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Rate the last film you saw


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You can't throw the predictable argument back in her face though tbh, because obviously the titantic was going to be predictable as we all knew the ending. I mean, take 17 Again for example. It was predictable in it was obvious how it was going to end from the start, but I wasn't going "Oh, and this is going to happen next" etc, whereas with some movies it's just too obvious and ruins the experience.


(The lack of) predictability is important in a lot of films, e.g. thrillers.


Comedies I would say they aren't.....at all. You can guess what happens in half of them from just a simple synopsis. It shouldn't be used as a negative point! Actual fact.

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(The lack of) predictability is important in a lot of films, e.g. thrillers.


Comedies I would say they aren't.....at all. You can guess what happens in half of them from just a simple synopsis. It shouldn't be used as a negative point! Actual fact.


In a comedy, if you can guess exactly what's going to happen then how exactly is it going to funny? If I know a jokes coming, it's not going to be half as funny as it would have been had I not expected it.

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In a comedy, if you can guess exactly what's going to happen then how exactly is it going to funny? If I know a jokes coming, it's not going to be half as funny as it would have been had I not expected it.


Sorry yeah this caused some confusion when I was at work aswell. Things are getting quite heated actually.


I am talking SOLELY about plot. If you know a jokes about to happen it is an entirely 100% valid point to find predictability a ruin-er of it, unless the delivery is amazing.


But yeah plotwise I can't see it as a valid complaint in a comedy. Specifically.

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Sorry yeah this caused some confusion when I was at work aswell. Things are getting quite heated actually.


I am talking SOLELY about plot. If you know a jokes about to happen it is an entirely 100% valid point to find predictability a ruin-er of it, unless the delivery is amazing.


But yeah plotwise I can't see it as a valid complaint in a comedy. Specifically.


Ah, I understand what you mean now. Then yes, I would agree with you. In a comedy, half the time the trailer shows how it's going to end, it doesn't actually matter...it's how it gets there and the jokes that are along the way that matter.

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I am actually not making things up! You did! I swear! :blank:

If anyone is reading lol, he admitted he could be wrong about this. He is wrong. But meh, I will stop biting.


Anyway, I was talking about the predictability of the story and this can, of course, be used as a negative against a film; I'm so bored of the same recycled plot *Get together-Argue-Make up-Happy ending*. The thing is, I can even accept a film being in that format if the comedy and acting make up for it; in ''I love you, Man'', they certainly didn't.

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If anyone is reading lol, he admitted he could be wrong about this. He is wrong. But meh, I will stop biting.


Anyway, I was talking about the predictability of the story and this can, of course, be used as a negative against a film; I'm so bored of the same recycled plot *Get together-Argue-Make up-Happy ending*. The thing is, I can even accept a film being in that format if the comedy and acting make up for it; in ''I love you, Man'', they certainly didn't.


I know you are, but what am I?

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Rom-Coms mostly have the same plot.


Meet, get together, then they have a really pointless/overworught break-up that would be simple to fix if both characters weren't so pig-headed. Big slushy scene, then back together (poss. Marriage).


Makes them a bit shit/throwaway.


I realised that in general I don't find comedy films truly funny, because I find stuff a zillion times funnier with my friends. I can guarantee that with my friends at a serious film, we'd be more likely to end up in fits of hysterics than at a comedy. We have our own humour we apply to people (in life or on screen).


Most comedies don't appeal to my humour. Also, most mov ie comedies seem to rely on slapstick or gross gags which *suprise* more often than not aren't funny.

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I went to see I am 17, or... 17 Was the Year?


Wait, let me try and work out the title and then I'll check on the Google.


17 I Was.

I was 17.

When I was 17.

I wish I was 17.

17 is totally bad-ass.

17 again.

Being 17 again.


That can't be right, I'm sure the letter was either at the beginning or the end of the title...




Ah, I give up. Let me check Google.


Okay, it was 17 Again!


If I can't remember the title of a movie I saw, it's probably a bad sign.


In this case that's true. The movie was shit. My nephew could probably draw up a better meaning for a movie than these piece of crap writers did.


But then, I must relax. Step back, and realise that it was a 12.


And then not care because it was a stupid piece of shit! Anyone who is 12 and liked this is an idiot! When I was 12 I frickin' knew better. Kids are getting dumber.... dumber-er... something.

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I realised that in general I don't find comedy films truly funny, because I find stuff a zillion times funnier with my friends. I can guarantee that with my friends at a serious film, we'd be more likely to end up in fits of hysterics than funny.


It kind of annoys me when you say this. Thats...life dude. Everyone would agree that friends make them laugh more than films.

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The problem with comedies is they often lack character development. They come up with some sceptical idea, dont bother to work on the story much, just slip it into some clichés and work the jokes around it. The result is often average at best.


Also, everyone has a different sense of humour, so its a tough genre to satisfy. One man's Dont Mess With The Zohan is another man's Borat.

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Rom-Coms mostly have the same plot.


