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Pokémon Presents: 17th June 2020 (14:00 BST)


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YouTube Premiere:

Well okay then. 14:00 BST for those wondering. 

No idea if this will be related to games, especially considering that the DLC drops tomorrow. Maybe related to a spin-off? Or something else entirely. Pikachu's ears here do kind of look like old TV antennae...could also quite easily be show or film related. 

If this is related to games, very weird that it wouldn't be under the usual Pokémon Direct format. Guess we'll have to wait and see. 


Well, that hype was short-lived...

Weird to have it literally the day the DLC goes live. Maybe they'll tease the next expansion?

But then there's this. Super mixed messaging, so not sure if this should be closed or left as it is for now? @S.C.G (or another mod) I leave it up to you guys :smile:

Edited by Julius
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6 minutes ago, Ike said:

Pokemon Sleep? They’ve literally been sleeping on it since it was announced.

Really weird to me that they didn't come out and say what this was for, but Serebii and the press release seem to have clarified it further. Still haven't heard more about the Detective Pikachu game for Switch, either. 


So maybe there will be something new? No idea at this point to be honest :D @S.C.G/mods I know I requested the thread be moved/merged, but could we leave it like this for now, at least until after the event? You know, when we're all going to be disappointed that it was only DLC talk? :p

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3 minutes ago, Ashley said:

Make your mind up 😋

My bad guys :D yeah can we leave it up for now? Just based on Joe saying that there might be new product information, and considering just how vague the press release is, might be best to keep it separate until we know more :smile:

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30 minutes ago, Julius said:

But then there's this. Super mixed messaging, so not sure if this should be closed or left as it is for now? @S.C.G (or another mod) I leave it up to you guys :smile:

Just to clarify, I'm not a moderator. :D (I'd probably end up accidentally breaking stuff if I was and besides, our current mods do an amazing job) :)

Thank you for posting about this presentation though, I'm just about to post the news article about it and this will be a great place to post a link to that article, plus it will be good to have this thread so that the information can be talked about, or how the presentation went etc... it will be good to have this thread centered around the presentation.

We can still talk about the DLC in the main thread afterwards of course, that's probably what will happen, but anyway, another video to watch and press release to post tomorrow then it would seem, let's hope that we get some interesting information from those eleven minutes... or it will be eight minutes of talking about the Pokémon brand in general and then a three minute trailer. :p

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Pokémon Presents presentation to be shown tomorrow

We'll be sure to bring you the full details here at N-Europe shortly after the presentation has aired.

Zero hype or expectation for this, but we'll see what happens tomorrow. :)

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Well, here we go. 

Really not expecting much seeing as there's another DLC expansion still to come. An Ultra Sword & Ultra Shield maybe, including all the DLC? I certainly hope not :p

Too soon for Explorers of Sky DX (I wish though) and probably too soon for Diamond & Pearl Remakes considering the DLC. Would love a new Ranger...

Maybe some Detective Pikachu and Pokémon Sleep news? 

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Oh okay, so we are seeing new titles?

Pokémon Smile though...please, gamify and trademark all human emotions and actions :laughing:

Adorable though. Would have loved something like this as a little kid. 

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Just now, Julius said:

Pokémon Smile though...please, gamify and trademark all human emotions and actions :laughing:

Can't wait for Pokémon Potty training... Totally going to download it and put it on tonight when brushing my teeth, just to see my GF's reaction haha.

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Just now, Ike said:

Guessing it's a new game (Sinnoh remakes?), they wouldn't announce it the same day DLC for the current game drops.

Yeah, I reckon they're gonna announce the Gen 4 remake next week.  No other reason why they've hyped it up this much.

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44 minutes ago, Ike said:

Guessing it's a new game (Sinnoh remakes?), they wouldn't announce it the same day DLC for the current game drops.

Yep, definitely makes sense that they wouldn't announce it today. Going to keep my expectations in check by expecting nothing more than a Let's Go Johto, though. 

43 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

Yeah, I reckon they're gonna announce the Gen 4 remake next week.  No other reason why they've hyped it up this much.

Yeah, the second DLC expansion is in the Fall, right? So it does seem like they've left the Holiday window open for another potential new game. 

Really don't want to get myself excited for Diamond & Pearl remakes just to be let down. Honestly, after how little fun I ended up having with Sword & Shield, I have very little faith in anything other than the delicious reimagining of the game's OST, I love that Sinnoh jazz.

Those games were my Red & Blue in a lot of ways. Though Ruby was the first game I owned in the series, that was very much a solo experience for me; these released the summer I returned to the UK after six months in Australia. I remember walking around Bournemouth on holiday with my family (I even remember it was August 27th 2007, so I was actually a little late), my aunts picking me up a copy of Pokémon World in a WHSmith around noon, and me not shutting up about the game in the magazine the whole day. Before we left to drive back that afternoon, we stopped off at ASDA and my aunts treated me with a copy of Diamond, and my younger sister a copy of Pearl. I don't think I had my DS with me at the time so I didn't start playing until the following day. 

So many warm memories of playing that game. We were living with my grandad at the time while we waited on a rental property (we'd only been back in the UK a few weeks at that point), and I'd often get dragged out on a whim to go shopping or enjoy the sun, and close my DS. My grandad had an awful habit of turning it off while I was out, which definitely taught me the importance of saving regularly! Then I returned to school a week later to start Year 4, same school I was at before just missed the last two thirds of Year 3 basically, and this game absolutely blew up. Everyone had a DS, everyone brought it in, battles, trades, contests, it was a lot of fun. Having tournaments on rainy day lunchtimes was great too, I remember we had a ranking table. That was good fun.

Also remember being at a friend's house in early October, well after finishing the story (man that Cynthia fight was intense but I loved it, think I've mentioned it before but a LV 2 Starly effectively replaced my starter in this game and Staraptor wiped the floor for me a lot of the time), and stumbled across the path to Spring Path completely by accident. He watched me in total awe as I made my way through Turnback Cave on my first try (a healthy mix of pure luck and actually good dungeon design, because I remember instinctively heading in the right direction) and we saw Giratina for the first time, I caught it in an Ultra Ball. I was the only one with Giratina for the longest time, and that made for some really interesting battles! 

Anyways, long aside there, but I have a lot of great memories tied to those games, clearly. I'm just not sure how much I trust a modern Game Freak to do them justice. 

But here I go, crossing my fingers that they can again and this isn't Let's Go Johto... :p

Edited by Julius
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