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Yakuza 7 (PS4 2020)


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7 hours ago, RedShell said:

The current upgrade I’m on requires 12 million yen! :o And I’m pretty sure it’s still not even the final one!  :laughing: 

Yep, it wasn’t. Got the final upgrade just now, for a whopping 20 million! :o 

OK, looks like it’s time to end this... Here we go!!!! :bouncy:

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Finished the story last night.

As expected, the final boss was a nightmare... :heh: 


He’d take literally no damage at all, meanwhile he does loads of damage and can also attack several times in succession! That’s just the first phase though, once you finally get him down to 50% health he switches to phase 2, which gives him an attack that can 1-hit K.O. It’s not really a problem if anyone in your party gets hit by it (as you can revive them) but if Ichiban does it’s an instant fail! :eek: And you then have to start the entire fight from scratch, chipping away at the full health bar of doom once again. 

Fortunately I only had to redo it once, as I managed to beat him on the second attempt after remembering to use the special move which allows Ichiban to survive attacks that would normally K.O. him. But yeah, it’s a very annoying fight and I imagine impossible without making use of that particular skill.

Other than that though the final chapter was pretty good. The build up to the final fight was actually amazing! The Millennium Tower has never looked so good and every single floor was not only incredibly detailed, but filled with destructible furniture and stuff that made the battles on the way up all the more epic. :cool:

As for the story...


Well, it started out ok and as I mentioned earlier on I was able to follow it a bit better than previous Yakuza games thanks to the English dub. But eventually it just started to get too mental. :blank: Seriously, there are so many twists and turns in there, not to mention completely bizarre stuff, like not one, but two babies being abandoned inside lockers and a guy that can somehow make himself look and sound exactly like anyone else! :laughing: 

Sure there’s always weird and wacky elements in Yakuza stories, but they’ve taken it to another level with this game really. It became so bonkers that I just stopped even trying to follow it. In fact, I much preferred all the little stories you got between the various members of your party in the bar, those were great.

There was still good stuff in the main story too, I particularly enjoyed the scenes that featured established characters from the series, the moment when Kiryu schools Ichiban for attacking a guy who was no longer fighting back was really enjoyable and obviously perfect for his character, was super weird hearing him speak in English though! :hehe: 

Another thing they really nailed with this version was the emotional scenes, the way the characters look when they cry is so convincing now, their eyes get all bloodshot and the face and nose turn slightly red, it’s subtle stuff but combined with the great voice acting it works incredibly well. One scene in particular where Nanba breaks down had me on the verge of tears myself! :cry: Powerful stuff.

Anyway, exceptionally strange story and the odd annoying boss battle aside, Yakuza Like a Dragon was a blast from start to finish. The new characters are fantastic, the presentation is top-notch, the humour is probably the best it has ever been in the entire Yakuza series and the amount/variety of content it offers is absolutely immense! :cool:

Highly recommended. :) 

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3 hours ago, martinist said:

The boss fight in Omi HQ is kicking my ass. Lost about four times before giving up. Might have to grind out a few more levels in the battle arena.

Be sure to make use of Ichiban’s Peerless Resolve skill too. 

Poundmates are also a good way to deal decent damage in boss battles, although they can be expensive.


I’m only 1 achievement away from 100% completion now, but having had an attempt at the objective that’s required to unlock it, I don’t think I’m going to be obtaining it anytime soon! :heh: 

The jump in difficulty level is absolutely ludicrous! :o 

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So I started upgrading the base weapons instead of just buying stronger ones. I'm having a much easier time now. Brought the bat up to "Legendary Hero Bat EX +2" and I'm scrounging around for rare materials in the battle arena. Leveled the other base weapons a fair bit too. Much stronger than the weapons you can buy from shops.

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Well thats Yakuza 7 done. Might grind to 99 to get through the final Millenium Tower and I've never even touched Dragon Kart so i'll go do that eventually.

I might have cheated a little and grinded some Invested Vagabonds in the Kamurocho underground... Ended up at level 69 before starting the final climb. Even with the level advantage the boss at the top was a little damage sponge.

Nice ending though, set it up nicely for Yakuza 8 :)

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15 hours ago, martinist said:

Might grind to 99 to get through the final Millenium Tower

You shouldn’t need to be at 99 for the final Millennium Tower, but...


the True Final Millennium Tower on the other hand :shakehead

...yeah, I’ve got the entire party at Lv 99 and had several attempts at it now, but can only survive the first few battles! :o 

Have started levelling up in different jobs as well, see if that helps. But even with making use of the Invested Vagabond technique + job EXP boosting items, it’s a time-consuming process.

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  • 3 weeks later...
56 minutes ago, drahkon said:

I've played some Yakuza games. Do I have to play a particular one before 7 in order to understand the story?

Not really, no. 
There is some stuff in the game that links to previous entries, but it’s nothing that will stop you from understanding the story.

26 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

Is this on XBox Game Pass? Because I would totally play it on @Dcubed's Series S if it is.

Well it’s not on the PC Game Pass, but there is often a different selection of games on the console one, so maybe. ::shrug:
The Yakuza games do seem to be a popular choice on Game Pass though, so I’m almost certain this will be on there at some point.