Meet, get together, then they have a really pointless/overworught break-up that would be simple to fix if both characters weren't so pig-headed. Big slushy scene, then back together (poss. Marriage).


Makes them a bit shit/throwaway.


I realised that in general I don't find comedy films truly funny, because I find stuff a zillion times funnier with my friends. I can guarantee that with my friends at a serious film, we'd be more likely to end up in fits of hysterics than at a comedy. We have our own humour we apply to people (in life or on screen).


Most comedies don't appeal to my humour. Also, most mov ie comedies seem to rely on slapstick or gross gags which *suprise* more often than not aren't funny.


I love laughing at people that look like PJ Harvey / Tori Amos

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It kind of annoys me when you say this. Thats...life dude. Everyone would agree that friends make them laugh more than films.


Yeah but I hear stories of how people are laughing in the cinema, because of the film. I've never actively laughed because of a gag in a film, I don't think. A gaspy gigle at best, usually just a smile.


Only time I've been in hysterics in a cinema was when Chair did his infamous laugh in the middle of Scary Movie 4, and then kept laughing, because he was laughing. Then the rest of the cinema laughed at his laughing, including us.


And then during the last Indiana Jones film. A truly hialrious cinema trip, but not because of the film.

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I didn't even find Scary Movie 4 funny, I was just in a hyper mood, and started laughing.


And once I start laughing, I laugh at the fact I'm laughing.


I remember finding the Scary Movies amusing as they did appeal to the randomness of our humour.


I'm pretty sure that whole thing happened when Brenda rides in on Jigsaw's tiny bicycle, despite her dying previously, or something.


In hindsight, I love.

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In Bruges


Pretty damn funny, short and enjoyable.





I'm Not There


A weird and confusing film about Bob Dylan, but with excellent music, of course. As you may or may not know, Bob Dylan was portrayed by six different actors. It took me a while to work out the little black kid was Bob Dylan, except not really Bob Dylan... It was interesting and worth watching, with great music, of course.







Some pretty good car chases, but nothing special. Robert De Niro and the french goodie were interesting, but the other characters were just annoying... If I could go back in time, I wouldn't have bothered watching this movie.





The Godfather Part II


Why haven't I seen this before, an excellent movie, nearly perfect, except in the scene in which Michael's wife confronts him and says she had an abortion, when she said "Yes, I had an abortion! Just like this marriage is an abortion!" I got really pissed off. A) Why was that line allowed in an otherwise perfect script? B) That lady can clearly act, as seen in the rest of the movie, so why was this allowed in?





Also, people say the second movies is better, but really? I preferred the first, perhaps it was because I'd never seen anything like it before (except, perhaps, The Deer Hunter).

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Only time I've been in hysterics during a film is No Country for Oldmen!


I couldn't stop laughing once the fat mexican in the bed got shot into the back of the wall. :p


Everyone around me wanted to disappear and pretended no to know me.



it was the children that i laughed at, a film in which kids go mental due to some virus, in my defence, seeing a car smack into a crazy little girl was the funniest thing ive ever seen. i wanted to shout "boom town!"

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I didn't even find Scary Movie 4 funny, I was just in a hyper mood, and started laughing.


And once I start laughing, I laugh at the fact I'm laughing.


That happened to me with Wedding Crashers. I mean, its not a bad film and i still find it quite funny in parts, but in the cinema i was just in stitches the whole time. Vince Vaughn got me with his over-sexed casualties. I'm almost laughing now just thinking about it!

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That happened to me with Wedding Crashers. I mean, its not a bad film and i still find it quite funny in parts, but in the cinema i was just in stitches the whole time. Vince Vaughn got me with his over-sexed casualties. I'm almost laughing now just thinking about it!


I love this line from the film this had me laughing!


Jeremy Grey: I didn't get a lot of sleep last night.


John Beckwith: Soft mattress?


Jeremy Grey: Yeah, it could have been the soft mattress. Or the midnight rape. Or the nude gay art show that took place in my room. One of those probably added to the lack of sleep.

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Charlies Angels / Charlies Angles: Full Throttle


I love these movies so damn much, and most of that is down to the great casting. The movies just wouldn't be the same without Diaz, Liu and Barrymore. Massive amounts of cheesyness/sluttyness/over the top action makes for a really enjoyable hour and a half for both movies. Barrymoore is oddly sexual in both, considering out of the movies she doesn't look half as good.


The second one wins out of the two for me though, purely because of the opening sequence and the huge finale. I'd forgotten just how violent and yet totally cheesy it was. When Moore falls to her death in a massive fire ball and Liu says "She's SO fired" it had me in hysterics.


Hilarious/Slutty/Over the top action. Yay for news of a third slowly developing too.


8 for both.

Edited by Slaggis
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charlies angels 2 full throtle was a travisty. i would liken it to the italian invasion of abbisinya (sp?) thats how bad i thought it was.



moving on to my review


I love you man


it was ok. a few good jokes, fairly good cast, a few stand out scenes.


i guess its just, its got mike from friends in and i really like him!



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