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Rate the last film you saw


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Currently watching Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead and very much wishing I'd watched it from the beginning. It's set during the unraveling of Hamlet, circling two characters who only have a small part of the play and what they are doing while the story unfolds. It's rather interesting and a little philosophical, and quick witted in your shakespearean way. Reminds me of Waiting for Godot. Two characters who are defined by their removed existence.


Stars Tim Roth and Gary Oldman, two fine actors playing roles of bonkers rhetoric, attempts to be rational by roundabout means - definitely worth watching.


Can't give it a rating though as I've not watched it from the beginning, but I thought I'd put the word out there and see if anyone's seen it before, at least.

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Jeepers Creepers


Some truly terrible moments mixed with some truly great moments. Makes for an average movie really. Some moments like the police car escort part are brilliant, whereas the ending is somewhat...not. Scared me in places (even though I've seen it before) and I want to sleep now, but can't! *is a wimp*


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A great double whammy of movies on TV last night:



Up until last year this was my favourite movie of all time, ever since I saw it when I was just a nipper at 13. Not much else can be said about this film that hasn't been said before, but it really is a classic masterpiece. The suspence and pacing are absolutely perfect, the characterisations spot-on and for what is essentially a monster movie it is incredibly rounded and three-dimensional. Quint's speech about the USS Indianapolis still gives me the shivers.




I remember the magazines all having a go at this as a Star Wars rip off when it first came out. I still fail to see how. The first time I ever saw it was when Sky were about to repeat the first year of the tv show again and I thought I'd better see what all the fuss was about, so in preparation I rented out this and the pilot movie of the tv series. I loved this! Although I have to say that it's a bit disappointing to never see the fantastic director's cut on tv. Nevertheless, great entertainment from start to finish, the actors are all great (Spade is hilarious as Daniel, and Russell compelling as O'Neil) but it was the story that truly gripped me. As a result of this film being so (surprisingly) well researched I've become fascinated with ancient egyptian culture too!


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Die Hard 4.0 - 4.0/10 (see the rather lame joke?)


This isn't a Die Hard film! Sure it's called 'Die Hard' and stars Bruce Willis, but it destroys the whole concept of Die Hard and then tries to rebuild it in the mould of a modern action movie.


As a Die Hard film it fails, as a xXx clone it fails miserably. All in all it's pure garbage!


The embarrassing thing is Die Hard is a formula so simple it's actually harder to it mess up than it is to get it right! Epic Fail.

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The Pursuit of Happyness


After enjoying Will Smith's performance in I Am Legend, I decided to check this out and I'm now glad i did. It's not as cheesily sentimental as I thought (although the score still stank a bit). I was genuinely moved by the fresh prince and the bond between him and his son.



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Apollo 13


Pretty decent. Almost cried during the odd scene. Forgot what the ending was like, as I was expecting a Deep Impact style teary goodbye :heh:




The Da Vinci Code


One of my guilty pleasure's. Ron Howard should not of had rushed through the first 3/4 of the book, and given us that long, slow, uneventful final 20minutes.




The Life of Brian


One of my favourite comedies of all time. After finishing watching this, S4C was having a bloody Python night, and I must of started the DVD 15minutes before the film was aired, as I caught the ending aftering finishing my watch. At least I got to watch some documentaries.




True Lies


Plenty of action and plenty of comedy. Mixes both genres well. Will never get old.



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Howl's Moving Castle


The first Studio Ghibli film to be given my attention. I knew that this film was good, but I didn't think it would be THAT good!


I enjoyed it a lot. I watched it with dubbed audio, and Christian Bale's voice added a bit more brilliance.



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Howl's Moving Castle


The first Studio Ghibli film to be given my attention. I knew that this film was good, but I didn't think it would be THAT good!


I enjoyed it a lot. I watched it with dubbed audio, and Christian Bale's voice added a bit more brilliance.




Heh, I watched that this vacation and didn't really get what on earth was going on. XD

Was even worse for my friend cause there were only Dutch subtitles or Dutch dub, nothing in English so he was clueless as to what was going on. I thought it was an okay movie but nothing special.

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Heh, I watched that this vacation and didn't really get what on earth was going on. XD

Was even worse for my friend cause there were only Dutch subtitles or Dutch dub, nothing in English so he was clueless as to what was going on. I thought it was an okay movie but nothing special.


I don't know how you couldn't figure out what was happening. I found it very easy to keep up with it.


The film has also made me want to read the novel...

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I don't know how you couldn't figure out what was happening. I found it very easy to keep up with it.


The film has also made me want to read the novel...


I don't know, it just didn't make sense what was going on? Plus there didn't seem to be that much of a story in there... Maybe it's just me but I prefer other studio Ghibli movies. =)

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I don't know, it just didn't make sense what was going on? Plus there didn't seem to be that much of a story in there... Maybe it's just me but I prefer other studio Ghibli movies. =)


I had some idea, then at one point it all crept up on me. To which I made a loud "Ooh! Bloody hell." in an unusually thick Brummie accent. ::shrug:


What are these other Ghibli movies yow prefer? Just to keep in mind for future purchase. :smile:

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I had some idea, then at one point it all crept up on me. To which I made a loud "Ooh! Bloody hell." in an unusually thick Brummie accent. ::shrug:


What are these other Ghibli movies yow prefer? Just to keep in mind for future purchase. :smile:


Hmm, ones I really like are Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away. I also love Grave of the Fireflies, but I don't think it actually counts as a Ghibli film? You should still check it out though. =P


Others I like are My Neighbor Totoro, Laputa: Castle in the sky and Nauscia (sp?). Also there's Kiki's Delivery Service but not many people seem to like it (plus it seems something for younger kids) and Porco Rosso, which is okay but not great. I think that's all the ones I've seen...

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Hmm, ones I really like are Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away. I also love Grave of the Fireflies, but I don't think it actually counts as a Ghibli film? You should still check it out though. =P


Others I like are My Neighbor Totoro, Laputa: Castle in the sky and Nauscia (sp?). Also there's Kiki's Delivery Service but not many people seem to like it (plus it seems something for younger kids) and Porco Rosso, which is okay but not great. I think that's all the ones I've seen...


I heard Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away were brilliant. But I've heard that Kiki's Delivery Service isn't that good, and if you said it's for kids, then I might avoid it.

Everything else might be looked at before I ever think of buying. Although My Neighbour Totoro might be one I'll get.


Mind you, I still have Pom Poko to watch. :grin:

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I heard Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away were brilliant. But I've heard that Kiki's Delivery Service isn't that good, and if you said it's for kids, then I might avoid it.

Everything else might be looked at before I ever think of buying. Although My Neighbour Totoro might be one I'll get.


Mind you, I still have Pom Poko to watch. :grin:


Ah, I don't think I'm familiar with that one. There's probably a lot more Ghibli movies out there that I haven't seen yet. =O

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Open Water


My review is ALL spoiler baby!




It gets +2 because I laughed at it...when I wasn't bored to tears.




That was the worst movie I've ever seen. Me and OW rent a lot of shit just for laughs, but we were going batship crazy watching that.

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