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Rate the Above Poster's Avatar and Signature


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old gregg: i like it, but you didnt make it did you so that deducts 2 points :P nice font, good colour scheme. 7/10


edit dam, missed the next page duh. Caris..i like your sig, but one thing. 10 px too high. 7/10


Actually ... I don't get the joke on your signature. And the design is horrible.



Plx raet my singatuer pleix k? :heh:

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old gregg: i like it, but you didnt make it did you so that deducts 2 points :P nice font, good colour scheme. 7/10


Yeah yours is what we Boltonians call a Goodun so 9/10.

Oh and by the way i may not have made the picture but the classic line underneath was, as far as i know, thought up by yours truely here.


Edit: I hate it when that happpens oh well yours isnt that bad so 5/10, must try harder.

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it's new so don't be mean


Its called rate the Above users post not ask everyone to be kind about your own or was that just you trying to shune me from this thread. Oh well ashley well thats a nice signiture but everytime i see it i keep thinking your a girl. You no with the name Ashley and a picture of a women, so 7.555/10

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