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Rate the above users user name


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OK so we have threads like, rate your sig and rate your avatar...but what about your Revo-europe user name? And could you also explain what your username means so we can fully understand it. :P



i live in n.i and it happened to be raining (surprise surprise) so thats where mine comes from! and i like underscores :) lol

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mine is my nickname that my friends use for me. It comes from my surname which is "platt" and simply over time they added a "y" to it, cant remember when or why but i believe some point in the college years... The reason why surnames were used is because there are too many steve's around so calling each other by surnames worked and then finally the name platty arrived....


you'll be surprised there are quite a few other platty's on the net, its annoying when you get the old "that username is unavailable" message.

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Cheers Dukka Dukka, I figured ages ago that your nick was from Team America ;) Good shit.


"Have you ever seen a man eat his own head?"


"Then you haven't seen everything."



"Listen to me actor, if you fuck this up, I'm going to rip your balls off and shove them up your ass, so that next time you shit, you shit all over your balls!"


Platty is, as he himself mentioned, quite a widely used handle. On its own, perhaps not the best, but as it's an abbreviation of his name, it makes it a bit better ;)


Edit: Damn you Raining Again!

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Raining_again, its a cool name. Very appropriate, though rain in my opinion is quite ok as weather. It can be nice to walk through a drizzle, and its pretty class to be out in it when its pure chucking it down.


A thought and memory provoking user name, 8/10.



Some info on mine then. I didnt want to use my own name back in the day when I was a internet n00b and I was making my first hotmail account. I like winter and I like snow. It took me ages to think up something, I remember snowprince being one of the things I tried but it was already in use and I woulda had to add numbers to make mine original. That wasnt on like, I wanted a name with no numbers. So alot of minutes thought later I thought of this, darksnowman. I like it, do you?

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red_shift sounds pretty cool - 8/10! What does it mean?


Are you named after one of these?!


Red shift can refer to:


* A computerised planetarium created by Focus Essential

* A novel by Alan Garner

* A piece by post-minimalist composer Lois V. Vierk, named after the astronomical phenomenon redshift

* A Marvel Comics character, one of Galactus's Heralds


My username is rubbish - it's just a shortened version of my surname!

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* A computerised planetarium created by Focus Essential

* A novel by Alan Garner

* A piece by post-minimalist composer Lois V. Vierk, named after the astronomical phenomenon redshift

* A Marvel Comics character, one of Galactus's Heralds

oooh decisions, decisions, i like the first one and the third one most, they would make me sound most intelligent :geek:

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darksnowman :P makes me laugh cause it reminds me of mushy snow that goes dark :D and who doesnt love snow (well except drivers but shush)


a massive 9/10 and kudos, cause you appreciate my user name :P and this thread :D


edit: Red_shift (underscore or not i dunno)?


i like it sounds like weather terminology or sumthing :) 8/10

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Guest Ray Falling

0_0 what are we basing the scores on? id say giving 9/10 (near "perfect") is abit..well it has to be based on stuff.


Okay well: to the above poster: Elniro 7,5 /10 its short and catchy, and easy to remeber. Sounds like that hurricane name n_n




About my own user name : Ray Falling, it has several meanings to me.


1: Ray; cause my real name doesnt fit videogame high score lists.

2: Its my artist name. Cause; I take pictures of the sky and falling ray shots are my signature shots. Falling Ray, Ray Falling see n_n. I flipped them around cause it that happens with Japanese names too.

3: I drew a picture of my character in a falling position, and it sounded like a catchy last name for him. So my user name is also based on the name of my character.

4: I needed an English alter ego n_n

5: Cause I dont like my real name

6: I always forget the sixth reason T_T




EDIT: It didnt post my thing so now theres two other posters in between.

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