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General Election 2017 - MJ popcorn gif edition


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Corbyn came out of it pretty well. May had a poor showing overall but ended strongly with people thanks to another sound-byte.


I hate how people lap that shit up. A meaningless slogan, said repeatedly, it resonates with idiots.


Best thing to come out of it: #TheresaMayBlowhard

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I still think the Conservatives will win come June 8th, but I really wish that when Teresa May wakes up on Friday morning, she regrets calling the election. I hope she realises what a mistake it was to try and make a grab for a larger majority and it has backfired in her face.

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I agree more with Labour's manifesto, but Lib Dems are promising a 2nd EU referendum and a proportional representation voting system, which imo are far more important/impactful than anything else the other parties are promising.


Are they claiming the first was "just a practise run" and decide to accept the new result? Or making it a best-of-three?


Just catching up with The Battle for Number 10 as I missed it yesterday.


I'm only 20 minutes in, so Corbyn has just finished addressing the audience and answering their questions. Paxman has only asked one question and I just want to hit him. Hard.


Paxman: "This manifesto...your key ideas didn't make it in did they?!"


Corbyn: "It's a collection of ideas and beliefs that are were created on behalf of the whole party-"




I caught up with it last night also. I thought Corbyn made out of it better, the Paxman belief thing only reinforced his image I thought, as he said the things that went in the manifesto were voted by the party. If Corbyn put in only his "beliefs", he'd be gunning for role of dictator.


May just seemed to dig herself into a deeper hole. The whole "no deal is better than a bad deal" gained an affirmative nod the first time she said it. The several times after that just confirmed that she would take a bad deal over no deal.

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I only saw the latter half of Corbyn's interview with Paxman and it was pathetic. All Paxman wanted to talk about was Corbyn's anti-monarchy views, the out of context quote about Bin-Laden and something Corbyn said about the Falklands​ War 30 years ago. There was no attempt to challenge him on any issues in the manifesto, just trying to discredit him by bringing up irrelevant historical quotes.


I again only saw the very end of May's interview with him and he let her keep saying 'no deal is better than a bad deal' without pushing her for clarification and n what exactly no deal would entail and how it would be a complete disaster for both the UK and EU. I feel like the main problem with the EU Referendum vote (that the general public weren't given all of the facts) is happening again in relation to Brexit negotiations.

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Are they claiming the first was "just a practise run" and decide to accept the new result? Or making it a best-of-three?




I caught up with it last night also. I thought Corbyn made out of it better, the Paxman belief thing only reinforced his image I thought, as he said the things that went in the manifesto were voted by the party. If Corbyn put in only his "beliefs", he'd be gunning for role of dictator.


May just seemed to dig herself into a deeper hole. The whole "no deal is better than a bad deal" gained an affirmative nod the first time she said it. The several times after that just confirmed that she would take a bad deal over no deal.


A referendum on the deal, rather than a referendum on the hypothetical (which is essentially what the first was)

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A referendum on the deal, rather than a referendum on the hypothetical (which is essentially what the first was)


you think the nation is equipped to deal with that kind of thing?

I do think having one coherent vision for brexit from a leader in westminster would be best. I've not registered to vote because basically I disagree with all the parties too much to vote for any of them.

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you think the nation is equipped to deal with that kind of thing?


I don't think the nation is/was neither equipped nor provided with all of the relevant facts and information that would allow them to become equipped for such a big decision in the first place.


If they were given a say about in/out, then the nation should at least have some say about those final terms so that they fully be a part of what in/out entails.

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you think the nation is equipped to deal with that kind of thing?

I do think having one coherent vision for brexit from a leader in westminster would be best. I've not registered to vote because basically I disagree with all the parties too much to vote for any of them.


I'm too cynical to earnestly answer that at the moment :heh:


But I wasn't trying to suggest they should, its a good idea or whatever. Just answering EM's question as to what it would cover.

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There could be votes on anything !


Vote on do we like this deal.

Votes on should we ask for X.

Vote on whether to just leave now and say no deal.


Interesting times.


and probably what people would want to vote on would vary... really the brexit vote should have had all the main parties spell out their brexit vision, and tbh I imagine that would have been so watered down no one would have voted brexit (essentially saying we'd still be under EU regulation and freedom of movement I imagine... aside from UKIP hardest of hard brexits and conservative "um..." Tbh I'm surprised parties (lib dems, labour mainly) didn't try forcing the conservative hand more by having a comprehensive and well publicised plan of what brexit would look like under them... then asking the conservatives to do the same. Would have kinda screwed the conservatives a bit, trying to get a brexit policy together - it is unacceptable imo that cameron called the referendum with no plan for if the outcome was leave. His resignation for me was "oh... oh... oh dear... project fear II has failed...I.. I actually don't have a clue what to do now. Time to jump ship!"


anyway, the time for specifics was PRE brexit - ALL the parties failed there.


