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I wanted to see Bourne Ultimatum but Im babysitting tonight...:(

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Hot Chick


Seemed to take the piss alot of the time, but that's what I loved about it.


And Anna Faris just made the movie, I love her playing dumb roles, if she wasn't in this then it woulden't have been so good.


I laughed alot, great.



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Rush Hour 3




Satisfactory at best, really wasn't worth the £7.50 tbh.


Should have saved that money and rented out Rush Hour 1 and 2 with a nice big bag of maltesers and microwave popcorn.

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Rush Hour 3 - 6/10


Its an alright movie, not as good as the first two and not as funny either along with the action. Plus I think Paris was the wrong place to set it, the jokes didnt really work.

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Rush Hour 3 - 8.1/10


Thought it was friggin hilarious actually. As someone said in front of us when we came out "Ah man, that was jokes"

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The Simpsons Movie




Yeah anyway, laughed alot, good old simpsons humour :D


Plot was a bit wacky, but great all the same :D


Although not really a cinemas movie, could have just been an extended episode.



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Happy Feet


A nice fun little movie. Listened to the soundtrack a few times so I knew what was coming, but fun all the same. When Mumble ended up in the zoo I thought he was going to stay there and I thought that was a bit depressing. Weird how apparently lots of penguins dancing stopped people fishing, doubt that would actually work.


Good movie, especially for 25p.



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Happy Feet


A nice fun little movie. Listened to the soundtrack a few times so I knew what was coming, but fun all the same. When Mumble ended up in the zoo I thought he was going to stay there and I thought that was a bit depressing. Weird how apparently lots of penguins dancing stopped people fishing, doubt that would actually work.


Good movie, especially for 25p.




course it would work, if there were dancing pengiunes, id stay the hell away, thats swass! (some wild ass silly shit)

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But as a race we'll rape this planet for all its worth, no matter what dances our way.

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But as a race we'll rape this planet for all its worth, no matter what dances our way.


damn right, humans ftw!

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When Mumble ended up in the zoo I thought he was going to stay there and I thought that was a bit depressing.


If the movie had ended there, it would've become an intemporal masterpiece. Since it did not, it's just a tiny bit above average. :(

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I suppose they can't depress kids? Plus it gives the message that we need to look after the planet, something else we want to teach kids.


The Lookout


Joseph Gordon-Levitt gives another strong performance, but everyone else is a bit flat and the film seems like a lot of things I've seen before. Not bad, but nothing great. Certainly not his best movie.



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The Simpsons Movie




Yeah anyway, laughed alot, good old simpsons humour :D


Plot was a bit wacky, but great all the same :D


Although not really a cinemas movie, could have just been an extended episode.




nothin like the old simpsons humour but certainly better than the new stuff. If the film was made in mid 90s It would have been much better.

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I suppose they can't depress kids? Plus it gives the message that we need to look after the planet, something else we want to teach kids.


Why not? That's just pressure from the movie companies. Both the obligatory "happy-ending" and the "educational" content. It's not honest. Thw world is not a happy place.







Finally. After Toy Story 2, the draught of quality from Disney's part just seemed to be on a neverending spree. But behold, for there is hope. Again, there's a truly meaningful message, like once there used to be!! Every single scene and detail is masterfully executed and I can honestly say that I couldn't be happier with the results. A truly fantastic film experience, the like of wich Disney had long-since been lacking. I mean... A Bug's Life? Monster Inc? Cars? Nemo? The Incredibles? They're okay, but that's just it... once the movie's over, nothing remains... there was no feeling! Nothing but a nicely told story! Soulless creations... But Ratatouille has finally shifted that back to where it once was!!

The Elite 5 (Beauty And The Beast, Aladdin, The Lion King, Toy Story, Toy Story 2) just became the Elite 6.

Fuck The Incredibles, this is the new standard! A milestone in children's cinema!!


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Why not? That's just pressure from the movie companies. Both the obligatory "happy-ending" and the "educational" content. It's not honest. Thw world is not a happy place.


Well I know that, but we 'protect' children from the nasties of the world so we don't have a load of bitter angry seven year olds.

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Or a serious noir done in animation.


It was done with that French animation Renaissance with Daniel Craig and it was quite good.

It's a medium that hasn't been explored much past the feel-good family romp and I think thats why the newer ones just feel tired and second rate because they all feel the same.


The one with the robot sounds a little bit different however, looking forward to seeing more about it.

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There's a good reason conventions are conventions, because they work. Yes, a Pixar movie where the lead dies would be nice to see, and maybe become a cult item but as a mainstream film it would flop. It would be in the likes of The Sun beforehand "Pixar Kills __ and Children's Hopes!!!" and would be boycotted.


That is presuming its just a sudden mindless death. Its not like Disney has never killed someone before (Mufassa :()

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Well thats what I'm saying, It would be nice to see a more serious Pixar animated film.

Renaissance shows that it can be done, only problem is because it is only a small French film nobody takes notice of it.

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I disagree most definetly. Sure alot of them work in making a film follow a audience friendly formula, but all the best films break conventions in a way. Reversing audience expectations, has made films like Pulp Fiction, Sixth Sense and a whole host of other hollywood films be massive box office successes.


the majority of Pixar films are seen by adults regardless. I am sure it would work.


Yes some great films do break conventions and make it big but seriously, what percent of films do you think that make a profit do break the rules. It can work, but rarely does (talking about mainstream Hollywood here, indie films are great but they don't make the big bucks and don't get seen - most of the time).


Adults may go see the Pixar film, but I think if Pixar mindlessly killed someone kids wouldn't see it which is the larger share. Plus I'd say lots of adults watch Pixar films for the same reason; they expect the conventions. A nice feel good film with some laughs and heart.

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mhm I know what you're saying. But it would just never work. Its too much a risk, and one they wouldn't be willing to take incase it did fail.

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Rewatched the Matrix: 9.5/10, still one of my favourite movies.


Simpsons: 8.5/10, laughed more than I thought I would.

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