Hope you get the chance to play it anyway. :) 

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19 minutes ago, bob said:
1 hour ago, martinist said:
All they have right now is 0, Kiwami and Kiwami 2 I think. They're talkinig about puting the collection on next year along with 6 but don't quote me, I don't have an xbox anymore.

Don't tell me what to do.

I said don't quote me! :p

Edited by martinist
drunk martins
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Well, I ended up buying this, steelbook and all. I couldn't let 2020 finish without me experiencing the game, especially given the effort I put in to get all caught up with the series.

I started the game this morning and I'm loving it so far. I'm already finding Ichi to be very likeable...


The way he dealt with his Yakuza business (giving the money back to the kids and just taking the wallet) is very much like what Kiryu would have done. He also seems to have a daft/funny streak in him, a bit like Majima. Guess he's kinda a mix of the two.

I did have a good laugh at the early boss fight who had a giant hammer. When he swung it but fell over due to the weight I couldn't help but giggle. I also had a chuckle at him worrying about his hair after the fight.

The battle system completely threw me off. I knew fine well that it's turn based but because I played so many Yakuza games recently my muscle memory had me instantly hammering away at buttons, trying to pull off combos and dodges. I've settled into it now. :D 

Oh, and I'm playing in Japanese with the subtitles on. I was toying with playing it in English but it just wouldn't seem right. Plus, there's always the chance that they drop the English VA for the next installments so I don't want to get used to playing the game like with it enabled.

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38 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Well, I ended up buying this, steelbook and all.

Oh nice! :) Great game to end the year with. ;) 

41 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

The battle system completely threw me off. I knew fine well that it's turn based but because I played so many Yakuza games recently my muscle memory had me instantly hammering away at buttons, trying to pull off combos and dodges. I've settled into it now. :D 

Hehehe! :hehe: There’s still the QTE stuff and timing your defensive moves to keep you busy during battles.
Timing can be quite an important part of the battle system actually (especially once you have a full party) due to the way characters automatically move around during a fight. If you initiate an attack when there’s something (that’s un-kickable :heh:) in their path to the enemy it can interrupt the attack. Works both ways though, as enemies can occasionally miss attacks like that too. :grin:

Anyway, really glad to see you playing and enjoying this. Your Yakuza marathon this year has been absolutely incredible! :bowdown:

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29 minutes ago, RedShell said:

Oh nice! :) 

No it's not! I want a normal box!! :( 

Yeah, I didn't realize how interactive the battle system is. I thought it was like Dragon Quest/Final Fantasy but it's actually more like Paper Mario. The way you can position yourself to use items is quite cool, although I have missed a few attacks and even hit the first party member because of this. :D 

I wonder if Sega had to get permission to name drop Dragon Quest? It got mentioned a few times right at the start of the game.

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Currently on the 5th chapter and the game just continues to make me laugh and smile. It seems like a much lighter affair than the previous games and I think it's mainly to do with Ichi and his party. They are such a lovable bunch (only got 2 party members so far) that just seem to be blindly making their way through this adventure. 

Some of the references have been hilarious to see. The whole Sujimon/Pokemon thing had me howling, especially when I seen who you need to fight. Then there's the whole Mario Kart mini game, which I'm very afraid of putting stupid amounts of time into. Also, is the cinema game a reference to Catherine? I just figured with you fighting to stay awake and goats popping up that it may be a reference to that.

Speaking of mini games, is there no pervy game to be found in this entry of the series? I thought for sure that the Red Light District would have featured such a place but it wasn't to be. I did find a sex shop though. The crew are all using weapons bought from that place. I won't go into what they are. :D 

A thing I do appreciate is that when you level up a character or a job the health and magic will be replenished. I hate it when JRPGs don't do this and I was happy to see the Yakuza team have done their homework and implemented it.








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1 hour ago, Hero-of-Time said:

It seems like a much lighter affair than the previous games

It is, yeah. But even so, it’ll still have you grossed out/in tears before the credits roll. ;) 

1 hour ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Some of the references have been hilarious to see. The whole Sujimon/Pokemon thing had me howling, especially when I seen who you need to fight. Then there's the whole Mario Kart mini game, which I'm very afraid of putting stupid amounts of time into.

I loved the Sujimon thing, so entertaining. :D And yeah, Dragon Kart is awesome, surprisingly deep too. I reckon you might not be a huge fan of it during the more difficult races though, knowing how much you like rubber banding. :heh: 

1 hour ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Also, is the cinema game a reference to Catherine? I just figured with you fighting to stay awake and goats popping up that it may be a reference to that.

The cinema mini-game does have a Catherine vibe to it, yeah. Great music too. :yay: BTW, it can be used as a way to level up your bond with party members, I didn’t get to take advantage of that feature on my playthrough though, as I’d already hit max bond with everyone before I really focused on that mini-game. :grin: 

1 hour ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Speaking of mini games, is there no pervy game to be found in this entry of the series? I thought for sure that the Red Light District would have featured such a place but it wasn't to be.

Nothing like what was in previous titles unfortunately. I think the devs realised they could never top the live chat mini-game from Yakuza 6, so didn’t bother. :laughing: That, or they’re becoming politically correct... :shakehead

There’s some entertaining stuff in the sub stories though. ;)

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