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I have no idea who Gemma Arteton is.


Edit: Googled - Ah, yeah. Her accent in James Bond was very punch-in-the-faceable.

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I think she's the princess/main woman in the film. I think she was also a bond girl/in St. Trinians.

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Her character was just really badly written. Surely if you're like the mistress of time, you'd be more aware that tricks involving time travel could be happening around you.




Alanis Morissette's addition to the soundtrack added so much. Literally made my day hearing it at the end.

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hhhmmm....one positive and one negitive review for PoP, I been looking forward to this, I know I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up on a Game to Film conversion, but it just seemed to have alot of promise....hhmmm... I'll wait see if anymore opinions come in...

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Let's just say I could write a better script in an evening by the fire.


I can picture it now.



Dastan enters the scene by jumping off a high ledge, which grabs the attention of Tamina.



Oh Das'. That was literally stunning.



Like, truly? It wasn't too attention seeking?



No. It added so much!



Thank you! I'm crying! Hold me!



I adore how you simply surrender to high!

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I love. ^


But yeah. If we stop lying there's loads of films we could all (mostly *looks fleetingly at ReZ*) write better than the actual writers.

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(mostly *looks fleetingly at ReZ*) write better than the actual writers.


Technically offensive due to the fact I actually want to be a writer, and am amazing/in the process of achieving my goal.

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I can picture it now.



Dastan enters the scene by jumping off a high ledge, which grabs the attention of Tamina.



Oh Das'. That was literally stunning.



Like, truly? It wasn't too attention seeking?



No. It added so much!



Thank you! I'm crying! Hold me!



I adore how you simply surrender to high!


This would actually be better than the real script. At least it's somewhat surreal, where the actual film was just racked with cliche dialogue and shiteness.

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cliche dialogue and shiteness.


But this is what your "surreal" language has turned into for most of us. :p

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Technically offensive due to the fact I actually want to be a writer, and am amazing/in the process of achieving my goal.


Just out of curiosity's sake...what's your backup plan? :p


This would actually be better than the real script. At least it's somewhat surreal, where the actual film was just racked with cliche dialogue and shiteness.


You're like a cliched sitcom character with your catchphrases, but we've come to love you. :hug:

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It's not like Chair would write characters based on himself...you wrote that.



Technically offensive due to the fact I actually want to be a writer, and am amazing/in the process of achieving my goal.


I don't believe you though. What have you done to make your dream happen? Don't you need to send off test sheets or something to comic publishers a million times to get noticed, or work your way up through underground/self-published stuff? (by "self", it doesn't mean "all by yourself") (reading back that sounds really bitter/mean, but imagine it said by Sigourney Weaver softly and that conveys my tone)


You should do little things and send them to people and see what they say (or whatever you're meant to do to get into comic writing). I just don't get the impression you're serious. :hug:

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I don't believe you though. What have you done to make your dream happen? Don't you need to send off test sheets or something to comic publishers a million times to get noticed, or work your way up through underground/self-published stuff? (by "self", it doesn't mean "all by yourself") (reading back that sounds really bitter/mean, but imagine it said by Sigourney Weaver softly and that conveys my tone)


You should do little things and send them to people and see what they say (or whatever you're meant to do to get into comic writing). I just don't get the impression you're serious. :hug:


Epicly patronising.


Its not an over night process, and I'm not a moron, I know what I'm doing.


(PS I'm not actually offended or annoyed, just saying how I see your post. Bro.) :)

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Ok. I have no idea what to do apart from trying to get stuff out there. I think it's bottled anger at your delays in making Cast. :p

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Paj has a point somewhat, you never seem to share the love! Obviously theres CR but that's not the same. I only ever recall you posting something comic-related once (forgive me if I've missed others).


As Steve Guttenberg would say: no risk, no reward!

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He sent me the thumbnails and scripts for the first 3 or so issues, so I guess I saw more than most people. But that was a year/more ago.

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He sent me the thumbnails and scripts for the first 3 or so issues, so I guess I saw more than most people. But that was a year/more ago.


For real. Issue 2 and 3 will be completely different from what you've seen. I've written upto 4 now and am halfway through 5.


I'd show more stuff, but Mike (artist) is being (criminally) slow, and I don't want to just show the scripts off just yet.


But its definitely going excellently, and I have contingency plans in all respects. I have a lot of things on the go, some things I've been more vocal about (Tyrannic) than others (Cast) :)


And obviously I know its not a cake walk, and the realistic chances are that I will never be a famous comic book writer, but you all know how high my perseverance is. :p

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I've looked in to doing this kind of thing too with my own idea (which is awesome) but the problem is you need a fair wad of cash to get anywhere. Artists, unlike writers, won't work on a pitch for free (moreso if they're in the slightest bit talented) so it's literally a case of having to pay them commissioning rates on a per page basis.


I'd have spent far more time on my own project if I could have funded anything myself but it's impossible.

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Well by that logic then gosh darnit I'm going to become a private detective, a rich upper east sider and a pie-making dead-waker!

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Prince of Persia


This was lulzy enough to keep me entertained. :D


Gemma Arteton likes being in her ancient fantasy films! (she is in Clash of the Titans) at one point I really hoped she would say EASE YOUR STORM again. :laughing:




The dagger was well made. :)


Street Dance 3D


When I went to get the ticket they guy was like,


Guy: do you have your own glasses?


Me: yes, right here.


*points to his head*


Then the guy gave me the most awesome look that said "YOU DOUCHE!"


The dances in this were a lot of fun and I was fairly impressed. I did enjoy the main characters many changes of clothes.





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The Back-Up Plan

A leave-your-cynicism-at-the-door romcom, the kind I would usually avoid, but I have a real soft-spot for J.Lo, she's so endearing.


I genuinely laughed throughout, it was very amusing. The plot was as predictable as you can get, but tbh..you know that going in. But yeah, quite funny and light-hearted.

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I can't help but think this film is preaching to the choir. I'm not going to rate it but I'd say it was worth a watch.

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