I hope the UK gets the best brexit government possible in the current situation, though I have not a clue what that would look like.

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Tim Farron was on form tonight. That'll go down well for the Lib Dems. Thought Corbyn also did well tonight and I'm already a fan of Caroline Lucas, who I was also excellent.


Can't their parties just merge into one, please? There are aspects of each that I like, which must make it frustrating for many others out there, too.

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Tim Nuttall: "All we were doing was removing yes evil dictators, but it was quite clear what was going to come next was even worse"


Is he talking about the UKIP change in leadership?


(near the end of this now having started 35 minutes late and took a two hour break)

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Tim Nuttall: "All we were doing was removing yes evil dictators, but it was quite clear what was going to come next was even worse"


Is he talking about the UKIP change in leadership?


(near the end of this now having started 35 minutes late and took a two hour break)

Did you just fuse together the UKIP and Lib Dem leadership?

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Have to say that Theresa May's decision to put Amber Rudd on stage instead of herself looks 10x worse now after the revelation that Rudd's father passed away 2 days ago. Is this what strong leadership is meant to look like? I'd have been furious had my boss played that card with me!

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Taken from here:




It's quite interesting in that it names each person or company who has donated more than £7500 during that week. For example Greg Dyke donated to the Lib Dems.


It's worrying how much more the Conservatives are getting though.

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Brexit negotiations...


Tory Team: Boris, Davis & Fox

Labour Team: Starmer, Gardiner & Thornberry


The Labour lot is a dream-team in comparison!



Did anyone watch Question Time?


If you have questions over Labour's ability to handle Brexit, Barry Gardiner answered them all, I felt.

He was superb last night... the guy was hitting home-runs all evening!

Showed he's far more competent and knowledgable than Davis!

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Tory MP, his Agent and a senior Tory official have been charged over the Election Expenses scandal.




I hope this is brought up in Question Time tonight!


Recall what May said about it at the time?



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Have to say that Theresa May's decision to put Amber Rudd on stage instead of herself looks 10x worse now after the revelation that Rudd's father passed away 2 days ago. Is this what strong leadership is meant to look like? I'd have been furious had my boss played that card with me!


I didn't watch the TV debate but from what I've read Amber Rudd said she wanted to take part.


"A friend of the family said: "It would have been madness for her (not to take part) - it's just not what her father would have wanted". - source The Telegraph - 31/05/2017


A no show from Sturgeon (I understand the reasons why) and a no show from anyone from N.I either. Separate N.I show as usual then. ::shrug:


I'm gonna just sit down sometime next week and read through as many manifestos as I can. I know who I am going to vote for anyway but have thought NOTA might be an option for me and I thought I would never say that.

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I didn't watch the TV debate but from what I've read Amber Rudd said she wanted to take part.


"A friend of the family said: "It would have been madness for her (not to take part) - it's just not what her father would have wanted". - source The Telegraph - 31/05/2017


A no show from Sturgeon (I understand the reasons why) and a no show from anyone from N.I either. Separate N.I show as usual then. ::shrug:


I'm gonna just sit down sometime next week and read through as many manifestos as I can. I know who I am going to vote for anyway but have thought NOTA might be an option for me and I thought I would never say that.


Amber Rudd shouldn't even have been considered for it. It's lazy and shitty leadership from May, as it would have been better for her to be on the show. If she didn't deem the debate worthy, then why bother sending anybody at all. It just smacks of cowardice and I'm glad that she's rightly been called out on it.


It made more sense for Angus Robertson to be on the show as he has more to do with Westminster than Sturgeon. No complaints there and I don't think it was even brought up by the other leaders on the show. If it was brought up, then it was quickly dealt with. You raise a good point about N.I. and I haven't got an answer for you there. I don't know what the reasons for that are.


I've made up my mind and I'm definitely voting Labour. Although, there are aspects of the Lib Dems and Greens that I like, too. I'm in a Conservative stronghold anyway. No chance of a Labour or Lib Dem win here at all.

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The constituency I live in (Warwick & Leamington) is historically a Tory stronghold, it was Conservative for 87-years from 1910 to 1997 when Labour took it as part of their near clean sweep. Since 2010 it's been back to Conservative but I have a good feeling that Labour could spring a surprise. Granted I can't venture very far from my house but I've seen more Vote Labour signs in my neighbourhood than I've seen before and my Dad, who has lived here all his life, says he's never seen so many Labour posters and signs around. I know that @130131301364 (curse you for your nonsense username) lives in the same constituency, have you seen a lot of Labour signs up in people's windows and gardens?

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