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Mario Tennis Aces

Tim B

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23 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Interesting take on unlocking characters. I quite like it.

Game Freak did a very similar thing with Mega Stones on Pokémon Sun and Moon. Entering an Online Competition netted you some a month early.

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Pre-ordered this just now. Forgot I hadn't done it already. 

Really looking forward to getting hold of it. Outside of the demo and the initial reveal in the Direct, I haven't looked at any details about the game at all, so I'm excited to play it. 

I actually might give motion controls a go on this.

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1 hour ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Cancelled my preorder of this. I was hoping for a lengthy single player mode but i've read it's very short and more of a glorified tutorial. :( Also, the demo didn't leave a good impression on me so I figured it would be best to just skip the game. Shame.

Despite looking like a step in the right direction (to bring it back to old-school Mario Tennis and Mario Power Tennis RPG quality) I had a feeling the single player in this might fall short. Just seemed to lack the heart of the adventure modes in those handheld entries. It is indeed a shame. :blank:

I know I'll still get a lot out of the multiplayer, but it would've been so great to have a really decent single player mode too. Oh well. :hmm:

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Just to play devil's advocate here...

What if Nintendo are planning to release a full, proper RPG mode at a later date as DLC?

I'm still going to be buying this for the multiplayer, it has been ages since my brother and I have played a good Mario Tennis game. :D

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Just now, Daft said:

Any chance there might be Splatoon 2 like DLC for more single player?

Ah that's a good question. I'd not considered the possibility of DLC for single player content in this. So yeah, there could still be hope yet. Although I'm pretty sure the focus is going to be on multiplayer with this game, but you never know.

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They seem to have the multiplayer DLC locked down with a free character every month (if I've read rightly), which shows their intent to keep interest in this game ongoing. So I don't think single player DLC is too farfetched.

Fingers crossed

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I've been playing bits and bobs of this game throughout the day as my copy arrived early from Simply Games. 

So far, I've found that Story mode is a really nice welcome break from the tournament modes that the game throws at you. There are 3 torunaments, (maybe more will unlock?) which are classic Mario Tennis style with a grid of players that you work through. The first and second cups were easy enough, but the last cup is beginning to cause me some issues as for virtually every shot the computer is using these mega powered up shots. 

I don't like them at all and I hate this new racket break mechanism that is added into the mix. It just isn't fun. There's ways to 'block' these super shots if you're on the receiving end of them, but it completely detracts from the gameplay due to having to physically slow the game down in order to try and block it back. And there's very little satisfaction in blocking it too, as well as little reward. 

I have turned the commentary off, as Toad pops up at the bottom of your screen and comments on every single point, as well as between points, but as it is text and not spoken it's utterly pointless. My eyes are on the ball / my opponent and not the shite he is spouting. 

Unfortunately, it looks like there's no way to turn these shots off unless you just do a free play match. Hoping this is the same for online otherwise I can't see me keeping the game in my collection. 

One thing I do like with story mode, is the amazing courts and settings of the matches. The game looks its best here and they seem to have nailed the feel of the courts you're playing on. I played one match on sand in a desert area and there was a very low bounce which really changed the way I approached playing. 

I am going to play some more shortly, as there's definitely enjoyment to be had but for how long is the real question. 

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11 minutes ago, Daft said:

The lag online is absolutely awful.


Edit: Second match was less awful

It has improved slightly since the beta test, definitely still an issue at times though. :(

1 minute ago, Glen-i said:

You can reject players with bad connections before the match starts. Keep that in mind.

Yeah, but unfortunately that connection strength indicator before matches doesn't always tell it like it is. :hmm:
There seems to be a weird glitch were I sometimes end up playing as a lefty for some reason too. :heh:

We need to get some N-E games going at some point. Would love to try doubles with simple rules.

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So I've tried to play a bit online and I actually have been really enjoying it. 

