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Secondly, let's get the score out of the way. It's a very pertinent 7/10 (I marvel at ReZ's definition of what a 7 is, bravo for yet again letting us know just how virtually impossible it is for you to have a trustworthy opinion).


It's a score describing opinion, therefore the scale is also a matter of opinion.

Yes but this is Oxigen Waste and apparently his opinion is actually fact


Ah, someone who knows the way life is. :geek:


Na, it ain't like that, but I'm certainly much more impartial than most of you. :D


Also, ReZ, I'm just abusing you, worry not. Same score, but for you a 7 is a bad thing, which is what I don't get, you crazy fool. :heh:


Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince


I remembered nothing about the book since I read it. Forgot Slughorn existed, forgot where thingamie dies in the book, so was surprised when he didn't when I thought he would. I remembered bits like the horcruxes, but that was because of an inside joke.




It was fine. Good.


Pros (extreme since it was overall good anyway);

-Helena Bonham Carter, Alan Rickman et al. Flawless, flawless, absolutely flawless.

-Hermione/Ron in general

-The Burrow scene, since as people say, it's not in the book (I don't think), but was a really good addition. More Bellatrix/Fenrir the better I say.

- Malfoy was pretty good! After a few films of doing nothing. Allthough he looks EXACTLY like Patrick Wolf. But in a cinema in Orkney, think only I would have that bugging me.

-Some good funy bits.

-THAT jump scene. People screamed in the cinema, I nearly had a heart attack. I loved it. MOAR in the next films!


Cons- Ginny Weasley/Her actress is possibly the most boring person ever commited to screen with the intention of seeming interesting/attaractive. She has no personality. That was silly. She may have none in the booik, but bits of the films were original, why not her character? Awful. And I hate ginger straight hair on girls. Curly hair ftw. Overall a massive phail.

- I find Danile Radcliffe/Harry arse-clenchingly awkward to watch, for whatever reason. He just annoys me immensely. He's better than Ginny at least.

- Just too rushed in term of of storytelling I think. But then a lot had to be crammed in, whilst still keeping the action balanced with the introspective scenes.

- The sound was horribly mixed here. Lots of characters shorter, more colloquial lines got lost in the mudge (new word) of noise. Especially when Harry used Sectum Sempra. I didn't understand why there was blood everywhere because I thought he'd just used ExpelliAHmus or something.


But yeah. I liked it overall. Alternately itchingly annoying and great. Bits reminded me of the last year at school. (...)


6/10 (10/10???? Seriously?)

Posted (edited)

The Incredible Hulk

I gather a lot of people didn't like 'Hulk' but I enjoyed it, so naturally I expected to enjoy this one too, but it was just so dull, felt pointless and none of the characters grabbed you so that you'd care for them. The only bits I liked were when Hulk put out a fire by slamming his hands together and the Avengers tease.



monsieur Yates, you have most certainly done it...


Before Potter, Yates directed a TV series here in the UK - State of Play - which comes highly recommended, unless you've seen it allready.


-THAT jump scene. People screamed in the cinema, I nearly had a heart attack. I loved it. MOAR in the next films!



Why does everyone mention this as good or as a shocker? It was obviously coming from miles away. THAT jump scene in the The Dark Knight - now there's one worth mentioning!

Edited by welsh_gamer

Why does everyone mention this as good or as a shocker? It was obviously coming from miles away. THAT jump scene in the The Dark Knight - now there's one worth mentioning!


Can someone put in spoilers what the "jump scene" is in Potter?


Theres a jump scene in The Dark Knight, I don't remember that, what and where was it?


Yes Man - surprisingly good, not just another "Liar Liar" as I was expecting, a nice feelgood movie with great support acting. Plus, Zod was in it. Four Stars.

Posted (edited)
Can someone put in spoilers what the "jump scene" is in Potter?


Theres a jump scene in The Dark Knight, I don't remember that, what and where was it?


When some dude casually walks up to a window and the fake Batman suddenly hits it!


...it's when Harry finds out what's beneath the waters in the cave.


Edited by welsh_gamer
(10/10???? Seriously?)


Yes, seriously! lol. It was just an awesome movie for me. I thought it was better than Transformers 2 and I thought, as a Harry Potter fan, it followed the books well and even when they went in their own direction, it still worked.


Blood: The Last Vampire


Was good for the first 10-15 minutes but then it just dragged. The special effects were unrealistic for me (especially the blood splattering) and the ending was just meh for me. Apparently the series is brilliant so I'll look out for that.




