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The third Revolution secret!


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I can't recall nintendo really really saying that there was another secret, as far as i remember all this speculation is off the back off Mr Miyamoto saying something along the lines of " Revolution? there's more to come, but i can't go into that now" at one of his talks after the controller was unveiled. There's so much bollocks flying around (so many bollocks flying around? hehe) that it gets hard to remember what's legit and what's not.


For example, the amount of people that think the 'touching is good, feeling is better' quote came from someone tied to nintendo is crazy... It didn't. It came from one of the many nutters who have claimed to be an "insider." It's all a bit confusing... but quite phenomenal.

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If it is more Revolutionary than the controller then im really looking forward to finding out.I can remember reading something like that though,I turned a blind eye to it though



EDIT- To migraine,there is a 3rd secret to the revolution which was stated ages ago.Likely to be revealed at E3

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Backing up stocka and the other guy (sorry i forgot who posted it)


Nintendo are ALWAYS saying that they're going to be revealing a new secret, or that there's some toher secret, just wait for issue 4 of ONm i bet Miyamoto tells us then. (that there is a secret, not what it is)

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I can already see E3.


*Iwata gets on stage*


Iwata: Good morning, Nintendo fans, today, I will show you the third revolutionary secret of the nintendo (insert final name here).



A while later...


Iwata: Now, I will tell you the third secret... there is no secret! Muahahaha! Had you lot fooled! hahahaha!


Two minutes later, Nintendo fanboys storm out of E3 with Iwata's head attached to a long pole.

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Ya know looking back at some nintendo secrets:


1. Digital Clicks


2. Celda (Dont get me wrong i loved it, but miyamoto et ninty really werent ready for the frosty reception that this surprise twist received)




I too am going to have to ask to see a source that the last secret is the most revolutionary

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It could well be they were referring to the unveiling of Miyamotos new 1st party franchises as the secret, theyve said its underway but to show what it is would be revealing the secret.


I will 4th/5th or however many people have backed up Stocka(!) that i remember reading that there was a 3rd secret. I dont think it was siad it was more revolutionary, but i could be wrong, it was a fair few months back now.

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They didn't say it was more revolutionary than the controller - they (I think it was Miyamoto) said that "there was a secret possibly as big as the controller", which was marketing talk. Then hyped turned it into a 3D visor, a projection screen and other ridiculous stuff. If Miyamoto said it, it's possible that he meant Mario 128.

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Nintendo said that this secret feature is more revolutionary than the controller.


Really? Thats interesting and actually pretty good to hear!


I wonder what the heck that can be? I doubt anyone will guess it!


Come on E3! :yay:

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I know nintendo arn't going to give us 3d goggles as the 3rd revolution secret. Come on thats rediculus. But I was wondering if there are any out there the can hook into standerd component cables so we could use them anyway.


PS. Why did my thread get locked, it was a perfectly legitiment question.

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If the this console is to be a truly revolutionary machine it has to be more than just the remote, I have no clue as to what else it might be, but thinking about it always brings me back to the idea that they have revolutionised the way we interact with games so to totally revolutionise gaming is to revolutionise the way we perceive games, E3 couldn’t be further away for me right now!

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what about being able to use the DS touch screen as an input device/controller for the Rev, or is that secret 2.5.


I don´t think that´s revolutionary! Nintendo understood that what they did with GC and GB-advance and the need for multiplaer is just rediculous...

Now you can play a game with only one cartridge but 4 players...

Well of course there will be a connection with DS - RS, but it´s not secret and it´s not revlutionary...imho

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I can't recall nintendo really really saying that there was another secret, as far as i remember all this speculation is off the back off Mr Miyamoto saying something along the lines of " Revolution? there's more to come, but i can't go into that now" at one of his talks after the controller was unveiled. There's so much bollocks flying around (so many bollocks flying around? hehe) that it gets hard to remember what's legit and what's not.


For example, the amount of people that think the 'touching is good, feeling is better' quote came from someone tied to nintendo is crazy... It didn't. It came from one of the many nutters who have claimed to be an "insider." It's all a bit confusing... but quite phenomenal.


I agree with that. He said "there's more to come", which would mean more information about what the console can do and information about games.

I really can't recall him ever stating that the "3rd secret" is even more important than the controller.

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Hey Dudes & Dudettes!


I'm was scouring the boards (as you do) and again felt compelled to read over everyone's views on what the mythical "3rd Secret" was. I would have to bow to the majority here and say that I do seem to recall discussion that there is indeed a 3rd secret yet to be revealed - alas I have yet to rediscover the exact source. However I did find a blog on GameSpot during my usual traul:


Shigsy stating that the Rev controller has one more feature - yet to be revealed.


Any who I also discovered this little webpage: Unfortunately i still cannot post weblinks as yet but it was seemingly devoted to finding the smoking gun at Ninty HQ. Its a nice read - its gets me excited, but then so do brunettes in leather!


Personally I really dig all this speculation and I'm not one bit frustrated by peoples crackpot ideas ... its great to finally be excited enough for us all to talk about a console again - even if most of it is pure speculation. Again this guys arguement tends to loose weight when he talks about the Rev base stand as a battery device (now a defunct rumor I believe). However I hope some of his conclusions are true, certainly stereoscopic imaging and Hollywood transitioning into multiplatform experiences (such as James Camerons Project 880) give more weight to the theory ...but who knows eh?


And yes he goes on about the Blue Light technonology and how patents have been modified to allow laserlight imaging....personally I reckons thats more to do with the new LED projection keyboards we can all use with our PDA devices as opposed to a Rev secret - although I would love it to be true.


Ninty if you are transitioning into movies - please DON'T make SuperMario Bros the Movie 2 Rev edition - even if Bob Hoskins is available. I want interactive Darth Vader lightsaber dueling and if thats as close to Ninty closing in on Hollywood then thats fine with me.


Darth signing out!

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Guest Stefkov
the 3rd secret is...



OMFG!!!! i got to go on ebay and buy some shitty 3d glasses you can make your self out of chep plastic



:laughing: i joke, i joke :laughing:


im not hyping about the third secret right now, i just want some games information and when the info comes i will be going crazy

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