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Is this a bad time to mention that I played the GBA version of the game which has a re-translated script?


Regardless of the script they can't really change too much of the main story beats. And yeah, Kefka is one of the greatest villains in gaming history. The story itself is a bit of a slow burner but it gradually gets a bit more involved as more characters show up and join your party, which winds up developing the gameplay even more.


One of the reasons I love this game so much is how much freedom you have to customise your party. In the early stages you are railroaded in which party you have but after a certain character shows up it gives you a bit more freedom to choose which order you do the next part of the game in and then as the plot develops, that too is reflected in the gameplay and the game's biggest mechanic is withheld from you until you reach that point.


That said, the plot does escalate eventually and when it does... it's the best part of the game!

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Played a bit more of FFVI today.

Usually I don't like characters splitting up and then having their own little journey for a while, but it's actually done quite well here.

The sequence with Locke was fun and now I'm engaged in Sabin's troubles. Speaking of that man...he's quite remarkable:



I was very surprised to see it work :D

Also met Gau. He's weird :laughing: And he's also the reason why I probably won't make a lot of progress for a while, given his unique mechanics. I NEED THOSE ENEMY SKILLS.


Enjoying this game a lot. I do think, however, that battle frequency is a little too high and battle speed is a little too slow. Thank the all mighty Lord of Emulators for the fast forward button. :p

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From the screenshots I've seen of that patch, the Woolseyisms remain intact, the only retranslations were applied to terms that the series has since then properly branded (Ice3 becomes Blizzaga, Resire becomes Holy, etc.). So yeah, @Glen-i, this is probably the ideal patch you're looking for.

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Here's a Pro Tip, @drahkon If you fought a Stray Cat along the way to Gau, then all you need is that rage. It's crazy useful.

(Also flat out broken, in a good way, with the right end game setup)


I'm so glad you tried that. It's one of those strange glitches that has become so famous that all rereleases of FFVI keep it in because it's that funny.

Anyway, have some epic fan art of that.



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Why Suplex the train when you can just KO it in one hit with a Phoenix Down? >.>


Anyway, FFVI is one of several games featured in my newest video because... well, It's EVERY game I've ever played.




I realise how long this video is so here's a few yearly time stamps


0:00:00 - 2000

0:01:13 - 2001

0:02:36 - 2002

0:07:37 - 2003

0:11:09 - 2004

0:14:00 - 2005

0:19:05 - 2006

0:24:15 - 2007

0:32:07 - 2008

0:38:35 - 2009

0:45:09 - 2010

0:47:06 - 2011

0:50:59 - 2012

0:53:27 - 2013

0:56:44 - 2014

1:01:09 - 2015

1:04:38 - 2016

1:06:58 - 2017

1:12:13 - 2018

1:17:51 - 2019

1:20:16 - 2020

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2 hours ago, Aperson said:


  FFVI Boss (Reveal hidden contents)

Why Suplex the train when you can just KO it in one hit with a Phoenix Down? >.>


Because it's spectacularly funny. It's what TV Tropes calls a "Good Bad Bug". It's definitely a programming oversight because some bosses have a weight check that tells the game that moves like Suplex won't work. But that boss doesn't have it for some reason, which results in that.

FFVI is a very buggy game. Mostly because of how ambitious it is for a SNES RPG, some of these bugs have the side effect of making the game more entertaining. (Of course, there's some bugs in the SNES version that have negative effects if messed with. The Sketch nonsense springs to mind. I imagine that mod fixes that.)

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8 hours ago, Glen-i said:

If you fought a Stray Cat along the way to Gau, then all you need is that rage. It's crazy useful.

Yup, got it :peace:
I read that Guard Leader's rage is insane at that stage of the game. However, it's so tedious to get him to show up. Not sure if I can be arsed much longer. I've tried for an hour :laughing:

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 Finished Cat Quest yesterday - main story and most side-quests at least. It was rather enjoyable albeit a bit mindless as everything was pointed at and explained. Still, had a good time with it - got it for about £1 so at that price I'm more than satisfied with my purrchase. Might pick up the second game at some point but right now I'm not that bothered.

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Continued my FFVI journey.


The group got back together.

But not for long.

Turns out, Terra is...an Esper?
Well...she just flew off.

Can't wait to see where the story's going.

Loving the game, so far. It's been 5 hours of JRPG goodness :) Only having one "issue": The worldmap is non-existent with the emulator core I'm using. It's the only core that doesn't slow down the game during certain attacks in battles, but it does suffer from the "no map"-problem. It's not a huge deal, though. It's actually quite nice. With maps I tend to just look at them instead of taking in the actual world. With FFVI I'm getting familiar with the world and locations much more.
I think it's time to always turn off maps in games if the option is available :peace:

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18 minutes ago, drahkon said:

Continued my FFVI journey.

  FFVI Spoilers (Reveal hidden contents)

The group got back together.

But not for long.

Turns out, Terra is...an Esper?
Well...she just flew off.

Can't wait to see where the story's going.

Loving the game, so far. It's been 5 hours of JRPG goodness :) Only having one "issue": The worldmap is non-existent with the emulator core I'm using. It's the only core that doesn't slow down the game during certain attacks in battles, but it does suffer from the "no map"-problem. It's not a huge deal, though. It's actually quite nice. With maps I tend to just look at them instead of taking in the actual world. With FFVI I'm getting familiar with the world and locations much more.
I think it's time to always turn off maps in games if the option is available :peace:

Gonna chime in with another pro tip for this segment coming up.
Don't recruit him this time, he'll just sod off at the worst possible moment and leave you in a disadvantageous position.

