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General Election 2017 - MJ popcorn gif edition


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Hoping Le Pen doesn't get it. I haven't followed too much of world politics but from what a friend was telling me she seems to be another one of these pop-up fascists we're seeing/hearing a bit more recently. I find the current global political climate both bizarre and interesting.


For the UK having left the EU, I think Le Pen would be best... it would basically kill the EU...


Being in France I actually understand why she is popular, but I think people over estimate her competency on the issues that matter to them. Some people were talking of a civil war if she gets through... and I actually don't feel that is out of the question.

If she gets through all my short/medium term planning gets scrapped... security isn't perhaps considered the best over here, but if Le Pen gets through I'll have no confidence in my personal safety, and I'll be looking at moving out of the country, which isn't something I want because I'm just starting to feel settled :( Also I was hoping to live here with my Fiancée... but with the anti immigrant policies of Le Pen I think that would be at best optimistic... so... yeah. very worried.


I understood this to be just the presidential election, no prizes for runner ups. I live in an area where Le Pen comfortably beat Macron (40 for Le Pen to about 24 for Macron) so my view point is skewed pro Le Pen, and I hope that is all it is, but 7 May can't come soon enough for me... unless Le Pen actually scrapes 50.1%

The people I am hearing are "protest" voting for Le Pen (like apparently happened with Brexit) but given who she is, that seems a ridiculous thing to do. Even a woman who would (if Le Pen follows through) be forced to live in a separate nation to her husband seems to want Le Pen to win :|

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Hoping Le Pen doesn't get it. I haven't followed too much of world politics but from what a friend was telling me she seems to be another one of these pop-up fascists we're seeing/hearing a bit more recently. I find the current global political climate both bizarre and interesting.


Tbh, for the UK I think Le Pen is better. So my British patriotic side hopes she gets it. However everything else :shakehead I just watched 30 minutes of the debate between her and Macron, and have now decided the nations IQ will be revealed from the vote... double Macrons % of the votes, and you have the nations IQ. less than 100 and I am returning to the UK. Which would make the next few months... interesting, because I'll need to plan to emigrate elsewhere for 2018 :(

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Tbh, for the UK I think Le Pen is better. So my British patriotic side hopes she gets it. However everything else :shakehead I just watched 30 minutes of the debate between her and Macron, and have now decided the nations IQ will be revealed from the vote... double Macrons % of the votes, and you have the nations IQ. less than 100 and I am returning to the UK. Which would make the next few months... interesting, because I'll need to plan to emigrate elsewhere for 2018 :(


What makes you believe Le Pen would be better for Britain?

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What makes you believe Le Pen would be better for Britain?


I guess because she's anti-EU and would push for France to withdraw from the EU, therefore weakening it and potentially leading to its dissolution entirely.


A friend of mine said the exact same thing to me today. I think there's a lot of ifs and maybes and too many variables for it to be as straightforward as that.


I can only see a comfortable victory for Macron, which is better for the EU as he is all for it. Curious to see how a UK-version of him would do and whether he would be well received.

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I guess because she's anti-EU and would push for France to withdraw from the EU, therefore weakening it and potentially leading to its dissolution entirely.


A friend of mine said the exact same thing to me today. I think there's a lot of ifs and maybes and too many variables for it to be as straightforward as that.


I can only see a comfortable victory for Macron, which is better for the EU as he is all for it. Curious to see how a UK-version of him would do and whether he would be well received.


Pretty much, having said that, how she would be besides the brexit issue is another question.


I really hope Macron will win, but I am hearing a LOT of pro Le Pen talk where I work. Down here Le Pen tended to out do macron though, so I am aware I am getting biased views, but it is worrying that 18% are undecided. Macron is currently (last I saw) predicted at about 48% of the voting population (accounting for the undecided population). Personally I found Le Pen super week in the debate and I hope that is the general consensus.

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Le Pen is super weak generally (personally/politically rather than in terms of polling). She doesn't have much more to offer than anger and that only gets you so far in life, yet alone in government, especially when she could be hampered by the forthcoming elections that decide the government (I forget the French term) even if she was made President.


She's talked about keeping the Euro and bringing back the Franc but couldn't explain how the two would co-exist or what benefit it would bring. That's the problem with a lot of people like her, they're obsessed with semiotics (in this case the Franc being symbolic of France) and less with substance.


She would 'help' Brexit in as much as it would gum up the works further, after we've already decided to delay things two months ourselves, bringing us even closer to that cliff edge. Not that Macron will be some bastion that will help, nor will he hinder. He's very much an "as is" candidate in terms of Brexit and if we want to actually get something out of the next 23 months we need as little boat rocking as possible (because we're doing a good enough job of that anyway what with our PM spouting off paranoid ramblings).