The above is a clip from an online match - so much better with all the stupid power shots off. We had a few good matches! :) 

Gotta love Peach. :D

What I don't like, is the lack of options for online play. Good you can turn the power shots off, but why can't I play more than a tie break? Or choose my court? Am I doing something wrong?! 

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15 minutes ago, Aneres11 said:

What I don't like, is the lack of options for online play. Good you can turn the power shots off, but why can't I play more than a tie break? Or choose my court? Am I doing something wrong?! 

There are options for that stuff, but just tucked away in the Free Play mode. When you create a room you can change it from Tiebreak to a 2 game match. You can also customise which stages are played. Not sure why they've set it up like that, but hey at least it’s there.

I’ve just been playing some Free Play doubles matches with randoms, and it’s an absolute blast! :D 

Also, Daisy’s celebration animation is hilarious! :laughing: I love how you can freely run about after each point again, and it’s even more fun in doubles. :grin: 

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I really don't think I can finish the story mode on this game. These racket break shots are probably the worst thing to happen to Mario tennis since Mario Tennis Ultra Smash. 

Add the 'Reflection Room' and boss to the mix and you've got some seriously horrendous game play elements. 

Nah. I'm out. 

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3 minutes ago, Aneres11 said:

I really don't think I can finish the story mode on this game. These racket break shots are probably the worst thing to happen to Mario tennis since Mario Tennis Ultra Smash. 

Add the 'Reflection Room' and boss to the mix and you've got some seriously horrendous game play elements. 

Nah. I'm out. 

Have you tried using Zone Speed to block Zone Shots? Makes it loads easier.

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Just now, Aneres11 said:

Yup and it sucks. It completely ruins the flow of matches and gameplay.

It's a really poor addition IMO. 

Well, each to their own, I suppose. I find Simple Mode a bit, well, simple. Especially after the crazy mind games I played in the demo.

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1 minute ago, Glen-i said:

Well, each to their own, I suppose. I find Simple Mode a bit, well, simple. Especially after the crazy mind games I played in the demo.

And thank god they give a simple mode. I've had much more fun winning points because I've hit a good shot or outfoxed my opponent rather than triggering a cross hair to aim into the court before the percentage runs out only to have the opponent slow time down to block it back. I really fail to see the fun in winning a point through a zone shot or whatever they're called. 

I much prefer a more authentic take on tennis than the crazy shit they've forced upon you in this. If I knew it would be so heavily woven into the story and tournament modes with no option to turn them off, I'd have definitely thought twice before buying. 

It's a shame though, as underneath all the crazy the basic Mario Tennis formula is very very good. 

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22 minutes ago, Aneres11 said:

And thank god they give a simple mode. I've had much more fun winning points because I've hit a good shot or outfoxed my opponent rather than triggering a cross hair to aim into the court before the percentage runs out only to have the opponent slow time down to block it back. I really fail to see the fun in winning a point through a zone shot or whatever they're called. 

I much prefer a more authentic take on tennis than the crazy shit they've forced upon you in this. If I knew it would be so heavily woven into the story and tournament modes with no option to turn them off, I'd have definitely thought twice before buying. 

It's a shame though, as underneath all the crazy the basic Mario Tennis formula is very very good. 

Have you played the GC and 3DS Mario Tennis games? Power shots being part of the single player is nothing new.

It's not just Zone Shots though. It's about trying to force your opponent to waste their energy.

If you use a Zone Shot and then the opponent reaches it with little to no problem, then you've wasted energy and you're vulnerable to a counter attack.

Building up energy is not something that just happens over time. It's a reward for skillful play. Successfully pulling off Max Charge Shots, Early Trick Shots and Nice Serves all give you energy.

You can't just Whack out a Zone Shot and expect to come off on top. You pile on the pressure, make the opponent waste their energy and hit them when they don't have the energy to Zone Speed back.

I can understand being upset that it's basically a Fighting Game disguised as a tennis game. But the Tennis Game is still there if you want to play it. (Even if it's mostly multiplayer, but if you didn't get this for some Multiplayer matches, then I don't know what to say)

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