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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


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  • 3 weeks later...

I've jumped back into attempting 9.9 runs that I failed to do on my first attempts. Maybe it's the N-E sessions, but I've been on a bit of a roll today.

Managed to pull it off with Donkey Kong, Link, Yoshi, Zelda, Falco (No idea how...), Toon Link and Shulk. Which takes me up to 31 9.9 runs.

Anyway, here's some N-E nonsense...


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm totes ready for Smash adventures at 2pm!

Man, I hope that above song doesn't make up half of the Dragon Quest music selection. That'd be a crying shame.

I'm hoping the normal battle theme from DQ 5 gets in, that's my favourite.

I'm sure @Ike must have a few songs he's hoping makes the list.

Edited by Glen-i
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Well, this thread sure is quiet... must be the time of day. :D

Anyway, here's N-Europe's Roundup of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Mr. Sakurai Presents "Hero"

The usual press release and trailer... which I'm going to get around to watching myself, right now! :peace:

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Oh man... competitive Smash players are NOT gonna like Hero... (Good thing Banjo & Kazooie are coming out next month!)


Hero looks fun, but there’s gonna be a LOT of anger about how RNG heavy he is...

Edited by Dcubed
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Hero looks insanely overpowered! :laughing: Sure, a lot of it is random, but it's still completely nuts. Enjoy it while you can folks, he'll definitely be getting nerfed in the future. :hehe: 

2 hours ago, Dcubed said:

Good thing Banjo & Kazooie are coming out next month!

They are!? :heh:

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20 minutes ago, RedShell said:

Hero looks insanely overpowered! :laughing: Sure, a lot of it is random, but it's still completely nuts. Enjoy it while you can folks, he'll definitely be getting nerfed in the future. :hehe: 

They are!? :heh:

Said so in that Hero video.  Right at the end it mentioned that Banjo & Kazooie land in August 2019.

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23 minutes ago, Dcubed said:



Oh for fuck's sake Dcubed...

Wah wah wahhhhhhh.

Just watched it. Yeah, Hero is going to be a constant source of hilarity with his random commands. I love it! Random critical hits on Smash attacks as well? Lovely!

The sheer arsenal he has is going to cause some insane matches. Roll on tomorrow! Well, more like Thursday for me.

I'm not sure I like the change to the FS Meter. It's just going to encourage camping whenever someone gets it. Ones that require you to get up close and personal are going to be even harder to hit with the added time pressure.

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Hero looks super fun. Plus, I recognize some spells I unlocked recently in Dragon Quest III. And one of the Mii costumes is Lynn from my playthrough! Alongside DQ1 Eldrick, I might actually spend some money on Mii costumes this time around. Super stoked.

Kinda disappointed that Glen's choice of music didn't make it... but on the other hand, mine did! :heh:

I can just picture the negotiations between Sakurai and Enix...




"We need an abundance of excellent Dragon Quest music!"


"Tough luck. Two songs per character, that was the deal. No backsies, Sakurai-san."



"It seems you overlooked something...


The Hero is actually four blokes! Which means eight songs in total!"




(Got'em! And for some reason, I now really want to add Phoenix Wright, as well...)



4 hours ago, Dcubed said:

Oh man... competitive Smash players are NOT gonna like Hero...

Hero looks fun, but there’s gonna be a LOT of anger about how RNG heavy he is...

Nah. His RNG sounds very controllable, since we can re-roll his menu. There's more RNG involved in Game&Watch's Judge, or Peach's turnips.

Like, the reason RNG is disliked is when a huge advantage is just given to a player without any input from either (like when a super scope spawns on stage while one of the players is trying to recover back to the stage). Even if the spell was totally "unrerollably" random, the move only comes out when one player chooses for it to come out. Just like with Game&Watch's Judge.

Unless you mean his critical hits, which may or may not be overpowered, depending on how often they come out. The closest analogue is Luigi's misfire, and that's well accepted. After all, it sounds more like a sweetspot you can't fully control.

(Some people are freaking out over a single smash attack being 40%, but it's a kneejerk reaction: they haven't noticed it was fully charged :heh: I can easily dish out more damage than that with Incineroar. I highly doubt it's going to break matches once we start to experiment with him)


EDIT: Oh, some people noticed that male Fighter/Martial Artist is dressed like OG Yamcha.


...Guess who got into Smash before Goku did!

Edited by Jonnas
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16 minutes ago, Jonnas said:

Kinda disappointed that Glen's choice of music didn't make it... but on the other hand, mine did! :heh:

A little disappointed about that, but Wagon Wheel's March got in, which is the best DQ world map theme after Adventure. So I'm OK with it.

8 minutes ago, Ike said:

Looking forward to some thwack shenanigans. :laughing:

I can't believe that's an actual spell you can use! Someone is going to get Jammy Thwacked at like, 25% damage, and it'll be the funniest thing ever.

It's so perfectly Dragon Quest!

Hocus Pocus is going to be a comedy goldmine as well. I never actually use it in the games, but I'll use it all the time in Smash.

I really wanna have a match where everyone is Hero and the only B move they're allowed to use is Command Selection, with no cancelling allowed.

Hero's totally gonna be a character I can't play seriously with, like Wario.

Edited by Glen-i
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1 hour ago, Glen-i said:

Hero's totally gonna be a character I can't play seriously with, like Wario.

Yep, definitely going to be a character I can’t play seriously with too, like... the entire roster. :laughing: 

Which Hero design is everyone’s favourite? Mine has to be the Dragon Quest VIII one, solely because of pocket mouse! :D

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8 hours ago, RedShell said:

Yep, definitely going to be a character I can’t play seriously with too, like... the entire roster. :laughing: 

Which Hero design is everyone’s favourite? Mine has to be the Dragon Quest VIII one, solely because of pocket mouse! :D

Gotta go with VIII. Bandanas are cool. (Ask Waddle Dee) Personally gonna go with the Terry-Style colour.

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Patch notes.

A lot of characters are less vulnerable when waking up. (Gee, I wonder why?)

Of note is Mewtwo getting a lot of buffs to it's attacks, either in speed or power, its also got a smaller hitbox on its tail.

Isabelle probably got the best buffs though. Her side dodges now travel further and a lot of her moves are a bit faster now.

Pit, Dark Pit, Charizard, Ridley and Lucas (Yay!) also did well.

However, Ivysaur got hit hard with the nerf hammer this time. (Boo!)

Joker, on the other hand, has one interesting nerf. When Arsene is summoned, you won't be able to reflect projectiles that do more than 50% damage. It's a standard thing with reflecting moves, but I didn't realise that Joker didn't follow that rule.

Edited by Glen-i
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