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Dissappointed: very. Not be able to cope with it: nope.


The 'I won't be dissappointed with Nintendo' attitude many of you have just isn't in me.

  Stocka said:
Between now -> May 23rd so much is happening for me. Its so exciting.

May 2nd: New series of Lost on TV

May 5th: I get Metroid Prime Hunters

May 7th: Going to Arsenal v Wigan, last game EVER at Highbury :weep:

May 8th: E3 starts

May 9th: French Oral Exam in morning. NINTENDO CONFERENCE in evening! :awesome: Then E3 continues for next few days

May 17th: PARIS!! I'm going to the champions league final :D [Arsenal v Barca]

May 19th: Last high school day EVER

May 23rd: GCSEs start.





Yay, May is going to be the best monthe ever. Here's my schedule!


May 1st: Holiday! (plus band practice... meh)

May 2nd: S3 exams results!

May 8th: e3!

May 9th: Wii for all

May 12th: My birhday, a gig and soem friends are coming over! (whcih means I get Trauma Centre!)

May 13th: sarkas_girly is coming over, w00p

May 18th: Big Brother!!!

May 19th: Beach party (for me and 3 friend's birthdays!)

May 20th: Eurovision (I'll be at sarkas_girly's house)


Yay! Oh yes... e3 disscussion I see this is called. I hope the new racer is similar to DKR, best racer ever! Infact I hope it DK racing that was canned for the Cube all those years ago:cry:


I heard that the new GameBoy is going to be revealed. Why can't they just focus on the DS? I don't want to have to buy new consoles because developers move to the new one.

  Stocka said:
Where did you 'hear' that from?


Its been rumoured since last E3 - Nintendo said that they were currently considering a next generation game boy as they considered the DS a third pillar.


To be honest, with the runaway success of the DS I think they may have reconsidered it but I wouldn't rule out a direct competitor to the PSP being unveiled at E3.

  ShadowV7 said:
Don't quite think next GB will appear this year.The focus is on Wii just now.But I guess you never know.


Yeah i second that. There's so much Wii stuff to show and there's DS stuff aswell. They most likely want the focus to be on Wii.


This years E3 is going to be tremendous. I always look forward to it each year but with Nintendo not showing anything until then I cant wait. It just feels like this years E3 will be the turning point for Nintendo and as a self proclaimed Nintendo Fanboy im loving it!

  ShadowV7 said:
Don't quite think next GB will appear this year.The focus is on Wii just now.But I guess you never know.


Yeah i agree. I would be very surprised if the new Gameboy is revealed. I think Nintendo will need for that next years E3!


I just hope they reveal loads of DS and Wii games this year!


It's so close i can taste it! :D


Yeah, most of the interviews say that its all about DS games and Wii.

But its not all about nintendo's console is it? The PS3 controller has yet to be fully unveiled. Its a bit un-nerving. They surely wont keep the boomerang cause that looks crap, its un-neccesary, and it'll take up too much space in the games cupboard.


My speculation for the 3rd big secret is the revealing of another completely different controller interface. (Based on no evidence what so ever)


Point. Perhaps then, keeping in line with my idea, maybe we'll see an attachment with as much importance/crafting to the way we'll play Wii games as the nunchuck.


I really doubt this'll be the case. I'd expect it to be something utterly different to a new interface. Still...


I hope the third secret is something completely different. I think the controller is good enough, but something else to do with the input device will just seem passe.

  Jamba said:
I hope the third secret is something completely different. I think the controller is good enough, but something else to do with the input device will just seem passe.


Even if it's completely different to the current controller? I couldn't think of anything that'd get me more pumped than a completely new, just as innovative and original second style of controller.

  Jamba said:
I hope the third secret is something completely different. I think the controller is good enough, but something else to do with the input device will just seem passe.

I think it will be something different...i hope...maybe :indeed:


I didn't know Big Brother started again this month. w00t w00t.


anyway why do they need to release a new hand held when the old one is still the best selling handheld in America! Anyone else hear about Nintendo streaming the show on the net? I'm sure som nintendo site stated that this was going to happen.


I would be very surprised if Nintendo showed a new Game Boy. There just isn't any need for it right now. The DS is doing very well and they need to focus on both the DS and the Wii at E3.


The PS3 controller has yet to be fully unveiled. Its a bit un-nerving. They surely wont keep the boomerang cause that looks crap, its un-neccesary, and it'll take up too much space in the games cupboard.

It did indeed look crap. Surely they can't be adding some of Nintendo's features into their controller...?


E3 is going to be very exciting.

  Din said:
It did indeed look crap. Surely they can't be adding some of Nintendo's features into their controller...?


E3 is going to be very exciting.

The fanboy inside me is also kind of afraid of that, but in truth... I don't think Sony has time to implement it in the dev kits and all... Nintendo tooks years working on this, it's not that easy to implement... anyway I think the only technology doing the thing now is the one nintendo licenced, so sony would have to get a workaround who would work pretty worse.


Lastly Sony never went on to copy Nintendo before the idea/implementation is a sucess and the public is still sceptic about it, they must be too as they know jack sh*t about gaming...


If they put it in they are giving Nintendo a boost like backing up their idea, a idea that they want to fail in the first place... they won't abandon the standard controller now, they must even think think they counter measured it with the new eyetoy patent who detects where the "stick" is....


All this said the only thing they could add would be a gyroscope into the standard controller just to say they have one, but I even doubt they'd get one who detects Z-axys like the Wii one does, and if they do get a Z-axys one will it be accurate?


they aren't letting X360 alone with the standard controller, meaning X360 would have the advantage above them... in third party games, lastly their console is too expensive already... they are trying to cut corners now, not spend even more money.


I think another reason why Sony haven't shown the controller though is due to the legal battle over the Dual Shock (which they will lose as they should - arseholes). Surely the PS3 pad was just another copy of almost the same technology? If they can't produce it then they will have to change it.


Don't worry about adding gyroscopic technology into Sony's controller, the only thing it will do is have them seen as copiers that cannot think of their own ideas, and will rack up the price of the overall package.


At this years E3 nothing good will come of it by sony, Microsoft and Nintendo all trying to appeal to people who have never played games before. So surely we should concentrate on the hardcore gamer as they will buy the products, whilst these non gamers have never wanted to play not because their intimidated of controllers - but because they don't understand whats fun about it.


P.S. Yeh when ever theres a debate about Wii/Revolution/N5 its always Nintendo has been about innovation/gameplay not graphics....



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