Much hours later ninja-edit:


I also believe the EU's negotiating position is now fixed, as agreed over the weekend, and member states can't change it. Thus, even if Le Pen got in their negotiating position wouldn't be changed.

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So, local council elections are today. Due to a complete lack of information online, is it best to just go in and pick based on party (i.e. Labour) or to just ignore it as I have no information about the candidates?

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So, local council elections are today. Due to a complete lack of information online, is it best to just go in and pick based on party (i.e. Labour) or to just ignore it as I have no information about the candidates?


Does this help at all? -





Look up the area in North Wales where you live and then I guess google search the candidates name and they should have some information about them online.

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Does this help at all? -





Look up the area in North Wales where you live and then I guess google search the candidates name and they should have some information about them online.


Thanks - I was looking for at least a list of candidates. Googling their names results in nothing, though.


I suppose I could flip a coin between the Lib Dem/Independent people (no Labour) - a vote against a Conservative supporter is still better than nothing.

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Huh? Are these local elections everywhere in the UK today? We didn't get our poll card to let us know about it and tell us where to go vote... :S


Not everywhere.


Bournemouth was in 2015, so I think the next one there will be 2019. I could be wrong though, as Dorset is on the list.

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Not everywhere.


Bournemouth was in 2015, so I think the next one there will be 2019. I could be wrong though, as Dorset is on the list.


Ah thanks, I got really confused there! We officially live in Poole now, but it seems they had elections in 2015 as well.


Thought I had somehow messed up our registration on the electoral register!

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I guess because she's anti-EU and would push for France to withdraw from the EU, therefore weakening it and potentially leading to its dissolution entirely.


A friend of mine said the exact same thing to me today. I think there's a lot of ifs and maybes and too many variables for it to be as straightforward as that.


I can only see a comfortable victory for Macron, which is better for the EU as he is all for it. Curious to see how a UK-version of him would do and whether he would be well received.


I can already see the photo in the newspapers 'Macron meets Trudeau' and they will look like long lost cousins. Since Macron said he was neither left or right despite being in the Parti socialiste from 2006-2009, the nearest I can think of a UK version of him is of a younger Tony Blair when he became PM.


Macron will win (in part) because the EU project needs him and there is simply too much at stake if he loses. The EU considers Macron a safe pair of hands who will come down on the UK during the Brexit negotiations. This is contrast with Le Pen.


Here in the UK, the British PM has accused the EU of trying to affect the general election but considering the timing and 'if' this is true I think this could be seen as a warning to French voters, look at what happens to you if you leave the EU. Look at the final settlement you will have to pay. I'm sure some French voters are looking at what happens in the UK to decide whether to vote for Le Pen or not.


I think Marcon will win and people will be deluded into thinking that the Brexit and Trump votes were just a blip and that it can be business as normal. It won't.

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TM has said the EU is trying to affect the general election based on the following series of events:


She chooses to trigger article 50

She chooses to call a snap election, preventing the negotiations from being able to progress for two months

She chooses to invite Juncker to dinner

It is reported in a German newspaper, aimed at German nationals due to the affect Brexit will have on them (it doesn't appear online)


You have to think the EU has a hell of a lot of power if it can do the first three without her knowing or against her will, and a considerable amount of power still to do the forth.

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Well, I've put in my vote in Manchester... gone for Andy Burnham, Labour. He's been the outstanding candidate, with the Lib Dems as second choice.


Voted for Burnham as well, Greens second as the Lib Dems didn't really seem to offer much for me personally. I'm fairly confident he'll get it, he has some really good policies and I'd like to see if he's actually able to end homelessness by 2020 because it is far, far worse in Manchester than any other northern city.

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Pretty much, having said that, how she would be besides the brexit issue is another question.


I really hope Macron will win, but I am hearing a LOT of pro Le Pen talk where I work. Down here Le Pen tended to out do macron though, so I am aware I am getting biased views, but it is worrying that 18% are undecided. Macron is currently (last I saw) predicted at about 48% of the voting population (accounting for the undecided population). Personally I found Le Pen super week in the debate and I hope that is the general consensus.


Le Pen was really shit in the debate (from the last hour half or so, when I tuned in) and didn't really offer anything. Macron stood up to her and called her out for what she is. She doesn't have any plans whatsoever and the miniscule details that she does have are questionable at best.


I can already see the photo in the newspapers 'Macron meets Trudeau' and they will look like long lost cousins. Since Macron said he was neither left or right despite being in the Parti socialiste from 2006-2009, the nearest I can think of a UK version of him is of a younger Tony Blair when he became PM.


