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Nintendo Switch Online: SNES


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Good session clearing up SMB3 and Kirby Super Star, @drahkon. Hot land in Kirby Super Star is a right pain, even with Kirby's floatiness.

That Arena game that popped up is a boss rush. Every boss, one life. Limited healing items in between each one. It's pretty tough and as you saw, it's not needed to see the credits.

But if you fancy giving it a go some time next week, that's fine.

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5 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

That Arena game that popped up is a boss rush. Every boss, one life. Limited healing items in between each one. It's pretty tough and as you saw, it's not needed to see the credits.

Hm. Interesting. I might give you a shout if I can find the time. I'll be quite busy next week.

Great session :)

I swear to God, for our next game I'll play in docked mode and use my DualShock 4 :D

And here are my final 6 deaths in Super Mario Bros. 3:

I swear...I'm usually not that bad at video games :blush:

Nothing too weird happened during the final stretch of Kirby Super Star. I was very surprised by the JRPG boss, though. Did not expect that one :laughing:

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11 minutes ago, drahkon said:

Nothing too weird happened during the final stretch of Kirby Super Star. I was very surprised by the JRPG boss, though. Did not expect that one :laughing:

Computer Virus is one of the most inspired bosses in SNES history. I was looking forward to that one.

Now make sure you cherish those Happy Smile Points!

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16 minutes ago, Rummy said:

So I asked in the other thread BUT - which of you did the world 8 fortress and did you know how to before doing it??

Answered there, but will clarify, it was me. @drahkon mistimed a jump in the lava room and then I finished it on my first attempt.

I've played SMB3 countless times, so I already knew what to do.

Honestly, I think that certain level in Ice World is way meaner. That requires some proper dexterity.

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18 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

Answered there, but will clarify, it was me. @drahkon mistimed a jump in the lava room and then I finished it on my first attempt.

I've played SMB3 countless times, so I already knew what to do.

Honestly, I think that certain level in Ice World is way meaner. That requires some proper dexterity.

Oh yeah to be fair to drahkon I have no recollection of ever doing anything less than Jugem's clouding that fortress til I was a grown-ass man(21ish, maybe??).

Dexterity...hmm. There's a lot in the ice but I think I know the one you mean(my save state is on 2-1 atm) - it and 7 are two of the worst worlds imo! 8 you can get used to more. Except maybe for that one bloody fortress.

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44 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

Does anyone here want to partake in an online co-op trip through Crocodile Isle with me?


If you're not getting tired of me, I'm in :p

Is DKC2 the one that got a Game Boy version?
Edit: Nevermind, I think I'm confusing it with Donkey Kong Land 2.

By the way, I've never played a Donkey Kong game on SNES. Well...I started them all but never finished them.

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1 hour ago, Glen-i said:

Does anyone here want to partake in an online co-op trip through Crocodile Isle with me?

102%? If/ when I renew the online sub I'll hit you up!

48 minutes ago, drahkon said:

Is DKC2 the one that got a Game Boy version?
Edit: Nevermind, I think I'm confusing it with Donkey Kong Land 2.

Easy mistake to make-- DKL 2 is really similar to DKC 2, whereas DKL and DKL 3 were original games.

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23 hours ago, drahkon said:


If you're not getting tired of me, I'm in :p


22 hours ago, darksnowman said:

102%? If/ when I renew the online sub I'll hit you up!


14 hours ago, Rummy said:

I'll take up a bit of co-op if anyone fancies the hosting? Was always peripheral to the DK games really apart from DK64 - I am at my folks' atm for maybe another day or two too and I have my Switch with me I think!

Well, there's 3 save files, so I can defo host all of you.

And yes, 102% is the only way I play DKC2. Mario needs to be dragged down from his pedestal.

Anyway, before we get cracking, we need to figure out whether you're going with Team or Contest.

For reminder's sake, Team has both players be part of the same team. Player 1 controls Diddy, Player 2 has Dixie. Whenever a switch happens, you need to press Start to resume playing.

Contest works much like SMB3 does multiplayer. Each person gets their own monkey duo and you progress through the game separately. One person completing a level still counts for both players. So you can still do it co-op style here.

I'm good with either mode, so I'll let each of you choose for our session.

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Hmm. I feel out of my depth here! Contest means more simultaneous playing? I haven't even done any all stars online(in fact a practise to illustrate the diffs may be useful). I haven't got my dock or official charger(got usb-c) but may catch a ride home later to do a few bits and head back here so may grab them but I'm good handheld atm too anyway! Just a bit shaky on when or where I'll be atm.

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21 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

Contest works much like SMB3 does multiplayer. Each person gets their own monkey duo and you progress through the game separately. One person completing a level still counts for both players. So you can still do it co-op style here.


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5 hours ago, Rummy said:

Hmm. I feel out of my depth here! Contest means more simultaneous playing? I haven't even done any all stars online(in fact a practise to illustrate the diffs may be useful). I haven't got my dock or official charger(got usb-c) but may catch a ride home later to do a few bits and head back here so may grab them but I'm good handheld atm too anyway! Just a bit shaky on when or where I'll be atm.

It's never simultaneous in DKC2, just depends on whether you want to play as Diddy and Dixie or just Dixie while I play as Diddy.

I'm free Fridays and Saturdays, so you just let me know when's good for you.

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4 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

It's never simultaneous in DKC2, just depends on whether you want to play as Diddy and Dixie or just Dixie while I play as Diddy.

I'm free Fridays and Saturdays, so you just let me know when's good for you.

Ohh....hmm. I still can't see the SMB3 parallel - but I get the DKC one? Like you can take it in turns to control the duo per level? Or alternatively you play the tag option on death/teammate barrel hits? I'll have to have a look at the game again too(as I said really with DKC I never touched it beyond passing on SNES - I half recall two-pad action and I think I hopefully am recalling it correctly to understand the idea of Contest vs Team?) a bit later. Still as I said don't take me for guaranteed yet I just had some surgery hence my rockiness on what I'm upto.

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20 hours ago, Glen-i said:

I'm free Fridays

You got time tonight after Clubhouse?
Edit: Nevermind, I forgot that the German football league starts tonight. Gonna watch that during hour Clubhouse session and focus on the match afterwards.

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6 hours ago, drahkon said:

You got time tonight after Clubhouse?
Edit: Nevermind, I forgot that the German football league starts tonight. Gonna watch that during hour Clubhouse session and focus on the match afterwards.

Also, DKC2 isn't out until next week.

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