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Rate the last film you saw


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Catch Me If You Can

Spielberg somehow manages to fluff the story of the worlds greatest con man. Hanks is as actorly as ever, visibly straining as he tries so hard to act well. There is always a level of the false clear in Hanks' performances but it's never more noticable than here. Di Caprio puts on a good show though, but the shoehorned in family and love stories turn the plot into a sap fest, it would have been far more interesting if they had portrayed Abagnale as the cocky jerk that he was.



Edited by killthenet
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Saving Private Ryan


The first 20 minutes are brutal, honest and mind blowing. After that, the camaraderie and spark between the company keep it alive for me. It's a good film and I cry at the end every time I see it.





Oh and yesterday we watched The Guns of Navarone; that's a classic right there. Gregory Peck and David Niven, two fine actors. The film does have elements of the ridiculous, but it's still a great story.

Edited by Molly
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Marley & Me


A very sweet film. I thought it might be a bit sappy with cringeworthy dog scenes, but it was actually very real. No cheese as such, just a lovable story of a familly and a dog. Makes it sound a bit dull, but it works. I'm not a big dog lover myself, but i really liked it. Those that are dog lovers will no doubt get even more out of it though.




Oh and i disagree with you killthenet on Catch Me If You Can. I thought that film was amazing.

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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


Yes, i saw the Johnny Depp version on Easter Sunday whilst eating chocolate (un-surprisingly). Thought it was pretty good, not as good as the original though which was more based on the book than anything else. Still, 8/10

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Two amazingly pr0 films.


Independence Day


Demolition Man


Sadly they don't make films like these anymore, which is a dying shame. One thing I noticed in Demolition Man which made the film more enjoyable was Stallone's habit of shouting as he ran. This is now Stallone Genius to me, as I don't recall Arnie, Van Damme etc doing it, and even if they did it wouldn't match to this.


A collective and individual score of Nine Shabba's



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Charlie's Angels Full Throttle

Both films are hardly great, but I enjoy them a lot for their ridiculousness. This one is bit more bloated and with more OTT action and special effects, it's weaknesses show more.


Plus Demi Moore's acting is awful. And she just ISN'T the "seductress assassin" type.


I do enjoy both films for the jokes they tell me though.

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17 Again


Honestly didn't expect much, but it was hilarious. The elven music thing had me in fits throughout. Efron was great in the role, though the first 10 minutes seemed to go on forever. I loved the three slutty women, and when the daughter says "I'll be the Lioness, and you can be the baby gazelle" I was in hysterics for the following 5 minutes.



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People at my work (including Molly) are being completely and utterly ridiculously mental people and saying Spider-Man is better than Spider-Man 2. Please post how extremely wrong this opinion is. Its not even debate, 2 IS factually better.


I Love You Man


More awesomeness from Rudd et co. Also Andy Senberg/Semburg from The Lonely Island, is a bit of a legend. Also Ned from 17 Again was a good cameo part.



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People at my work (including Molly) are being completely and utterly ridiculously mental people and saying Spider-Man is better than Spider-Man 2. Please post how extremely wrong this opinion is. Its not even debate, 2 IS factually better.


I Love You Man


More awesomeness from Rudd et co. Also Andy Senberg/Semburg from The Lonely Island, is a bit of a legend. Also Ned from 17 Again was a good cameo part.




Spider-Man 2 is the better movie, even with him being able to lose his powers by being sad *Shudders*

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People at my work (including Molly) are being completely and utterly ridiculously mental people and saying Spider-Man is better than Spider-Man 2. Please post how extremely wrong this opinion is. Its not even debate, 2 IS factually better.


I Love You Man


More awesomeness from Rudd et co. Also Andy Senberg/Semburg from The Lonely Island, is a bit of a legend. Also Ned from 17 Again was a good cameo part.



Lol. As far as I remember they are both fairly bad, but I think Spiderman 2 was worse.


I love you, Man




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Lol. As far as I remember they are both fairly bad, but I think Spiderman 2 was worse.