Macron will win (in part) because the EU project needs him and there is simply too much at stake if he loses. The EU considers Macron a safe pair of hands who will come down on the UK during the Brexit negotiations. This is contrast with Le Pen.


Here in the UK, the British PM has accused the EU of trying to affect the general election but considering the timing and 'if' this is true I think this could be seen as a warning to French voters, look at what happens to you if you leave the EU. Look at the final settlement you will have to pay. I'm sure some French voters are looking at what happens in the UK to decide whether to vote for Le Pen or not.


I think Marcon will win and people will be deluded into thinking that the Brexit and Trump votes were just a blip and that it can be business as normal. It won't.


The fact that Le Pen has made it into the second round shows that the far right are on the up in this section of the world. It most definitely won't be business as usual if Macron wins, but it might go some way to tipping the balance back towards the middle. Europe definitely needs Macron to win to begin to quash some of the other far right parties, who will be taking heart from what Le Pen is achieving.


I've accepted that Brexit is happening and that it's going to be a shitfuck. It's out of our hands now. The UK has a poor negotiating position and it's going to be a long couple of years. I've heard people talk about Le Pen being better for the UK in terms of Europe than Macron. I can't agree that the far right is good for anyone except the far right.

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The fact that Le Pen has made it into the second round shows that the far right are on the up in this section of the world. It most definitely won't be business as usual if Macron wins, but it might go some way to tipping the balance back towards the middle. Europe definitely needs Macron to win to begin to quash some of the other far right parties, who will be taking heart from what Le Pen is achieving.


I've accepted that Brexit is happening and that it's going to be a shitfuck. It's out of our hands now. The UK has a poor negotiating position and it's going to be a long couple of years. I've heard people talk about Le Pen being better for the UK in terms of Europe than Macron. I can't agree that the far right is good for anyone except the far right.


It's not just the rise of the far right I worry about, it's the lack of any real centre in politics now and the ebbing support for the political left across the west. The rise of polarised sides plus the lack of any meaningful and respectful discourse between people is also a worry too.

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Le Pen was really shit in the debate (from the last hour half or so, when I tuned in) and didn't really offer anything. Macron stood up to her and called her out for what she is. She doesn't have any plans whatsoever and the miniscule details that she does have are questionable at best.


agreed 100%... however I went into work yesterday and the responses to the debate there made me laugh. These people are in a district that voted le pen, surrounded by districts that mainly voted le pen, so I am taking comfort from that..(it's a bit like here everyone seems mainly to lean to the left) but tbh, I chose to laugh, but it was that or :cry:

They felt Macron shouted her down and gave her no chance to explain her own policies (ignoring the fact that her immediate response to EVERY question was basically to immediately say "Mr Macron is shit" "I'm for the people" or "Mr Macron did this" (at which point he would often point out actually he didn't...)


when they said about the 63% preferring Macron, a guy immediately shouted "it's false, they fabricated the result to manipulate people into voting for Macron" :| and another prior to that had said "people obviously don't understand politics".... :wtf:


I could have voted, but being new to the country decided I didn't know enough about the issues to make an informed decision... I didn't dream the French public were dumb enough to vote le pen in to the second round. this isn't even like farage , it's more like that bnp goon getting into opposition (or worse into power)

The fact that Le Pen has made it into the second round shows that the far right are on the up in this section of the world. It most definitely won't be business as usual if Macron wins, but it might go some way to tipping the balance back towards the middle. Europe definitely needs Macron to win to begin to quash some of the other far right parties, who will be taking heart from what Le Pen is achieving.


I've accepted that Brexit is happening and that it's going to be a shitfuck. It's out of our hands now. The UK has a poor negotiating position and it's going to be a long couple of years. I've heard people talk about Le Pen being better for the UK in terms of Europe than Macron. I can't agree that the far right is good for anyone except the far right.


I think in terms of Brexit she'd be better. In terms of general life, I imagine she would bring less stability to the region. There is the national assembly election in June, hopefully they will block Le pens more stupid plans and disillusion her supporters, but I imagine she'll just hold a few re-elections in the hope that she'll get the national assembly she wants.

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I'm hoping it's because the only people likely to vote for local elections are old people with nothing better to do.


But I'm aware that the general election will probably have the same outcome.


At least UKIP got wiped out.

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In fairness I think the turnout for all the mayor votes didn't top 35%.


I wonder how much of that is fatigue and how much of that is because its a new thing and people don't really know what they're voting for? I know towns/cities in the past have had "mayors" that by and large just cut ribbons so they might think its just that.

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