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N-Europe Summer Meet 2017


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55 minutes ago, Rummy said:

Given this is theoretically in a day or two - do we even have a plan and list of attendees?

I think that's a no on both counts! To be honest I gave up on organising a planned meet-up. I've been travelling a lot with work recently and had other priorities to think about.

Having said that, I am still free the whole weekend. The offer of beer and bants at mine is still out there... or we go for drinks somewhere. So err... Loading Bar? Saturday?

@Rummy @Mr-Paul @Daft @Ashley @Sheikah

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I think that's a no on both counts! To be honest I gave up on organising a planned meet-up. I've been travelling a lot with work recently and had other priorities to think about.

Having said that, I am still free the whole weekend. The offer of beer and bants at mine is still out there... or we go for drinks somewhere. So err... Loading Bar? Saturday?

[mention=2436]Rummy[/mention] [mention=2875]Mr-Paul[/mention] [mention=2098]Daft[/mention] [mention=11]Ashley[/mention] [mention=2464]Sheikah[/mention]

Sure, I'd be down with that. Loading sounds good!


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I am emotionally (and mentally/physically) kind of all over the place at the moment.  I shall try, and I know I should go be social because it will help, but I can't commit to anything until the day because its changing a lot at the moment.


(still grumbling about Loading Bar being in the middle of nowhere but I will endure it :p) 

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It's a shame to see it happen but this looks like a bit of a total washout this year. I've had a shitty bit of flu for most of the week that's still with me so wouldn't come out uptown tonight. Lesson for next year is to organise ourselves a bit earlier and firmer!

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I know you're joking but it's the detachment there that's really hard to get past. You see it as a meet up of "you", rather than "us".

Everyone's invited but it's only the same small group that makes the effort each year, and that group is getting older and smaller all the time.

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It is a shame that the meet didn't quite work out this year. I'm gutted to have not been there, but have a lot to do to get ready for the new school year. 

One of the things that I enjoyed about each meet was that you'd meet someone new or see a new face that wasn't there before. It would be great to get more people to come in future, but that's easier said than done. There's a fair bit of activity in the Nintendo boards, so I guess we need to find ways to not only draw new people to this place, but to encourage those that are here to venture out and look at posting in the general chit chat board, too. 

It didn't work out this year, but we can learn from it and make it work next time around. I'll definitely be coming to the next one to make up for not coming to this one. 

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