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Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker ( Switch + 3DS 13th July 2018 )


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18 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I've put a fair bit of time into both versions of the game ( 100% the first book on 3DS and 100% first book and halfway through the second on the Switch version ) and I have to say, the 3DS version is very disappointing.

The graphics on the 3DS don't bother me, it's the controls which are the issue. The game requires you to rotate the camera a lot of the time and this just doesn't work well with the 3DS nub. Trying to use the other methods seems very cumbersome and it lacks the smoothness of the Wii U and Switch versions of the game. Also, having both screens display the same image can get a bit confusing. You are looking at the top screen and instinctively want to use that as the touch screen. The problem with using the touch screen as your main screen is that little pop ups appear on it that indicate what you can touch, which obviously blocks your vision. I think i'll be happy with just reaching the credits in this version of the game.

Good to see that we got the same issues with the controls! To quote from my review:


With the top and bottom screen showing the same, I sometimes found myself tapping the touch screen. Vice versa sometimes I was concentrating a lot on the bottom screen, missing all that beautiful 3D action up above me. Further, for accurate camera movement I really need to use the stylus, as the resistive screen of the 3DS is not really registering long finger strokes. Here you also feel the age of the 3DS; after using smartphones or the Switch with capacitive touch dragging a stylus feels outdated. It also lead to a slightly uncomfortable position: My left hand uses the analogue stick, my right hand uses the stylus, but actions need to be done with the A button. That last bit is tricky with the pen in hand. Being able to remap A to L or ZL would have easily fixed it, unfortunately this is not possible. The C-stick I find really unresponsive at times so I ended up with a mix of all modes of input, but it did not feel too good.

So yeah exactly that. And it feels damn stupid to tap the touch screen , I kept grumbling at myself haha. Guess I need to get my old 3DS back and find myself a Circle Pad Pro to fully enjoy it!

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16 minutes ago, Vileplume2000 said:

Good to see that we got the same issues with the controls! To quote from my review:

So yeah exactly that. And it feels damn stupid to tap the touch screen , I kept grumbling at myself haha. Guess I need to get my old 3DS back and find myself a Circle Pad Pro to fully enjoy it!

Yeah, I read your review before I played the game and when these issues started to occur I found myself agreeing with what you had wrote. The whole control setup just feels weird and wrong.

I'm halfway through the final book on the Switch version. I'll probably push on and finish that and then go back and continue with the 3DS version.

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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Another nutter joins the party.

It wasn't as bad as rough as I remember it. I think the key thing is to just take it slow and don't run. Your little clones will never catch up to you if you keep moving, despite them looking like they will. I did have some clutch plays during my runs, as seen below.



I nabbed all of the pixel Toads, as well which means i'm now done with the Switch version. I have been making good progress on the 3DS version of the game. I'm now fully finished with the first two books and halfway through the third.



I don't think i'll be able to do Mummy Me Maze Forever on the 3DS. That level requires you to be constantly rotating the camera and the nub on the 3DS just isn't fast enough and the other ways to control the camera are too fidgety, especially when you need to be on the ball.

I noticed a couple of differences in certain missions while jumping between the two versions of the game. Some of the missions on the 3DS have lower totals than the Switch/Wii U versions. I'm assuming due to the weaker hardware they weren't able to have as many enemies or coins on the screen. 

Here's another video I snapped last night of me playing the game. I made a massive cockup right at the start of the level which had me howling. :D 


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I adore the Captain Toad theme tune, so full of charm and adventure. Really hope the game/DLC sells enough for Nintendo to make a sequel. It can't take a huge amount of development muscle compared to some of their other first party games.

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35 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

I adore the Captain Toad theme tune, so full of charm and adventure. Really hope the game/DLC sells enough for Nintendo to make a sequel. It can't take a huge amount of development muscle compared to some of their other first party games.

Well, I hope not, considering it flat out uses the Mario 3D World engine.

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Well, I finished the DLC. 



It took a good couple of hours to get through it while trying to get 100%. Considering how much the DLC is I think that's a fair amount of time for the low cost. 

I was a little disappointed with levels from the base game showing up with just a new lick of paint. Also, around 5 of the stages act in the same way in that you are just clearing Boo's from the level.

The new mechanic of collecting crowns is a good one and it's a shame not all the levels use this.


Mummy Maze is back...kinda. There's only 30 levels to it and it's a hell of a lot easier than the last one. It's actually quite fun and not that stressful.

Great little bit of DLC. I just hope we can get a sequel somewhere down the line.

*gets back to playing on the Sega Saturn*

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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