I love you, Man





Where do we start with this post?




They're both "good" or rather 1 is okay, and 2 is amazing/very good.


You missed the "-"


I Love You, Man wasn't shit. You laughed a lot. Its a comedy. It has acheived what it set out to do.

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I Am Legend


Stars Will Smith. I wasn't sure what version to watch, i have 2 versions in the same box. One with the "grenade" ending the other being the "butterfly" ending. I chose the "grenade" ending version, its probably the better ending out of both to be fair.


Smith finds a cure for the KV virus, tries to reason with the mutants who are attacking his lab but that fails. He draws the anti-viral cure out of the "cured" mutant who he captured to experiment on, hands it to the 2 other survivors and throws himself into the mutants with a grenade thus blowing them all up. The 2 survivors drive with the anti-viral to the survivors camp and hand it over to a doctor.



The movie in general is great, the way Smith portrays his role is amazing, i did feel sad about 3/4 way through and in the final scenes. Still, its worth 9/10


The "Butterfly" ending version, exactly the same as the "grenade" except its more emotional to be honest.




Smith hands over the captured partially cured KV infected human/mutant back to the leader of the mutants after they break in. Before handing her over, he removes the cure and both show a sign of love and passion for each other. With nothing left, Smith drives off over Brooklin Bridge in the hope of finding more surivors with the 2 survivors who found him under his jeep.



This version gets 8/10

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Where do we start with this post?




They're both "good" or rather 1 is okay, and 2 is amazing/very good.


You missed the "-"


I Love You, Man wasn't shit. You laughed a lot. Its a comedy. It has acheived what it set out to do.

You said I laughed alot last night as well, Jamie and I confirmed that I actually didn't at all. There were moments when ''Mike from friends'' was funny, I'll give you that. The film was still shit IMO! :heh:

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Spider-Man 2 is the better movie, even with him being able to lose his powers by being sad *Shudders*


i tried to watch spider-man 2 the otuher night, id seen it when it was at the cinema and loved it, this time, i couldent watch it, it was to stupid. im not talking about it being unrealistic, im talking about how it bassicly decided to act like a giant retard trying to get laughs every few seconds. and that aunt may, what a fucking tool she is.

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To be fair, the only time I actually heard you laugh was when Jay went to the toilet, but when he did you laughed at every joke.



lol, stop making things up, seriously. The humour was mostly obvious and the story predictable. I didn't like it.

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Pay It Forward

An incredibly "meh" movie at least if you compare it to the novel.

With a cast of great actors like Kevin Bacon, Helen Hunt and Haley Joel Osment (what the fuck was Jon Bon Jovi doing there...)

Even so the only characters that stood out was Haley Joel´s because he was the only one that was not watered down and made pathetic.


i tried to watch spider-man 2 the otuher night, id seen it when it was at the cinema and loved it, this time, i couldent watch it, it was to stupid. im not talking about it being unrealistic, im talking about how it bassicly decided to act like a giant retard trying to get laughs every few seconds. and that aunt may, what a fucking tool she is.


I got the same when I was watching it last Christmas, I loved it when I saw at the cinema but just found it really bad when I rewatched it :/

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lol, stop making things up, seriously. The humour was mostly obvious and the story predictable. I didn't like it.


I am actually not making things up! You did! I swear! :blank: Fair enough if you didn't like it though. Although you're saying being predictable is a bad point....does that mean the same for Titanic?


Did you like the woman in the row behind us. Commentating on the film basically.

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I am actually not making things up! You did! I swear! :blank: Fair enough if you didn't like it though. Although you're saying being predictable is a bad point....does that mean the same for Titanic?


Did you like the woman in the row behind us. Commentating on the film basically.


You can't throw the predictable argument back in her face though tbh, because obviously the titantic was going to be predictable as we all knew the ending. I mean, take 17 Again for example. It was predictable in it was obvious how it was going to end from the start, but I wasn't going "Oh, and this is going to happen next" etc, whereas with some movies it's just too obvious and ruins the experience.

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