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Rate the last film you saw


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Annie Hall : I hadnt really seen any Woody Allen films before but it had been in my mind to look out for some for a while now so when I noticed this was on offer I decided to pick it up. Its the story of a New York Comedian played by Woody and his girlfriend Annie Hall. Its pretty funny in places, especialy the bit where they first meet and it has subtitles as to what they really mean as they are having the conversation. Woody also involves the audience in the film by frequently talking directly to the camera rather then any of the actors. All in all a pretty enjoyable film. 8/10

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Hmm, my friend who has and has seen all three Cube movies says that #1 is the best, #2 is not as good but good in a different way and Cube Zero just plain sucks. I don't see what's yet to explain in the first one.. Does it explain who's behind the whole thing..?


If i remember correctly they try and explain "Why". I'm not going to watch Cube3, that might ruin the amazing cube2! lol.


Back to the Future III: Good movie, liked the Western theme. But not as good as the other two, noticeable it's just to cash in on the succes of the first two episodes. Still good enough to get 8/10.


Actually they were never going to make more than the first one. But they changed there minds and made two and three together, so three wasn't made to cash in on the other two. :P


If I remember correctly the movies were originally gonna be called, "Adventures from the man on the moon" or something crap like that.

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Pirates of the carribean 2 - 8/10


Ok so its exactly like reloaded, and back to the future 2 and almost every other 2nd film of a trilogy. it sets itself up for the third, so i judge it on that basis, an di have to say i enjoyed it a lot. the cliffhanger is a bit odd, the start a bit slow, but otherwise it was a great film.

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If I remember correctly the movies were originally gonna be called, "Adventures from the man on the moon" or something crap like that.


Isn't that the name of another (rather old) series? I'm 90% sure I've seen an episode of that. And it was absolute shit.

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Street Fighter: The Movie - Was on Channel5 tonight, and there was nowt else on to watch, so I just left it on. Seemed like it got my attention with more "lol moments" at just how bad the film actually is.


I remember watching it when I was younger and I used to love it...........but that may of only been because me and my cousins used to play street fighter on the Snes all the time.


Gets a rubbish rating of 2/10. And Kylie Minogue shouting out "THRUST KICK" just made me cringe.

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A Fish Called Wanda - I've seen this once before, and it randomly appeared on TV tonight, so I watched it again. Still a brilliant movie. I think this is the one movie that combines action and comedy best. And John Cleese is absolutely outstanding in it. 10/10.

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Kingdom of Heaven - 6/10


Pretty much like Troy, Bloomy is wooden as always, fight scenes were great and everything, but its always some christian that ruins everything (nothing to do with the film tbh). But yeah, i didnt get the story till i went to wikipedia. so there

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ReZourcemans Movie Cave ::


Alex Rider : Stormbreaker


(Have you guys got this in USA?) Anyway, its based on the novels apparently. About this kid who becomes an agent for MI6! Its pretty cool. Its got Bill Nighy (Davy Jones) and hes pretty cool in it, some funny moments.


At first I thought the acting of Alex Rider was a little shoddy at best but thankfully it did get much better. Hes got kick ass gadgets...and the equivelent of Q is Stephen Fry! In Hamleys...how cool. I friggin wet myself when I saw he has a custom red Nintendo DS with spy cartridges "


Mickey Rourke plays one of the villains, and hes pretty sick.


All in all, obviously a kids movie, but I enjoyed it nevertheless!


A solid 7/10



The Break-Up


Who doesnt love Vince Vaughn? Who doesnt want to love Jennifer Aniston? Nuff said'


But I continue. The Break-Up is a great movie...it truly is. A refreshing bridge between Romantic comedy and silly (but true) man humour! NOT a chick flick, as there is so much stuff both sexes can relate too. Jon Favreau (Sp?) Is great in it too...he almost steals some of the scenes he is in (Iron Man Dir for anyone unaware)


Jennifer is lovely in it, and Vince plays it like a man....with some very heart touching moment in scenes, and it is actually quite emotional. Also a great ending...truly, a brilliant ending very refreshing indeed. This is how rom com films should be!




No explosions



Questions / Comments welcome!

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Lucky Number Sleven


Very cool movie, shot with a lot of sttyle and funnmy dialogue. Plot has you guessing until the end. Also lucy liu.


Million Dollar Baby

Cant thinkl of anything to say here, it was good apart from the occasional cliche line. Also really sad.

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Superman Returns


Saw this at the cinema yesterday. Looked forward a tiny bit due to the press saying it was the best film of the summer. It turned out to be one of the worst films I have had the misfortune of having to sit through for almost 3 hours. No action. Terrible dialouge. Terrible acting (apart from Spacey) , a person who resembles Lois Lane in no way to the originals, and the end dragged on for ever! Plus the fact that I was sitting by 6 year olds who were shouting "www daddy look at superman flying" didn't help. 2.5/10


The best thing about my trip to the cinema was the Orange ad with Steven Seagal! Amazing! Laugh out loud stuff. Sionerra!

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Resevoir Dogs: a Tarrentino film that I had never watched until now. It's one of the best films I've ever seen, it just reeks of style. Excellent direction and amazing dialogue. Best bit: Mr Blonde with the hostage. 9/10

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Resevoir Dogs: a Tarrentino film that I had never watched until now. It's one of the best films I've ever seen, it just reeks of style. Excellent direction and amazing dialogue. Best bit: Mr Blonde with the hostage. 9/10


Great movie

Apperantly theyre making a Video game based on it....

Not very sure of that, would kinda ruin a big part of the movie for me because what i liked most in the movie was that you didn´t know what happened and you had to imagine what had happen.... sometimes a cliffhanger should be left as a cliffhanger

Linky for source

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Lucky Number Sleven


Very cool movie, shot with a lot of sttyle and funnmy dialogue. Plot has you guessing until the end. Also lucy liu.


Ugh, my friends were like "Oh my god, its amazing" and of course I trusted them so bought it...and didnt really like it. This happened with Napoleon Dynamite too...too normal for me.


And Scary Movie 4 is cool, in my opinion.


And the best thing about Superman Returns is the Spidey 3 trailer. :bowdown:

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