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Should I get a switch right now?

The Peeps

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I like my Switch but personally I'd wait to see if they fix the joycons. It's not a case of getting lucky or not with the controllers, as they probably all have this issue. It's more a case of your individual setup causing problems (e.g. sitting too far away, leaning back, things in the way [coffee table], etc). Basically, the controllers have a very weak connection to the machine when it's docked, likely due to the antenna placement/non-dedicated antenna in the left joycon, so it's really easily affected by these things. I've been able to take controllers for other systems in the other room and they still work, but not with the Switch.


Other than that, I'd recommend getting one as it's a great system.

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I've decided not to get one at the moment even though I really want one.

I actually had a pre-order at Game, walked in on launch day and canceled. Guy was like wtf?

For me it was the lack of clarity on certain services that put me off (is still putting me off). I don't understand why Nintendo can't be transparent about transfer of purchases / online subscription etc. They obviously know the answers to these questions, why leave fans in the dark?

Their lack of satisfactory response to issues since release also leaves me sceptical.

The Switch also has some minor issues at the moment. Some docks are bent, which means the screen is getting marks on it when it is slid in and out. The other issue is the left joycon desyncing when playing a game. I imagine both of these issues will be sorted with a new packaging and manufacturing process.

I will wait out these issues being sorted and actually knowing what I'm buying before jumping. In the mean time i'll get through my backlog on Wii U that probably won't transfer for free given Nintendo's current silence on the matter.


I'm not even hating on Nintendo here as I'm a one console gamer and it's always been Nintendo.

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I absolutely love the Switch but I still can't find good arguments to pursuade people into buying it asap.

Game catalogue will obviously be larger the longer you wait, especially if you're not to keen on the current offer.

The mentioned issues will almost certainly be fixed, so that's another reason patience is a smart decision.


So, what was my reason to get it now? Being part of the launch hype I guess, and the prospect of the hardware. I have a feeling that the Switch will be a lot more succesfull than the Wii U.

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I wouldn't say it's necessary but don't be waiting for a price drop. I'm not expecting this to drop price for a good while.


It's a great piece of hardware though. The hours I've pot in Zelda I don't think I would of done if it was a pure home console.


I take the switch everywhere.

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I wouldn't say it's necessary but don't be waiting for a price drop. I'm not expecting this to drop price for a good while.


It's a great piece of hardware though. The hours I've pot in Zelda I don't think I would of done if it was a pure home console.


I take the switch everywhere.


This is a bit true actually. As much as I said the portability potential for me isn't quite there so much - I've definitely put less into BotW on WiiU than I probably would be doing if I had a Switch. Tbh I'm almost convincing myself to get a Switch the more I consider the question! I wonder if I could charge BotW+WiiU rentals...;)


Have you reached a conclusion yet @The Peeps? What's your thought after the current discussion? And is portable mode a serious plus for you? If yes, then I don't see why you're not holding a Switch yet :P.


I'm also curious to know!

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Thanks for all the input guys. I do want a switch and I know I'll end up getting one eventually so I think I will go down the route of trading in/selling my Wii U to help keep costs down.


The real thing holding me back was the price. It's not that I think it's overpriced but that I was trying to justify spending all that money on a console I wasn't sure about.


I like the increased portability with the switch and there are a couple of games I'm interested in (Fast RMX and Arms).


Oh and I already have a PS4 :p

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Thanks for all the input guys. I do want a switch and I know I'll end up getting one eventually so I think I will go down the route of trading in/selling my Wii U to help keep costs down.


The real thing holding me back was the price. It's not that I think it's overpriced but that I was trying to justify spending all that money on a console I wasn't sure about.


I like the increased portability with the switch and there are a couple of games I'm interested in (Fast RMX and Arms).


Oh and I already have a PS4 :p


Yeah, if you're willing to part with your Wii U then that would be the best course of action. Kav got a fair bit for his Wii U and games, so you may end up paying very little or nothing at all. The problem is now you have to try and find a Switch. :D

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Thanks for all the input guys. I do want a switch and I know I'll end up getting one eventually so I think I will go down the route of trading in/selling my Wii U to help keep costs down.


That is a clever way to go. I should've done the same thing, as my Wii U have been collecting dust after I got a dedicated gaming PC, and the same can be said about my 3DS. If we had game stores who offered trade in-deals, I'd traded them both for the Switch.


And thanks for the update :D.


As much as I said the portability potential for me isn't quite there so much - I've definitely put less into BotW on WiiU than I probably would be doing if I had a Switch. Tbh I'm almost convincing myself to get a Switch the more I consider the question!


This is very true indeed. Seeing as I have a busy day, and I rarely have time to game, I actually love the portability aspect of the console. I find myself playing less and less on the TV, and it's actually really nice to be playing on the small screen. Yesterday I was stuck in town for 2 hours before I had a meeting with some friends, so I just sat down at a café, whipped out my Switch (:P) and played Zelda for 1.5 hours straight. It's awesome!

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I'm not gonna lie, there are times when I've thought to myself...


Would I really miss my Wii U if it wasn't there?


At this point though, I think of all the Virtual Console games I've built up on it and what I would have to do to reclaim them thanks to the absurd account system of sorts.


