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Sweet Salvation


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Satisfaction. Something achieved in many different ways by many different people.


For years the people of Cube-Europe strived to demolish all memories of Xsorbit and start fresh, unfortunately though it seemed that this request would never be fulfilled. In time the forum members learned to accept their fate and carry on their lives like normal, despite the glitches that laid within the boards. Good times were had by many, but the Cube-Europeans never forgot that the forums had let them down time and time again. The people slowly lost hope that they would ever feel the satisfaction of using a decent board. That was until, one day, when their prayers were finally answered. After a recent hacking from a man cast in the shadows of C-E’s history it became apparent to the administrators what they must do. And that my friends, is the reason we are currently staring into the cyber space that is the R-E forums. It’s an odd feeling though; while I am thankful we will no longer become victims to frustrating glitches, I will sort of miss the occasionally hilarity of a well timed malfunction. Nevertheless, we have finally achieved the satisfaction us former C-E members deserve. We have at long last escaped from the clutches of Xsorbit to do as we please without the fear of our thread mysteriously disappearing or being duplicated. We are free.


To give this thread some meaning though, do you have any new-forum resolutions? Perhaps you want to be less of a jerk? Maybe you want to be more welcoming to newbies? I know I don’t.

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Am I the only one that has a conspiracy in mind. I always thought it was quite suspicious how close the massive hack was to the revealation of R-E, and the revolution controller. Maybe the staff planned and carried it all out.


Anyways, it's nice to see the new board is up. I had nothing against Xsorbit either, but if it is harder to stop hacks, then go it gets my vote.

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the forums had been planned for some time, actually for about a year but it was decided not to cause a lot of hassle and wait until the revolution was announced, hence like now.... we was gonna just surprise you all but the hacking did make us announce that there was gonna be a new forum and get you all excited!


i like these boards but i still miss xsorbit, its like leaving a girlfriend of 4 years...it hurts.

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