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Rate the last film you saw


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It's a funny film.


It's not a "comedy".




Whip It

Fairly standard/predictabe big dreams crossed with discovering a sport film, you know the dril, but saved by some good casting. Ellen Page is nice, bu Alia Shawkat from Arrested Development is the best. AND SHE'S CALLED PASH IN IT. (ReZ/Chair will know what this means to me)

Juliette Lewis adds of course.

I loved when they played Chair's favourite song. In it for a split second, coming from someone's car radio.

I loved all the codenames they all had. Some great superhero ideas in there. (Eva Destruction, Babe Ruthless, Iron Maven etc)


But yeah, apart from little touches, it was a fine, enjoyable way to while away an afternoon. Nothing special.

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Clash of the titans

I've never watched the original, I'm slightly glad after watching this that I hadn't otherwise I would have been slightly angry.


Its an alright film, one of those ones were if you get it on a cheap dvd from Tesco its nice to sit in and watch. But in the cinema it was pretty crap. I liked the cast, some of it was quite entertaining, but a lot of it seemed to drift. One thing that annoyed me..


The clock work owl in the original apprently is a gift from the Gods, just like the horse and sword, but this wasn't explained in this movie, only shunted as a joke. This annoys me more than it should.



It could have been so much better than it was, they had the cast down, the area, even the cgi was pretty good, but they blew it and left story bits out. If you can see this for cheap I'd advise it, otherwise leave it for a quiet night and a dvd.



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Terminator Salvation

Better than I expected. Bale's John Connor was very bland, but Marcus was an intresting character and the action was pretty decent too.



Baby Mama

I like Tina Fey and Mrs Will Arnett, but this was just akward and embarassing. Avoid.



The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

Bizzare but wonderfully entertaining film, which has a unique style and fantastic soundtrack. A few too many, thus under-used charaters though.



The Royal Tenenbaums

Again, I loved the style and the soundtrack, but in this film from Wes Anderson I fell in love with all the characters, and the story was better in my opinion. I've watched it twice allready! A truly great comedy-drama.


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The Dreamers




Kind of drifted into the cliched "weird/erotic 60s free love French cinema" territory but entertaining enough. Interestingly it kind of puts you in the position of Michael as you go through the film. Even if you know where its going you can't help but think "what the fuck are these two about". Trying to spot the film clips was entertaining in its own way. Considering I suck at that kind of thing I spotted a fair few.


Entertaining enough. And I found the included brief summary of the student revolution of 1968 included as a bonus interesting. I like this quote (even if its not always true):


"Everyone else's parents are always nicer than our own, yet nobody's grandparents are as nice as our own."

Edited by Ashley
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Mrs. Doubtfire

Ah absolute classic! Caught it on tv, though I'd been wanting to watch it for aaaaages already. Had been way too long since I last saw it. Just a funny film, Robin Williams is great. =D

Though the film seemed a lot more serious now than it did when I was little (what with the parents fighting and the divorce and all that). Maybe I just didn't get all of it when I was younger heh.


Groundhog Day

Interesting film. Had no idea what to expect when Jim turned it on. Was quite good, though it seemed to go on for ages... which I know isn't true but I was really tired so maybe that's why. =P


True Lies

True Arnie comedy-action film haha. Quite enjoyed this actually. Just one of those popcorn flicks you can just turn on and laugh with.


Big Trouble in Little China

Dear god... Jim put this on saying he used to love it and watch it again and again. I wish he hadn't put it on to be honest. The film was quite pointless, with a story that made absolutely no sense. I couldn't even laugh at how bad it was, I just wanted it to end haha.

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Troll 2


Just finished watching this with Goafer and dear god its got to be one of the best terrible movies ever! The acting is amazingly bad, as are the Goblins (there are no trolls in the movie at all). Two brilliant bits in the movie, first where to stop his family eating poisoned food the kid decides to take a piss on the kitchen table and then the second i'll let speak for itself:


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Big Trouble in Little China

Dear god... Jim put this on saying he used to love it and watch it again and again. I wish he hadn't put it on to be honest. The film was quite pointless, with a story that made absolutely no sense. I couldn't even laugh at how bad it was, I just wanted it to end haha.


