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Game of Thrones Season 7


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  • 4 weeks later...

Soooooo.....anyone else watch this? Honestly I thought this thread would be buzzing.

First episode was pretty good, I thought. Surprisingly slow considering how many episodes they have left, and they decided to include a 10 minutes montage of Sam emptying bedpans...

I didn't mind the Sheeran cameo. Sure he stood out a bit, but I think that's only because I was expecting him. If you didn't know who he was, it was a fairly bland bit of acting. To be honest that whole scene was a bit weird.

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I've caught up with all of GoT now and I'm in love with Westeros!

That first episode was brilliant! The first five minutes was awesome and I thoroughly enjoyed the rest! I'm looking forward to next week's but am I the only one who finds Bran's entire story boring? I just don't like the character at all.

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1 hour ago, Animal said:
  I need something explaining... (Reveal hidden contents)

This is something I've always wondered. I get that Arya can strip faces off and be them and shit but how can she fake their voices too and get their body build?



I'm assuming that it's all just part of the "package" if that makes sense. I don't think it's ever been explained how she can create additional faces, but that's part of her power that we have just come to recognise and expect. If she can change her face, then she can also change other facets to appear to be someone else.


The episode itself was just fantastic as usual. We watched the final two episodes of season 6 before watching this. They're truly stunning. The Battle of the Bastards is one of the most insane bits of television I've ever seen. That opening sequence of the S6Finale where Cersei has her revenge is magnificent.

The real hero of Game of Thrones is Lady Mormont. Literally everything she says is just 100% badass. Love her.

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Decent opener, wasn't expecting too much to happen.  I still think The Hound is one of the better characters in the show.  Sheerans cameo (if if can be called that), he stood out a bit.  And was bland in comparison to the extras they had next to him.


Now that Daenerys has reached the main land, and Sam figured out the Targaryens built Dragonsreach on a mine of Dragonglass, it's only a matter of time before Jon Snow meets with Daenerys.  Perhaps he'll help take Kings Landing with her, then onwards to help the Wall defeat the Whitewalkers with the Dragons (or the other way around).  Cersai has too many enemies to try and form a resistance to the North and South of Kings Landing now.


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I had to look up who Sheeran is :blank:  I didn't notice anything special in that scene, and it was a bit weird, but I thought



Arya wanted to kill them because they had been loyal to an enemy (not really sure who they were to be honest), but saw that they were just good people and changed her mind. I thought it was a scene of her socialising, getting to know people and changing her perspective a bit about commoners.


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Split the thread to try and grab peoples' attention!

19 minutes ago, The Cape said:

I had to look up who Sheeran is :blank:  I didn't notice anything special in that scene, and it was a bit weird, but I thought

I find this quite interesting actually! One person in our group said "if you didn't know who he was, you wouldn't have thought anything", but I wasn't sure. I thought his part just didn't fit in very well or make sense, and his line was delivered poorly. If anything, they should've just let him get stabbed in a battle or something.

I thought it was a great start to the series, if a little tame. It didn't take any risks, it just kinda carried on the story, and didn't have an epic Season Premiere feel. That said, a lot of things are finally coming to a head and I'm very much looking forward to where we're going next.

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Yeah not sure what on Earth the Ed Sheeran cameo was about. Who approved that? It's just jarring to see him cast in a similar role to what he normally does, cracking a joke about it being a new song. To me that took me out of Westeros and made me think the producers were having a joke with the audience.

I thought the Arya bit at the beginning was a little weird (given the slow pace of the shown normally), given how much planning must have gone into something like that. Seemed a bit...over too quickly? Other than that I really enjoyed the episode.

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They obviously got bored with that storyline/House. It had run its course and they wanted rid. I'm sure the books will dedicate several chapters to it.

My only problem with Ed, is that his face was too damn shiny. It was like the cleanest thing in the episode after Sams bedpans. They needed to dirty him up a bit and scraggle his hair, make him look like a tired, beleaguered soldier.

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They obviously got bored with that storyline/House. It had run its course and they wanted rid. I'm sure the books will dedicate several chapters to it.


My only problem with Ed, is that his face was too damn shiny. It was like the cleanest thing in the episode after Sams bedpans. They needed to dirty him up a bit and scraggle his hair, make him look like a tired, beleaguered soldier.

It makes you wonder why they have cut the number of episodes short but then gloss over things like this. I would have liked to have seen how she managed to put together a plot like that. If anything, just to make it seem less rushed.


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5 minutes ago, Sheikah said:

It makes you wonder why they have cut the number of episodes short but then gloss over things like this. I would have liked to have seen how she managed to put together a plot like that. If anything, just to make it seem less rushed.


It probably went something like:


Arya kills Frey and steals his face. She pretends to be Frey and orders a feast for all the minor Freys. She poisons the nice wine, and serves it to everyone. 

It wouldn't make for a very exciting episode... 

Edited by bob
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That sounds about five times as exciting as what normally happens in any given scene in the show.


And about 100 times as exciting as Sam continuously cleaning out excrement.


Not that it has to be a whole episode mind. Just not starting at the end would be cool. Given the history of the Freys in the show, you can hardly blame people for not wanting that part to be so quick.




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Hmm, I actually like the way that it was done. For the first few seconds, I did think the show had jumped back in time to an earlier feast when Walder Frey was still alive. Then, it quickly became apparent that this wasn't the case. I thought it was a nice, punchy start to the series and just outlines how good a trickster Arya has become. The whole event seemed very sinister, especially with Walder/Arya's lines about how they had invited a pregnant woman into their home and killed her, and also that little bit about wolves and sheep. For the sake of an exciting start and for pace, it was one of the best bits of the episode for me.

Edit: Spoiler tagged.