Plus it seems now that the Switch is out, the Virtual Console games for the Wii U have increased in frequency... :blank:


Not just the same titles either, some are newly released for the VC such as Harvest Moon 64, Bomberman 64 in addition to a slew of decent TG16 titles.


This leads me to believe that Nintendo must be planning on honouring purchases linked to your NNID from at least Wii U and 3DS onwards from when the Nintendo Network ID service launched, so it will likely still be possible to reclaim all these titles on the Switch but I really don't know what the case is if you've traded your Wii U in... because although you might use the same NNID on the Switch, I hear that if you delete it from the Wii U then everything just ceases to exist? ::shrug:


So I'm going to keep my Wii U at the very least for VC titles as I have way too much invested in it at this point but I'm also keeping it as it still represents a vital step for Nintendo into the HD era of gaming... a somewhat late step, followed by a few stumbles but towards the end of its retail life I feel like it really hit its stride in terms of decent and original titles. :)


Plus there are a fair few that I still need to finish or even unseal. :blush:


Long live the Switch of course - and the 3DS for as long as it can - but I'm not done with the Wii U just yet... :cool:


...I'll just be avoiding using the gamepad unless I absolutely have to. :p

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@The Peeps and @Happenstance - what games do you guys have on your WiiU? I'm after a few and will beat trade in prices if you've the interest!


Bayonetta 1&2

Mario Maker

Mario Kart 8

Super Smash Bros Wii U

Lego City Undercover

Xenoblade Chronicles X

Tokyo Mirage Sessions

Super Mario 3D World

Twilight Princess HD

Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze

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I'll get one in a year or so. It's not cutting edge technology so I'm not seeing anything new in that respect. The longer I wait the more games there will be, the better idea I'll have of the support it will actually get and there's a chance the price will come down to something reasonable.


I'm kind of waiting for Pokemon...

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It's the same reason i came up with for not getting a Switch was.


Is it worth spending £280 on a console just for one game?


And my answer was no. Why, because i can play that very game on hardware i currently own. Plus, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is basically the same Mario Kart i already own on the WiiU (just with a few added features, which i'm not fussed on). Splatoon wasn't for me, and when i played Arms i didn't think much of it in January. If i never owned a WiiU, then i'd probably have snapped up the Switch at launch. And yes, the one feature which i like is it's portability. I'd love to be able to play Zelda on the train to work each day, would give me a good reason.


But for 1 game,i can't justify spending that much on a console. Plus, the next few months, some of the games coming out are also coming on current hardware i already own (PS4) so again, i can't warrant a purchase yet. Maybe when Mario comes out, i might get one.

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Is it worth spending £280 on a console just for one game?


"A console just for one game" - So you're never planning on buying another game on Switch in it's entire lifespan?


Maybe when Mario comes out, i might get one.




Might I suggest, if you're going to spend £280 in November for Mario, why not just spend the same £280 in March, enjoy the best version of Zelda, at home or on the go, and any other games between now and the end of the year.

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Might I suggest, if you're going to spend £280 in November for Mario, why not just spend the same £280 in March, enjoy the best version of Zelda, at home or on the go, and any other games between now and the end of the year.


It could be less than £280 in November, or £280 with a game or two bundled in.

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It could be less than £280 in November, or £280 with a game or two bundled in.


True enough. If you want to wait and see, then it's all up to you. You could also wait until E3 and see if there is a nice lineup coming in the future, and then there'll probably be better availability as well. But if the prices are going to go down with about £30-40 in the holiday season, then there is not really that big of a point to wait. Just my personal opinion.

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"A console just for one game" - So you're never planning on buying another game on Switch in it's entire lifespan?


For now, it's just 1 game i'd be interested in. Which is Zelda, and i have a WiiU so can play it on that system. Bomberman, Splatoon 2 and Mario Kart 8 don't interest me (Mario Kart 8 i already own on the WiiU, and there isn't enough new to make me want to get it a 2nd time). I know there's other games on the Switch now, but they don't really interest me at the moment.




Might I suggest, if you're going to spend £280 in November for Mario, why not just spend the same £280 in March, enjoy the best version of Zelda, at home or on the go, and any other games between now and the end of the year.


But, as Cube said. There could be a bundle or two lined up around November, which would make the £280 current price more sweet.

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Bayonetta 1&2

Mario Maker

Mario Kart 8

Super Smash Bros Wii U

Lego City Undercover

Xenoblade Chronicles X

Tokyo Mirage Sessions

Super Mario 3D World

Twilight Princess HD

Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze


If you let me know your trade in prices I might be interested in beating them for Bayonetta, XCX, Tokyo Mirage Sessions and TPHD? I'm not 100% sure yet but I'm fancying trying to fill in bits of the Wii U's library that I've missed; maybe just for a collection's sake.


Maybe when Mario comes out, i might get one.


Not sure why you're bothering to argue over Jimbob's certainty for a Switch purchase with Mario in November given the above! Maybe might? Sounds so certain :p


Though I am being slightly facetious - I do understand the sentiment as I'm rather much in the same sort of feeling at the moment. Mario and the Online reveal/implementation details may be enough to sway me when the time comes - but it's not there right now and so I can't quite commit. With the WiiU I knew(or thought I knew) I'd be getting Smash and Zelda on the console eventually so that made that an easier buy - but I'm not sure those are enough for me for Switch without some other changes this time round.

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