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Super Mario Maker 2 -- June 2019


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This game is going to be huge, isn't it? I can see it sticking around the Top 40 chart for years. Should get a number 1 in the UK chart though Crash Team Racing could've been tough competition if they'd launched in the same week.

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So I meant to get this up on Friday (had some issues with my capture/recording setup that buggered things up), but me and @Glen-i made some Developer Commentary videos of our own!


Here's Glen-i's levels (commentary by me and him)



Commentary on my own levels is currently uploading to Youtube and will be available shortly in a subsequent post.


Enjoy! :peace:

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Those were fun to watch. I don't know what the odds were that you would manage to kill yourself on that first level with the shell that just happened to bounce perfectly off the single block but it was a pretty unfortunate incident.


Also, seems we have rather different level design philosophies. I came into Mario Maker with the opinion that the New Super Mario Bros games were too easy and were too forgiving with lives, so I wanted to make something a bit more challenging as well as explore the potential for unique gimmick type levels like racing Yoshi and being chased by Bowser as well as recreating levels from other Mario games but in a 2D style, I wanted to try and be inventive, whereas you seemed to be more interested in building your own Mario game with all the existing balance mechanics for difficulty in place.and being a bit more accommodating for newer players.


To be honest, I don't think either of us are incorrect in our approaches. That's the thing about Mario Maker, it can give out levels for people who want to play more traditional courses but it can also allow for people to play something a bit more inventive than your traditional Mario. Although, the multitude of troll levels online are admittedly very well designed even if they aren't particularly fun to play. That being said, some Youtubers constantly play them and they make for great videos. Now we have On/Off Switches to add to the whole equation which is going to be absolutely mad.


I posted two new videos recently but I didn't want to post them up here just now so that Dcubed's videos got a chance to shine. And I'm not going to be post the second one because it light of recent events it is in especially bad taste.



This first one? A bit more acceptable. I have one more video after this one which should hopefully go up today and then I'm done with showing these levels.

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It'd be good to set up a thread where we can share our course IDs for SMM2. I think there was one for the Wii U game.

This is probably going to be an unpopular suggestion, but can I suggest maybe limiting it to 1 course/post per person per day? That way it keeps the quality up and gives everyone a chance to shine.

Awaits incoming barage...

Edited by Ronnie
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4 hours ago, Ronnie said:

It'd be good to set up a thread where we can share our course IDs for SMM2. I think there was one for the Wii U game.

This is probably going to be an unpopular suggestion, but can I suggest maybe limiting it to 1 course/post per person per day? That way it keeps the quality up and gives everyone a chance to shine.

Awaits incoming barage...

While this is a good idea in theory, in practise it may not work out that way if two people are posting at the same time.


At any rate, I feel ready for Mario Maker 2. Going into MM1 I had a good idea of some of the levels I wanted to make and the most prominent idea was one I eventually got around to at my 7th attempt at making a level... but I decided not to showcase it because it works better if played by the original player. Plus, I want to remake it in Mario Maker 2. So I skip it in the following video


That course did get more stars than anything else I ever did, so it's on my list of course I want to make in MM2 and it will be the first one to go on there. Currently got plans for at least 5 different levels and I want to do levels based on the Forest themes in 3D World and New Super Mario Bros. U because the music in those themes are so good but I have no idea what they'll contain. And one particular level theme I have no idea if it will even work but I'm willing to experiment.


Just as a warning though, I expect there will be many people trying to play multiplayer on level specifically designed with single players in mind. I'm thinking of making some levels specifically designed around multiplayer but don't expect all of the stuff that I do to be accommodating towards multiplayer.

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2 hours ago, GenericAperson said:

While this is a good idea in theory, in practise it may not work out that way if two people are posting at the same time.

That's fine? I'm just saying one course per poster per day, or maybe two per person, whatever. Just to stop the thread being flooded and for the occasional course maker to get drowned out. But like I said, just a suggestion.

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10 minutes ago, Sméagol said:

Is it going to be a problem in practice though? How many people will upload multiple levels each day?

Yo, someone call for me?

Whenever I posted levels, it was always 4 at once. Mostly because I followed the world structure of SMB. And no-one's gonna stop me doing the same here.

Also, because I can't get online whenever I like. So I had a backlog of levels during my time with SMM.

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What's to stop one creator monopolising the posting of levels over everyone else if we are going to try and create a variety?


I mean, you've seen how quick I am to post my own stuff on this forum if I want to share something. Surely to be fair to everyone if we are going to implement limits then each person should have to wait a number of days before they can post the next stage. It can also give time for people to fine tune levels to make sure that they are better than they could otherwise be.

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It’s fine it was probably a silly suggestion. I was just thinking back to the thread last time and how it got flooded so easily and how hard it was to stand out. 

47 minutes ago, GenericAperson said:

What's to stop one creator monopolising the posting of levels over everyone else if we are going to try and create a variety?

I could be wrong but I think you’re misunderstanding my suggestion. The thread could have 12 posts made in one day, but they’d come from 12 different people. 

But it’s fine. Like I said prob a silly idea 

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I obviously don't have any actual experience with the previous thread (ehh, still the "current" thread as of yet), so I don't know how big of a problem it will actually be. I'm also not sure how sharing works in Mario Maker 2, but I'm sure it has been improved? So I'm guessing the thread won't be actually necessary for "sharing" (assuming you have everyone here on your friendlist), it's just going to be a thread for "showcasing" or promoting your levels within NE.

But with showcasing in mind, and having a quick look at the future previous thread.. I urge everyone to post some captured screenshot or preferably a video of your level at the very least. A post with a code isn't going to get me excited.

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