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Dragon Quest Builders 1 & 2 (Switch)


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The games has just been announced for the PS4 and Switch.


I played the original last year on the PS4 and it was a fantastic game. Unlike Minecraft it actually has a story and is filled with the usual DQ charm. Nintendo only gamers who've yet to experience Builders are in for a treat.

@Tales will you also be picking the PS4 version up? IIRC you also played and enjoyed the original game.

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39 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

Well that's nice to see some support from S-E.  Not terribly interested in this one (not a fan of Minecraft at all), but I'm glad to see them give Switch some support (even if it's just taking over the Vita's role).

I hate Minecraft but love Builders. Unlike Minecraft, you get objectives, story, boss fights, basically the game gives you structure instead of letting you faff about doing whatever you want. Although there is a mode specifically for that.

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Don't think the mention worked Hero.

Anyway, yes, day 1 for me. Loved the original. So much better than Minecraft since there was an actual purpose to build anything. Although the individual stories were great, I hope there's one single campaign this time though. Didn't like how everything was spread out across all the campaigns, building blocks, recipes and the like, so my castles always ended up being half finished as a result. The free play mode wasn't fun either, where everything was available, since there was no reason to build anymore(no enemies attacking the castle). Anyway, that aside, fantastic game. Day 1 pre order.

Edited by Tales
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  • 4 months later...

I wasn’t a huge fan of the original game when I played through it on PS4, despite really loving the demo. 

It’s just designed in a way that I found to be quite annoying, for example...


How the game destroys all of your work at the end of each chapter and basically resets your progress too, requiring you to relearn build recipes and spend ages farming for materials again.

I suppose that is at least understandable for the story mode, but the fact that you still need to farm materials in the free build mode is ridiculous! :eek: That was an aspect of the game I was really looking forward to spending time with, but because of the way they designed it I just couldn’t be arsed.

Should’ve been unlimited resources and none of that “your character is getting hungry” malarkey either, just let people get on with easily building whatever they want. ::shrug:

So yeah, unless that stuff has been seriously improved in the sequel, I won’t be picking it up.

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I agree with your spoiler tag. You didn't even have access to  a lot of materials and blueprints in any given chapter. I hope for the next game it is all in one single story chapter.

I didn't care much for free mode either, but for a different reason. I'm not the most creative person, so if I have no goal or direction I just don't know what to build. For a mode like that, in the next game, I hope they let enemies attack every now and then so there's a reason and purpose in building your castle. Which is basically the one chapter story I asked for above.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Had a quick go on the demo, was curious to see how it would compare to the PS4 version. It seems pretty much identical to me (although it has been a while since I played it) apart from a lack of antialiasing, and it appears to run just as well. So yeah, looks like a great port. Just a shame the game has those issues I mentioned before, I could easily love this otherwise (and would’ve potentially double dipped on the Switch version) with just a few tweaks to the gameplay. :blank:

Will probably keep the demo installed just to randomly build stuff, it’s more fun than the full game for me anyway. :D 

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Finished the demo and thought it was the best thing I've played for ages.


As I understand it, this game is Minecraft with a Dragon Quest theme?  Well, I've no previous experience with Minecraft, but it applies the Dragon Quest feel very well.  It's addictive to build the houses, and you can fill them with quintessentially DQ items such as pots and chests.  I've read the criticism and will probably agree with it when I get that far, but I have a feeling I'll enjoy the game enough to overcome it.  Can't wait to play the full release!

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  • 4 weeks later...

The Nintendo Store didn't ship my copy until 6am yesterday and it's the 48 hour delivery. Tracking hasn't even updated at all today.

Wouldn't be too bothered but I got it sent to my work office so even if it's delivered tomorrow I still won't get it until Monday. :(

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I finished Chapter 1 last night and am absolutely gripped.  Didn't really mind that my town got a bit bashed up in the final boss fight.  I've done enough for them - the buggers can rebuild it themselves!


Whilst I expected to agree with the consensus on this game's drawbacks, I actually don't.  Yes, you do lose all your materials when you progress onto a new chapter (which are set in a different land to the previous one), but I quite liked having a fresh start.  And whilst you also lose any blueprints, you don't actually lose recipes (at least in this Switch version).  They're all still there, and besides, a lot of this game is about upgrading basic versions of rooms - Workshop, Bedroom, Inn etc.  In Chapter 2, you won't actually want the exact same rooms you used in Chapter 1.  Still, I'm not far in, so obviously don't have as much experience as others, but it's not a problem for me so far.


My only complaint is that this has the curse of so many modern games - it's way too big and "open world"!  The lands are much bigger than necessary, meaning you can spend days travelling to a single destination, with not much useful in between.  I wouldn't mind, but it also has the dreaded breakable weapons and a hunger meter - neither of which make it more entertaining for me.  You'd also better build a few bedrooms on your travels, or you'll be walking about in the dark.


Overall, I'm really enjoying this game and can't wait to get back to it.

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This game has hooked me so much, shortly after starting Chapter 2, I felt the urge to go back and do the challenges in Chapter 1.


My base in Cantlin became like a fortress, impenetrable to all but the strongest enemies.  The humour was excellent throughout (just my thing), and I found all the secret accessories.  The Featherfall Footwear shields you from harm when you fall, and the Dragon Scale (obtained by defeating the three dragons) improves your defence.  I even built a Cantlin Garden!






Just from Chaper 1 alone, I felt this was a near-perfect game, but I can already tell it's one I'll feel differently about depending on each chapter.  Still, it's a slice of Dragon Quest, and one that feels very authentic at that.

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After much effort, I have completed Chapter 2.  Whereas Chapter 1 focuses on mining and metalwork, the second has more of an emphasis on fabric and carpentry.


As much as I like the game in general, I did find Chapter 2 a real slog.  The base area is no bigger than the first one, yet you have to cram in more; and the learning curve goes up quite a bit, with you having to farm and cook.  On a positive note, the writing is brilliant - hilarious one moment, then extremely dark the next.  Square-Enix has nailed the tone of this one - to me, it's more "Dragon Quest" than anything since VIII.





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I finished Chapter 3 last night, which I thought was excellent.  Similar to Chapter 1, but with increased difficulty.



Right from the beginning, I was grabbed by the humour of this chapter.  There was something very endearing about leading a pack of bodybuilders - I couldn't help but laugh every time they burst into a room and congratulated me on what I'd built.


The boss was very fun, although I got the sense throughout the chapter that they were leading up to something more elaborate.  From the mine carts, track and cannons, I thought I was going to have to build some sort of roller coaster (apart from the small one you get the blueprint for).  Perhaps it was too elaborate (or perhaps I just got the wrong idea)?  Either way, it was good fun.










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