Big Trouble in Little China is an absolute classic. It's always a good watch.

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Guest Captain Falcon

Big Trouble in Little China is fantastic - I don't think I'll ever tire of seeing that film.


The music that comes on when the 3 Storms appear just sends a chill down my spine...

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The Shawshank Redemption


Excellent film as ever. Only thing that even slightly hampers it being the fact the main prisoners are just a bit too nice/chummy. Everything else is exceptional and it has a lovely ending.



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Some Disney tv movie with a child Lindsay Lohan and Tyra Banks. It was about a doll that comes to life, but my friend and I did our usual "talk over it all, adding our own script and therefore story". It became a lost episode of Buffy, set in the middle of Season 5.


I love. We did the same with Indiana Jones in the cinema (quietly...), but most obviously with 'Cosi', some australian film we 3 (incl. Chair) watched after seeing Bjork live. We just made up absolute crap as the story, so by the time it was over we had no idea anything that happened. Not one bit. [/reminisces]

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Guest Captain Falcon



Thanks to Tasunoko Vs Capcom, I've been on a bit of a quest to find out about these characters and upon learning that there was a Casshern (Casshan) film, I thought I'd go to the trouble of watching it.


And despite coming away with more than a couple of questions, I'm glad I did.


Quite why there was a giant castle in the snowy mountains was never clear... much like why it was filled with destructive robots or why the new humans were drawn there in the first place.


And don't even mention the lightning bolt made of concrete.


Maybe somethings are lost in the subtitles but from what I've read about the film, whilst they are said to be bad, the things still don't get explained properly.



For a film based on an anime which involves the lead fighting robots, there were barely any action scenes and yet I don't think the film suffered for it. It was a morality tale of human life and what it meant to be alive. By the end of the film, our hero has taken the name of the legendary guardian yet you have to wonder if the people are even worth saving.


On the production side, for a film done entirely against CG back drops, I'd have expected the special effects to have been a bit better than they were as certain scenes look quite poor but it worked on the whole. The score was mostly excellent too.


If anyone has a bit of an interest, I'd say it's worth a watch but make sure you've a little idea about the content before you do as it makes a lot more sense.

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Sex and the City: The Movie


I braved it out and wanted to see what all the fuss was about and how it got a sequel. Bottom line is, it's below average, stereotypical and doesn't need a sequel. I knew I wouldn't like it much but I was expecting it to be a lot worse. Instantly forgettable, I can't believe women find this funny...there was one or two funny scenes but seriously, rubbish. Kristin Davis is hot though.



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The Descent


I thought it was good. Calustrophobic and just "Hmmm! Please no!" re: caves and small spaces. I don't know why you'd go down there in the first place but anyway.


It felt like a well-exectued film, with some stunning cinematography.

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The Descent


I thought it was good. Calustrophobic and just "Hmmm! Please no!" re: caves and small spaces. I don't know why you'd go down there in the first place but anyway.


It felt like a well-exectued film, with some stunning cinematography.


I agree, brilliant movie just...don't watch the second...it's a repeat of the first with a seriously ridiculous ending.


Also, HOW THE HECK IS THERE GONNA BE A SEX AND THE CITY 2??? You might as well make a series instead! I mean, if the shows were 30 minutes then the first movie would have been like 5 episodes in a row and no doubt the second movie would be the same.

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I agree, brilliant movie just...don't watch the second...it's a repeat of the first with a seriously ridiculous ending.


Also, HOW THE HECK IS THERE GONNA BE A SEX AND THE CITY 2??? You might as well make a series instead! I mean, if the shows were 30 minutes then the first movie would have been like 5 episodes in a row and no doubt the second movie would be the same.


Because it was one of the highest grossing films of the year and its easier to make money from a film than a TV programme :p

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