Just seen Half-Blood Prince, it was good I enjoyed it and didn't feel the 2 hours pass.... BUT in comparision to previous films I found it lacking. Actually thinking back over it I found myself trying to remember what actually happened? Felt very much "filler" like.


I hadn't read the books so maybe it was like this in the books too but I had expected it to involve a bit more about the mystery of who "The Half-Blood Prince" was... the reveal of it was a bit "oh yeah fine" ... although maybe already knowing (i know I hadn't read the book but I knew already :heh:) dampened it a bit teh surprise a bit. But I was expecting some sort of reasoning/history and behind the title.


And the end

the death scene was a bit meh too... didn't have as much tension or suspense as I expected/hoped for. Afterall..."no man should have to out live his imaginary wizard"




So far this and Chamber of Secrets are my least favourite of the films which Philosephers Stone and Goblet of Fire my favs. Still looking forward to Deathly Hallows... though still not liking the idea of 2 parts... well like the idea of there being more, don't like the idea of having to wait extra longer for the end :heh:


A) Re Jump scene...totally. People (well one girl) screamed the fucking cinema down when I saw it. Everyone pissed themselves (which I of course found irritating, with my low tolerance for public displays of emotion)


C) Paj, I agree about Malfoy. He was FUCKING bad ass in this. Great actor. And he was very funny on 8 out of 10 cats the other day.

That's like describing something as "better than getting raped"...


Indeed. Transformers 2 is not a benchmark in cinema.


I thought Half Blood Prince is the best since the first two. 3, 4, and 5 just didn't feel right, I thought 6 finally did the book it was based on justice. They didn't change as much either.


Green Lantern: First Flight


Pretty good animated DC movie. Maybe felt like it dragged a bit in the middle though.




I didnt think they showed him getting used to his powers well enough, I dont know if he was originally written as being able to use them so easily but it felt way too fast. He should have at least had some trouble.





Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince


It reflected the tone of the book perfectly; a dark sense of apprehension, the calm before the almighty storm. I really enjoyed it, over two hours flew by for me. Jim Broadbent and Tom Felton were stand out performances and rightly so, the sixth book is their show in a big way. Daniel Radcliffe will always annoy me as an actor; I don't feel I ever get lost in his performance, I always know that it's someone pretending to be Harry Potter (if that makes sense!). Whereas Rickman is Snape, through and through. I thought it was all visually stunning, I love the transition of Hogwarts from a safe haven in the earlier films to just feeling downright bleak in this, just perfect. Quidditch was amazingly fast as well! The humour was well placed and broke up the foreboding feeling the story gives you. As others have said, the additions of the cornfield attack and Harry actually falling into the lake were great little suspense building action nuggets!

His death was handled well; when they rose their wands I had tears streaming down my face, it just brought back all the emotion of reading it for the first time. I'm still sad now that he died, but I know he had to.



ReZ, I can see why you didn't like it and how it wouldn't be fulflling if you hadn't read all the books. It is, after all, preparation for the last book. Still, I really enjoyed it!



I thought Half Blood Prince is the best since the first two. 3, 4, and 5 just didn't feel right, I thought 6 finally did the book it was based on justice. They didn't change as much either.


Fact, the first 2 are definitely the worst 2. So that's not really a healthy complement you've got there. Also, in no other book till now have they changed so much. It's the most divergent of the films yet.

Fact, the first 2 are definitely the worst 2. So that's not really a healthy complement you've got there. Also, in no other book till now have they changed so much. It's the most divergent of the films yet.


Please tell me you listen to Mark Kermode. If yes, then mucho respect points. If not, then might I say that you admirably seem to mirror his opinions quite consistently, so mucho respect points.

Posted (edited)

Harry Potter and the Half Asleep Dyson


5/10. No more, no less, it was decidedly average. It was by no means a bad film but I just couldn't keep track of it, and I am certainly a Potter fan - though this is the first HP film I've seen since the first one. I think the fact I know what's coming doesn't help - though there were a few moments that stopped me from giving it a lower score. I'm not sure why but the "All hands on deck, Granger!" line really got me, and the jump scene still managed to scare the shit out of me. The special effects, bar the bridge collapse at the start of the film, were top notch. But I felt that the all important final scene had no power to it and I felt nothing when what happened, happened. I think for me the most entertaining aspect of the film was the character relations as opposed to the main storyline progression - the actors seem to be able to accurately act like they should at the age they're acting at, and the chemistry is great.


I went in to the film not knowing what to expect and still came out a little disappointed.

Edited by Dyson
But I felt that the all important final scene had no power to it and I felt nothing when what happened, happened.


I completely agree with this, and I actually consider this to be fact.

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