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Fitness, Weight Loss & Strength 2018


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  • 2 weeks later...

So my plan to try and get into shape isn't the riproaring dash to the height of peak fitness that I'd hoped, but I am improving. For example: when I started, I struggled to do 10 pushups (pathetic, I know), but I can now manage 30 with my legs raised on the sofa.

The plan is still to get to an acceptable level of fitness before enquiring at the Muay Thai place. Hopefully my fitness will improve faster once I start that.

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5 hours ago, Goafer said:

So my plan to try and get into shape isn't the riproaring dash to the height of peak fitness that I'd hoped, but I am improving. For example: when I started, I struggled to do 10 pushups (pathetic, I know), but I can now manage 30 with my legs raised on the sofa.

The plan is still to get to an acceptable level of fitness before enquiring at the Muay Thai place. Hopefully my fitness will improve faster once I start that.

Good going, duuuude.

The pushups point is interesting. You'd be surprised at how many people struggle to do them and I bet the percentage that can't do them or find them very difficult is higher than you think. Pullups are the other ones which I think many people would find very difficult, if they weren't already doing some form of fitness regime. 

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2 hours ago, Fierce_LiNk said:

Good going, duuuude.

The pushups point is interesting. You'd be surprised at how many people struggle to do them and I bet the percentage that can't do them or find them very difficult is higher than you think. Pullups are the other ones which I think many people would find very difficult, if they weren't already doing some form of fitness regime. 

I used to be able to do pullups many years ago when I got into shape. It was only like 3 or so, but I remember being quite proud that I could do any at all, having never really tried.

I miss being thin(ish). Annoyingly, I seem to have retained a lot of the muscle in my lower legs, but it just sits there taunting me and reminding me of better times. I'm nowhere near the cyclist I used to be.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have definitely found that small steps are still steps. For example, I couldn't do a 20kg bench (bar) press when I started doing weight lifting in January, now I can easily do 32.5kg, its all relative. You're doing great! 

Down 13.6kg now, really did myself a mischief on Friday getting back into deadlifts, so its back to it tomorrow. I'm still amazed I'm even at 13stone, one more to go! 

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I got properly back into the gym last week and went everyday Monday to Friday. I think it helps that the gym near my new flat is a 10 minute walk / 4 minute run rather than a 10-15 minute drive. Keeping it up this week and I'll go at lunch time today as I'm WFH and have a relatively quiet day ahead. 

Working to a PPL routine that my PT made up for me 18 months ago which was effective back then when I was with him so should still be effective now. Plenty of barbell lifts, squats, deads, bench press and rows. So weak compared to where I was a few months ago which is rather demoralising. My 5x5 bench is down from 80kg to 65-70. Hopefully will get back soon.

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  • 1 month later...

Alright, I changed my job back in September and with that, my daily commute on bike was worsened. It wasn't bad, though, as my new job had a decent gym in the basement; a squat rack, some kettlebells and a rowing machine, so I could combine my biking there (about 7 km) with some squats and some rowing. Nice. Now I've been relocated to a customer which is a 15 km bike ride from my home, it's a decent route but man, 30 km a day is really hard on the legs and it doesn't leave time for other exercise at all. It takes me about 35-39 minutes (depending on the weather) from the time I get on the bike until I'm off it again. I want to do some weights too, but I don't really have the energy or time for it now which sucks. I should get some equipment at home so I can do it instantly after getting home or something but that's the time for either preparing food or spending time with my son. 

Hence, I only work out properly in the weekends which sucks as I don't get any rest for my legs during the week. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
I've reintroduced dumbbell lunges into my routine and I haaaaaate them. Legs are on fire afterwards, so I've put them right towards the end. Have also decided that I eat waaaay too much chocolate, but it's really hard not to when it tastes so good. Why?!
Try buying shittier chocolate? Tescos own brand tastes like arse.
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25 minutes ago, bob said:
1 hour ago, Fierce_LiNk said:
I've reintroduced dumbbell lunges into my routine and I haaaaaate them. Legs are on fire afterwards, so I've put them right towards the end. Have also decided that I eat waaaay too much chocolate, but it's really hard not to when it tastes so good. Why?!

