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Mario Kart 8 Deluxe League 2017

The Mole

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I seem to be near the front or near the back... there is no middle ground for me tonight. I feel so out of practice on this and it's tough as everyone on here is pretty good so you can go from 2nd to last after a single item hits you!

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Dear N-Europe

                        I am writing this letter to voice my disapproval over the recent behaviour of the N-Europe Mario Kart League tonight. First of all, one @Dcubed, who thinks it's bloody hilarious to go out of his way to screw me over, despite him losing two places because of that. One of them to me, why even bother? Just because I ambushed you with invisible Bob-omb shenanigans? It was funny! GET A SENSE OF HUMOUR!

As for the rest of you, here's a mental concept, how about using your bloody Blue Shells at any time when I'm not in First Place!? I could swear some of you were eyeballing that map just waiting for me to overtake @The Mole just so you could get a cheap laugh! It is unsportsmanlike and other such 15 letter words that sound intelligent. In retaliation, I will do something. Something unspeakable.

You've gone done it now!

Yours sincerely,

That Inward Drifting Bloke

Here's your stupid results!








Edited by Glen-i
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One day I will get these results out on time. One day

The League table


Really good night for me, unfortunately I cannot say the same for a certain someone (Cough @Glen-i) but I think he will have the last laugh. The Mole reclaims first from Glen-i. Nothing much more to be said, here is the theme for this week. Prepare yourself. This theme was made by Glen-i

Next league Night Thursday 3rd August 8pm

Glen-i's Revenge Episode 2: The Mole Strikes Back


A blast from the Wii U league. Now I know what you are thinking, this is a very difficult week and favours inward drifting players quite a bit, including one individual. This is where I give you all a glimmer of hope. Glen-i picked this kart as it has no grip and inward drifting. I present to you:


This should even the playing field a bit, a kart that has no grip and outward drifting. Enjoy Glen-i

Group 1, @BowserBasher is host

  1. The Mole
  2. @Glen-i
  3. @BowserBasher
  4. @punio75

Other Players

Sign Up Now!!


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@Emerald Emblem Plane Glider

Next league Night Thursday 3rd August 8pm

Glen-i's Revenge Episode 2: The Mole Strikes Back


Glen-i Kart


Group 1, @BowserBasher is host

  1. The Mole
  2. @Glen-i
  3. @BowserBasher
  4. @punio75
  5. @Emerald Emblem
  6. Emerald's Bro
  7. @londragon
  8. @martinist
  9. @S.C.G
  10. Dcubed

Other Players

Prepare for the worst night of your lives, all of you!! See you all soon!!

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7 minutes ago, King_V said:

Damn sorry... That kart set-up was so bad, I had to come out of the shadows! Jesus! Sorry had to quit that lol.

This... I've changed to the kart and I don't even care if you don't count my score. :p

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6 minutes ago, Glen-i said:




Besides the series is called Mario KART not bike... why would I even want to use a stupid... *mutter mutter*

*changes back to bike for the last GP*

I hope you're happy... :blank:

*proceeds to actually do not too badly on the bike*


Bikes are still horrible!


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