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21 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

Gonna chime in with another pro tip for this segment coming up.
Don't recruit him this time, he'll just sod off at the worst possible moment and leave you in a disadvantageous position.

Yeah, at this point in the game you have more options as to who your party is even if for storyline reasons you are locked into specific party members. The choices aren't incidental, one of the most memorable scenes in the entire game is coming up within the next few hours... right after the next major "dungeon" as it were.


Also, just started Crown Tundra on Pokemon Sword (Switch). I've got to say, if this is what Gen 9 is going to be like for Pokemon then I am really looking forward to Gen 9!


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41 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

Gonna chime in with another pro tip for this segment coming up.
Don't recruit him this time, he'll just sod off at the worst possible moment and leave you in a disadvantageous position.

I will never recruit him again if I don't have to. I don't like him. :D

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So, for the first time in a long time I'm stuck on a Pokemon game...


Trying to solve this King of Bountiful Harvests mystery. It talks about a missing crown and it's obviously related to that new legendary. I found the location where the legendary is supposed to be but can't do anything there. There's a basket where some sort of offering has to be made so I guess you need to plant the Carrot Seeds or something but I can't find anywhere to plant them. Also the Mayor keeps asking me if I've checked the statue in town and I have checked that statue in Freezington multiple times yet every time I do so the NPCs act as if I haven't looked at the statue and I don't understand what I'm doing wrong here...

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Finally got the time to play more of Final Fantasy VI.
I'm now 7 hours in and have...


...just gotten my first Espers.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand it's one of those games...where you can get stat bonuses by leveling up. NOOOOOOO, I had to force myself to fight normal monsters in FFVIII and now I have to do it again? :D
Given that FFVI will be a one-and-done affair I will just let my characters level up. Can't be arsed to do some stat-maxing. Looking at how I've wrecked all the bosses so far I doubt it's even necessary ::shrug:

Anyways, looks like the story is about to pick up the pace. About time, to be honest...lot's of dilly-dallying so far.

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Finished Days Gone and it's actually a really good game. Starts off a bit slow but picks up, using the zombies as a weapon is great. Surprisingly interesting story, surprising twist at the end of one of the side missions. Definitely worth a go.


Also played God of War, I was never that interest in the older ones. Even though I suck at the combat, it's an amazing game. The Axe is immensely fun to use and is probably the closest you'll get to feeling like Thor. The story is great, the relationship between Kratos and BOY is well done. The music is also phenomenal (but that's to be expected from Bear McCreary) - I'd love to play the game in a cinema.

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On 10/28/2020 at 1:25 PM, drahkon said:

Given that FFVI will be a one-and-done affair I will just let my characters level up. Can't be arsed to do some stat-maxing. Looking at how I've wrecked all the bosses so far I doubt it's even necessary ::shrug:

It's not. Don't stress about it. Equipment and spells is what reigns supreme in this game, unlike smelly FF VIII.
(Of course, equip Espers anyway. You might as well)

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Yeah, FFVI is WAY more forgiving when it comes to it's spell system. The important part though is that through this system this is how you're going to get the best spells in the game and anyone can learn them. This is going to become really important later on as the character with the best Magic stat in the game does not learn Magic naturally by levelling up. Even Terra and Celes are somewhat limited by what they can learn by levelling up, so I tend to value this system in the long run. You're going to be wanting your big damage spells come the end of the game after all.


It of course depends if you want to optimise your characters based on their best stats, I didn't really do that on either of my playthroughs. But for non-damaging, non-healing spells like Haste and Float it doesn't hurt to give them to a more physically orientated character.


But yeah, this is why I love this game from a gameplay perspective so much. An incredibly customisable party with plenty of options and each of them are further customisable thanks to this new system. The GBA version added exclusive ones too which you could add including a Jumbo Cactuar!

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Finished off the ascent, yet more to do.

[Lee Plays] A Short Hike (Part 3)

Old Nintendo Gamer climbs to the very highest of the peaks, and finds that it only starts the journey. There’s a lot more to uncover, and stories to be told from the island’s inhabitants.
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But also, my trial of the Control: Cloud Version Test for Switch streaming.  Not good in my opinion, game and lag both bad.

[Lee Plays] Control: Cloud Version Test (Part 1)

Situated in Taiwan, Old Nintendo Gamer tests out the Control: Cloud Version running on his particular Switch set-up. Is the game playable, or does the main character become uncontrollable? Find out inside.
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17 hours ago, Glen-i said:

Of course, equip Espers anyway. You might as well

Yeah, with the four available right now I decided to switch them around once one character has acquired all the magic from one Esper.

Anyways, made some more progress and am now on a different continent. It seems like shit's about to go down. Can't wait to play again after work :D 

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3 minutes ago, Londragon said:

Finished off the ascent, yet more to do.

[Lee Plays] A Short Hike (Part 3)

Old Nintendo Gamer climbs to the very highest of the peaks, and finds that it only starts the journey. There’s a lot more to uncover, and stories to be told from the island’s inhabitants.


1 minute ago, Londragon said:

But also, my trial of the Control: Cloud Version Test for Switch streaming.  Not good in my opinion, game and lag both bad.

[Lee Plays] Control: Cloud Version Test (Part 1)

Situated in Taiwan, Old Nintendo Gamer tests out the Control: Cloud Version running on his particular Switch set-up. Is the game playable, or does the main character become uncontrollable? Find out inside.

Whoops, sorry for creating a new page just as you shared those videos.
Quoted them so they're visible here :peace: 

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