Try buying shittier chocolate? Tescos own brand tastes like arse.

You may be onto something there. That sounds like it would definitely put me off. :laughing:

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For me my weakness is sweets, I find the only thing that works is refusing to buy them at all. a couple of weeks ago I was offered a sweet and it was soooo hard to say no, but still, after a few weeks of not eating them I'm ok, just so long as I don't think about eating them. We've got some lovely williams apples at the moment, and they do a good job of cutting the crave, and pears obviously are a lot healthier than a few packs of haribo!

Well, I finally decided to do some exercise, just after breakfast and lunch while I am on holiday. saw a big improvement, or so I thought but now I think the heart rate meter bit on our treadmill might be way off.... I was apparently hovering around the 100bpm mark when it suddenly jumped to 198, before slowly working back down towards 100. but yeah, early I was doing 12kmh and my heart rate wasn't passing 100bpm... in hind sight I suspect a glitch, though at the time it was encouraging! :D

My aim is to ditch a load of fat I recently picked up and hopefully not to gain over christmas. I don't really have the discipline for body building, but once I have lost a lot of my excess weight I think I'll try to get up to the maximum weight I can fit on my dumbells with my current plates. got a baby coming next year though so I don't hold out too much hope for that plan! :D

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36 minutes ago, Pestneb said:

For me my weakness is sweets, I find the only thing that works is refusing to buy them at all. a couple of weeks ago I was offered a sweet and it was soooo hard to say no, but still, after a few weeks of not eating them I'm ok, just so long as I don't think about eating them. We've got some lovely williams apples at the moment, and they do a good job of cutting the crave, and pears obviously are a lot healthier than a few packs of haribo!

Well, I finally decided to do some exercise, just after breakfast and lunch while I am on holiday. saw a big improvement, or so I thought but now I think the heart rate meter bit on our treadmill might be way off.... I was apparently hovering around the 100bpm mark when it suddenly jumped to 198, before slowly working back down towards 100. but yeah, early I was doing 12kmh and my heart rate wasn't passing 100bpm... in hind sight I suspect a glitch, though at the time it was encouraging! :D

My aim is to ditch a load of fat I recently picked up and hopefully not to gain over christmas. I don't really have the discipline for body building, but once I have lost a lot of my excess weight I think I'll try to get up to the maximum weight I can fit on my dumbells with my current plates. got a baby coming next year though so I don't hold out too much hope for that plan! :D

Curl that baby!

The baby will constantly be getting heavier as you get stronger, the ideal weight training accessory :heh:

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15 hours ago, Eddage said:

Curl that baby!

The baby will constantly be getting heavier as you get stronger, the ideal weight training accessory :heh:

sure but it will take a while before the baby hits the weights I can already lift!! babies from my experience are better for developing  endurance strength, they're not that heavy but after a good few minutes you start to feel the burn!
the main thing I want to be doing is shifting the clearly excess fat on my torso and to keep it off, anything above and beyond that will just be a bonus. In terms of muscle strength I don't see myself needing too much more than I already have, so really it would just be increasing my daily calorie requirements... ie me needing to eat more, and I'm pretty happy with how much I'm eating right now I think. currently looking into buying a nice patch of land to build on though, in which case I may find myself needing a bit more strength!

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20 hours ago, Pestneb said:

For me my weakness is sweets, I find the only thing that works is refusing to buy them at all. a couple of weeks ago I was offered a sweet and it was soooo hard to say no, but still, after a few weeks of not eating them I'm ok, just so long as I don't think about eating them. We've got some lovely williams apples at the moment, and they do a good job of cutting the crave, and pears obviously are a lot healthier than a few packs of haribo!