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2 hours ago, Fierce_LiNk said:

Hmm, I actually like the way that it was done. For the first few seconds, I did think the show had jumped back in time to an earlier feast when Walder Frey was still alive. Then, it quickly became apparent that this wasn't the case. I thought it was a nice, punchy start to the series and just outlines how good a trickster Arya has become. The whole event seemed very sinister, especially with Walder/Arya's lines about how they had invited a pregnant woman into their home and killed her, and also that little bit about wolves and sheep. For the sake of an exciting start and for pace, it was one of the best bits of the episode for me.

What's the deal with spoilers in this thread? We doing them for Season 7 only? Or not at all?


(Not having a dig, Flink, just trying to sort it out before I go on holiday and end up several episodes behind and have to abandon thread.)

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3 minutes ago, bob said:

What's the deal with spoilers in this thread? We doing them for Season 7 only? Or not at all?


(Not having a dig, Flink, just trying to sort it out before I go on holiday and end up several episodes behind and have to abandon thread.)

D'oh, forgot to use spoiler tags.

I'd recommend using spoiler tags in this thread. When on holiday, it can be tricky to keep up with the episodes and so encountering/avoiding spoilers may be a bit of a minefield.

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Good episode, again. :D



Didn't expect the battle at the end to take place. That quickly fell apart for Yara. Theon went into full on Reek-mode at the first sight of danger.

I guess Daenerys will use her dragons now at King's Landing, partly after her conversation with Lady Olenna Tyrell and partly because it seems like her plan is beginning to fall apart.

Series is also set up for Sansa to betray Jon. :o


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29 minutes ago, Fierce_LiNk said:
  Spoilers (Hide contents)

Didn't expect the battle at the end to take place. That quickly fell apart for Yara. Theon went into full on Reek-mode at the first sight of danger.

I guess Daenerys will use her dragons now at King's Landing, partly after her conversation with Lady Olenna Tyrell and partly because it seems like her plan is beginning to fall apart.

Series is also set up for Sansa to betray Jon. :o



That battle was awesome! Euron's experience in naval battles seems to have paid off. I wonder how he knew about where the Iron fleet was headed. I'm assuming it's because he appears to be a genius at naval warfare. Or some bird told him :p

I wonder what Dany's going to do. Attacking King's Landing head on might have the effect of the people not accepting her. However, Olenna did put a seed into Dany's mind. Let's see if she's ready to go out all or if she doesn't want to become a Queen of Ashes.

Am I the only one who almost cried at Arya's and Nymeria's reuinion? I have a soft spot for dogs/wolves and Arya realising that the Direwolf's life is not with her but with the pack made me sad :(

Glad to see Sam trying to cure Jorah. The latter is my favourite character from the series. A warrior driven by love and only love. Can't help but like the guy :D


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Everyone's dissing Theon but he couldn't have done anything  anyway. Did people think he was going to somehow suddenly become a super soldier and win that fight despite the hostage situation? This is actually the only way they could both have come out alive. That said, I think it's kind of a shame that they reverted him back, feel like we've been through that story once already, taking a step backwards is just going to feel repetitive.

Anyone else think the scene with Missandei and the Grey Worm was just... poor? It went on and on and there was something really off about it.

Other than that it was decent, even if 95% of it was just conversation again.


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3 minutes ago, Shorty said:
  Ep 2 (Hide contents)

Everyone's dissing Theon but he couldn't have done anything  anyway. Did people think he was going to somehow suddenly become a super soldier and win that fight despite the hostage situation? This is actually the only way they could both have come out alive. That said, I think it's kind of a shame that they reverted him back, feel like we've been through that story once already, taking a step backwards is just going to feel repetitive.

Anyone else think the scene with Missandei and the Grey Worm was just... poor? It went on and on and there was something really off about it.

Other than that it was decent, even if 95% of it was just conversation again.



Theon made the right call. It might set the scene for a revenge? Theon against Euron. Could be interesting.

Yeah, That Grey Worm scene was a little odd. There was something off...his dick. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, FUNNY!


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But that's not what the scene with Theon and his sister was trying to convey. He didn't leave/jump because it was a hopeless situation. He did it motivated by fear and Yara saw it as a clear betrayal, hence the tear that ran down her face. He didn't even try to plead or bargain for her life. Not sure he'll get the opportunity for redemption in this instance.


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I think it was a mix of both fear and realising that it would be a stupid idea to attack. Pleading or bargaining for Yara's life would've been useless. I mean, it's Euron. Not sure if he'll listen to anything Theon says.

Lucky for Theon that his emotions and rationality both caused the same result, i.e. survival (assuming he gets rescued).


The final shot of Theon is kind of telling in my opinion. His fear took over for a second but the moment he laid eyes on the ship we could see a glimpse of hatred and thirst for revenge. It was very subtle, though (great acting, by the way).


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"This is Jon Snow.....................He's King in the North." - Pretty concise, Davos.


Fucking Christ, Bran...

Sansa, "Dude, explain all this Three Eyed Raven thing to me."

Bran, "It's complicated, BY THE WAY that dress...what a nice dress to put on for rape night."


Jorah is cured. YES! My favourite character lives. Until he dies...probably.


Olenna burning Jamie left and right, holy fuck.



Dany has only been losing so far...pretty sure she's tired of all this and will go nuts next episode. I expect a tantrum like "Fuck it, go Dragons!". Will be interesting to see if it actually happens or her advisers tell her to calm her tits again.


Probably my favourite Episode of Season 7 so far. Tyrion narrating the attack on Casterly Rock and the way the scene unfolds was awesome.


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Feel like the quality took a turn for the better in episode 3 :) although I still feel like there are some very strained, weirdly directed dialogue scenes. The world just doesn't feel as real or as alive as it used to, either. I'm going to attribute it to saving budget for epic episodes incoming.

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