sooner than you'd think, and secondly, will do so with a price set considerably below their competitor's machines, meaning less than 300 dollars. The exact price has yet to be revealed, and guess what, that'll probably happen no earlier than E3.

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[A C V] Nintendo has commented on the Revolution specs leaked by IGN. Speaking with a Dutch gaming website, they said despite the details IGN handed out, it's all still speculation, and only the E3 will confirm everything.


Could this mean that even the specs IGN got their hands on are not final yet? Or is Nintendo just holding off because it's usual video game business this way?


What's for certain though is that, for one, Revolution will take off sooner than you'd think, and secondly, will do so with a price set considerably below their competitor's machines, meaning less than 300 dollars. The exact price has yet to be revealed, and guess what, that'll probably happen no earlier than E3.


Hummm, maybe the specs are on of the several differnt dev kits the developers recived. This might explain the low specs.

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The "souped up xbox" tag isnt going to die now.


I hope this sint true tbh and I think anyone who is saying specs don't matter is being a tad naive.


The ironic thing is....the revolution is the least of the next Gen consoles which is anything like a souped up ver of this Gen

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The real truth is your average jackass kid can't afford £500 odd for a ps3 or £300 odd for a 360.


I'm sorry but that is just wrong. Walk into a game store some time and pay attention to how kids pick out games and how they get to buy them... then again maybe thats just state side, never been to europe so I guess I can't comment...


Edit #1:

System_error got the point dead on


Edit #2:

I still think a buyable firmware update (addon?) could be possible to allow the revo to read dreamcast disks. Not saying this will be put into play but I think it would be more viable than selling dreamcast isos online.

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The sad sad truth of the matter is the average jackass kid that buys a console cares about how powerful he is told it is (maybe it's just here in the states) but from that point on he will live and die by it. I have seen far to many people buy Xboxs and feel as if they just enlarged their penis due to the purchase.

Moral of the story: People cannot admit they bought a bad product and if something else is more powerful that means it's better making their product lesser and thus their penis shrinks -_-


Too true ..its kind of funny but not really ....everyone i know is like this ... except my family (i taught them well). People have to stop thinking there COOL by getting a certain game or system. Videogames are not about being COOL... you never hear about the guy who got layed more ,cus he won alot of halo 2 matches :shakehead .Videogames never where ,and never will make you ''COOL'' . Someone who admits he's playing a game solely because its fun and entertaining to play , and doesnt care if that makes him look alittle geeky , and not worrying about other opinions - thats ''cool''

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How many people thought the PS2 was the most powerful last gen? A LOT! This adds to the perception of the console being better. When the Xbox came out people justified their PS2 purchases by saying things along the lines of "It's not THAT much better" and cuddel them selfs at night with their copies of GTA. I should note I never said console specs = rating of a console they simply add to it.

You are right that when it comes down to it killer apps make or break the sale, however if two consoles have the same titles (or similar) the higher powered console will get the mind share and probably the marketshare.


The japanese are xenophobic and take pride in their electronics, end of story there.


The cube had some of the best graphics this round but people perceived it at the least powerful and thus it was. The demo pods DON'T MATTER! PEOPLE AT LARGE ARE STUPID AND BELIEVE WHAT THEY ARE TOLD. If they hear from someone that the ps2 has better graphics than the cube or xbox they take that as a given constant that never changes. If they see something to the contrary they justify it with things like "Bad TV" or "It's just this game", as for exclusives they see that as "optimized" and would run so much better on their console of choice.


I also remember the Xbox launch and the general reason I remember people not buying them was the fear that it would tank and loss all support. After a few years to prove it had staying power people started picking it up left and right. Online did help but more of a potential that could be used and as an excuse not to buy the gamecube. The PS2 had marginal online support but enough to say "we have online" and while next to no one uses it people still see the PS2 as the "best" console and don't hold the lack of online against sony.



Walk into a game store some time and wait for a small child w/ parent come in, watch how that goes.


Edit #2:

You recall the xbox 360 MTV debute? I believe that is a good supporter of the point I am trying to make.

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The japanese are xenophobic and take pride in their electronics, end of story there.



Coke, Pepsi, Apple, iPod, Levi's, Nike, McDonalds.


Fuck that xenophobic bullshit argument- it is shit.


I think a lot of people here are from the new middle class who have had everything they wanted growing up- and don't understand what it means to be working class.

I think the Revolution will be a success with the working class families.


And to those of you who underestimate the power of the new middle class, I think the argument that they give their kids what they want is pretty sound.. they live a busy lifestyle, they are accustomed to a quality of life where they have time for themselves.


If a games console gives them a few hours at the end of the day to shut the kids up then those kids will get it.

and the same when they're out and about.. in the car, that kind of junk.

Just give them it and they'll shut up.


I'm not quite sure what the argument is but I've cleared up a few things here..


Graphics used to be a big deal for me, I wanted a PS2 because it had good graphics, a DVD player and the same for the PS1.. I didn't care about the competition really though- the games is what mattered to me deep down, but obviously before buying the console at launch I didn't know about many games.

So me and my school chums went for the PS2 because it did seem to have the best graphics.. I didn't care about the competition.


These days it's the games that matter to me, I'm more into what Nintendo has to offer and graphics has taken a major back seat.


I'd say the demographic of people who buy a console just because of graphics is incredible small.

The real factors are- what the media says, the cost of the system and the games.


Revolution is cheapest, it will have some great exclusive games and it's been identified by mainstream media as the underdog system.

Underpowered but it makes up for it elsewhere.


Everyone loves an underdog.

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All I care about the graphics is that itll make metroid prime 3 a bit better than the GC one and the rest i leave to the controller. Metroid looks brilliant as it is so any enhancement and im happy. I just want to play like never before. Its all about the games, and this new sword title sounds exciting. S dont get depressed over a few specs it'll hardly be noticeable. Thats why we like Nintendo here. The franchises. remember that....

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Coke, Pepsi, Apple, iPod, Levi's, Nike, McDonalds.


Fuck that xenophobic bullshit argument- it is shit....


I'm sorry but it is true. As much as it might seem to be contrary to itself (the items you mentioned) they are indeed xenophobic. I live in Hawaii and deal with japanese tourists on a daily basis, please don't tell me they are not xenophobic.

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They aren't as xenophobic as its made to think. Amercian brands are huge there, because they adapt themselves to the japanese market. XBOX fails, because it doesn't. Older japanese are still conservative, but the younger generations love the american culture. A relative of mine lived there for an year and she said this, and from what I've read it's true.

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Oh dear... wanna know a significant reason why no-one wants to trust the xbox in japan? It has a lot to do with the fact that a significant percentage of the launch xbox systems ate up game discs with scratches, and microsoft japan took a long time to replace systems, instead opting for sending new copies of the game. Because of this, it was hard to get many japanese developers to stay on with the xbox, which kept people away.

Microsoft have a trust issue to get over.

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(...)Microsoft have a trust issue to get over.
"Microsoft faces big consumer defection risk. One measure of consumers' dissatisfaction with Microsoft is seen in the 5.4 million households that give it a brand trust score of 1 (distrust a lot) or 2 (distrust a bit). Compared with all Microsoft users, these at-risk users have higher income, are much more likely to be male, and are bigger online spenders. These households know they run Microsoft software but would be just as happy to leave it behind - if they could."
Source: http://news.spong.com/article/9835


That's not only in Japan, and this US study proves...




I don't know how the hell Sony is so high regarded in the matter though... must be a matter of company image rather than making "good, durable products", that's a given...

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