Well, I finally decided to do some exercise, just after breakfast and lunch while I am on holiday. saw a big improvement, or so I thought but now I think the heart rate meter bit on our treadmill might be way off.... I was apparently hovering around the 100bpm mark when it suddenly jumped to 198, before slowly working back down towards 100. but yeah, early I was doing 12kmh and my heart rate wasn't passing 100bpm... in hind sight I suspect a glitch, though at the time it was encouraging! :D

My aim is to ditch a load of fat I recently picked up and hopefully not to gain over christmas. I don't really have the discipline for body building, but once I have lost a lot of my excess weight I think I'll try to get up to the maximum weight I can fit on my dumbells with my current plates. got a baby coming next year though so I don't hold out too much hope for that plan! :D

The temptation is just too great with chocolate for me. I don't drink all that much, but chocolate is my own pitfall. At our place, we're surrounded by it. It's in the staff room whenever it's someone's birthday, you get it as a gift for Christmas and Easter and at the end of the year, so it's hard to escape it. If I can limit my weakness food to only that, then it won't be so bad.

Whenever I have time off, I like to exercise as close to breakfast as possible. For one thing, it gets it out of the way. Plus, the longer the day goes on, the harder it is to actually get started with it since it's easier to just put it off. 

Good luck (and congratulations!) with the baby. Maybe the trick there will be to exercise for shorter times but as regularly as possible during the week. That could increase over time as the baby gets older, possibly? 


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actually, I recall my chocolate diet. I'd get some chocolate (really nice stuff) and then if I met my goals (time/distance sometimes both) I would have 1 square. in fact, I was not allowed not to have a square. It was a very effective diet. Only one square mind, and at a set time in the day I think it was. But something like that maybe could work for you?

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's very popular for offices in my field to have a daily plank "challenge" where we just meet up and lie in the plank for a set amount of time, for us it's four minutes and then after 2 minutes some vary it by doing side planks for 30 seconds. Then some stop after those two and a few others go for four minutes with the last minute being the normal plank again. I don't do the side plank but in the beginning, a little more than a month ago, I failed at 3 minutes. Now I go for four minutes straight with the last 20 seconds being really painful - I'm the only one that doesn't do the side plank so I feel awesome afterwards. :p It's a nice little ritual, I think.

Other than that, I'm still struggling to do some exercise during the weekdays and then I only get out once during the weekend. On the other hand, biking 28-30 km every day keeps my fitness level alright but I miss doing weights so I'm thinking about just taking the car a couple of times a week to save a bit of time and get some exercising done during the evenings.

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It's very popular for offices in my field to have a daily plank "challenge" where we just meet up and lie in the plank for a set amount of time, for us it's four minutes and then after 2 minutes some vary it by doing side planks for 30 seconds. Then some stop after those two and a few others go for four minutes with the last minute being the normal plank again. I don't do the side plank but in the beginning, a little more than a month ago, I failed at 3 minutes. Now I go for four minutes straight with the last 20 seconds being really painful - I'm the only one that doesn't do the side plank so I feel awesome afterwards. [emoji14] It's a nice little ritual, I think.
Other than that, I'm still struggling to do some exercise during the weekdays and then I only get out once during the weekend. On the other hand, biking 28-30 km every day keeps my fitness level alright but I miss doing weights so I'm thinking about just taking the car a couple of times a week to save a bit of time and get some exercising done during the evenings.
You're cycling 150km a week and say that you are struggling to fit any exercise in?

I'm pretty happy doing 7 miles a day!
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1 hour ago, bob said:

You're cycling 150km a week and say that you are struggling to fit any exercise in?

I'm pretty happy doing 7 miles a day!

Yeah. I don't get any real exercise and I'm just getting thinner with no upper body strength. Also, it's rather low intensity, it takes me about 35 minutes to go that distance (14-15 km). So by more exercise I mean more high intensity exercise.

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